Then, one day the surgeons came up from Phoenix again and made theirexamination and experiments, and after that the lessons and the day-dreams stopped.
When they are one year old, and prior to shearing them, another close examination of those previously marked takes place: those in which no defect can be found receive a second mark, and the rest are condemned.
This sleeve may be pushed out for one or two centimeters, and the particular spot under examination isolated from the adjacent parts without undue magnification.
Tracings proven and subsequently admitted to have been such have shown an apparent absence of all constraint, and a careful examination of the result revealed no pause of the pen.
The words 'science or art' include all subjects on which a course of special study or experience is necessary to the formation of an opinion, and amongst others the examination of disputed handwriting.
A critical examination of the documents in question produced an absolute conviction that they could not possibly have been written by Dreyfus.
An examination of these two figures shows that they satisfy the rules laid down.
From what has been said, and from an examination of the isothermal diagrams, Figs.
And still more because he was compelled by the Governor of the City, under fear of imprisonment, to restore certain trinkets and gems of his daughter, which he had taken away, as Count Guido testified in his examination (pp.
And so the examination of these cannot be renewed after the Fisc has yielded and quietly acquiesced in the sentence, from which it could appeal if it considered itself wronged.
And from the cross-examination of the driver it became evident that during their journey in the carriage they had done nothing else than kiss each other impurely.
With these statements the cross-examination of the same Francesca, when arrested in her flight, agrees; in it we nowhere read that she was maltreated, nor that she ever complained of that home of decent poverty.
Upon this point a complete and a very skilful examination was made by the other side, and because of this it was pretended that he had incurred the penalties of the Alexandrian Constitution and of the Banns.
As to Blasio Agostinelli enough has been written in the former argument, since he has not been examined anew, and in his former examination he confessed only that he was present at the said murders, but that he had no hand in them.
Very well, then," said His Honor, "let the examination proceed!
Let the cow be brought in as quickly as possible and after the examination of the exhibit we will proceed at once to the argument.
Crittenden was there with his cowboys; the calf was there with his barred brand and bloody ears—and as the examination progressed Pecos saw the meshes of a mighty net closing relentlessly in upon him.
The People's witness," ruled the judge; "let the examination proceed.
This book professes to contain the examination of four principal questions touching the alleged planets; 1st, Whether they exist?
Kepler never adopted this theory, and indeed, as the question merely regarded priority of invention, there could be no occasion, in the discussion, for an examination of its principles.
AS soon as Galileo had provided himself with a second instrument, he began a careful examinationof the heavenly bodies, and a series of splendid discoveries soon rewarded his diligence.
Therefore by Our order you have been cited to this Holy Office, where, on your examination upon oath, you have acknowledged the said book as written and printed by you.
It is a prolix and rather tedious examination of Grassi's Essay; nor do the arguments seem so satisfactory, nor the reasonings so compact as is generally the case in Galileo's other writings.
He failed however to establish the true law of refraction, and Kepler has devoted a chapter to an examination of the same question.
The fourth Dialogue is devoted entirely to an examination of the tides, and is a development and extension of the treatise already mentioned to have been sent to the Archduke Leopold, in 1618.
The king, who felt cross enough at having his slumber disturbed, received his confidential chief body-messenger very ungraciously, and at once began an examination of the case.
Thiuli seemed to be very anxious about Fatima, and put off the examination of the rest until a more favorable opportunity.
I will be strict and make her write out the examination properly; so send along the questions, and the appointment.
Professor Dustin, an elderly and myopic educator and the author of a monograph on the Gruebe method, had charge of the examination when Miss Frayn appeared.
He attended operations, post-mortems, and anything in the nature of an experiment, while the grim Dissecting Room knew him as well as if his living depended upon passing the examination in anatomy.
I was returning leisurely from the Dolomites, where a climbing holiday had combined pleasantly with an examination of the geologically interesting Monzoni Valley.
After this examination of the head, which served every purpose in view, and without examining the body below the neck, it was immediately restored to its situation, the Coffin was soldered up again, and the vault closed.
An examination of the muscles of the neck clearly proved that the head had been severed from the body by a heavy blow with a very sharp instrument, and this thoroughly confirmed the identification of the King.
At first, Roswell gave his schooner up; but on closer examination found reason to hope that she might pass the rocks, and enter the inner, rather than the Great Bay.
On examination this proved to be true, and the knowledge of the circumstance did not at all contribute to Gardiner's feeling of security.
On examinationof the cargo, it was found to be very little damaged.
And in those moments of calmness and repose that precede slumber his thoughts, as usual, assumed a more sombre cast as the future and that dreaded examination rose before his mind.
An examination of the vessel and cargo satisfied me, that the former could be repaired at very trifling expense, and that the latter was not damaged to much amount.
I think a heedful examination of the two lines, will satisfy the unbiased examiner that the hedge-pig whined, at least, four times.
The officials at the frontier, on recognizing the dignity of the traveler, abstained from any examination of his luggage, and offered him every facility.
The elderly serving-man still came on, seemingly not at all in a hurry to arrive, and gave ample time for an examination of his person.
On examination it was found that there were long hairs on the legs such as shown in the figure.
After the examination of the cord of this animal one is impressed with the suggestion that many cells of similar sort act alike, that is groups of cells, not individuals are involved in the simplest transmissions of impulses.
Cardinal Noailles, Archbishop of Paris, was at first one of its strongest supporters until the book, after a critical examination by a Papal commission, was condemned by Pope Clement XI.
Therein was developed a religious system that was apparently in harmony with the most orthodox asceticism, but which upon examination proved to be fundamentally false and seducing towards the most rampant error.
The instrument was immediately subjected to the examinationof a commission of cardinals, and only after long and heated discussions was it finally accepted by the Holy See.
Saint Aldegonde hastened to lay the result of this examination before the Duke of Anjou.
The letters and bills of exchange had also, on nearer examination at the Town House, implicated Anastro in the affair.
The late Lieutenant-Governor of the North-Western Provinces, a few years ago, presided at an examination of the students of a Government public school.
It was a quarter-past two when the examination in chief was concluded.
They made no examination and they sought no validation of consciousness.
As the prince had ordered that the examination should take place without delay, a court-martial was held in a room on the ground floor of the mansion occupied by his royal highness.
In the course of his examination he found some books, and with these he contrived to beguile the time till old Markland made his appearance.
To-morrow your examination will take place, and, in the meantime, you will be lodged in the Old Bailey.
As we shall see, when I come to a closer examination of finance, the main factor in producing this result has been the Old Age Pensions.
But the significance of these figures cannot be discerned without an examination of their counterparts on the British side of the account.
A brief examination of these schemes will throw into still stronger relief the merits of the simpler solution.
In fine, after every other examination I could think of, I was obliged to own the insufficiency of my skill.
These flies presently began to move, and turned round on the water very rapidly, as if they were vigorously alive, though on examination he found they were not so.
Mr. Jocelyn and the physician soon appeared, and after a briefexamination the latter called Mr. Jocelyn aside and said, "Her pulse indicates that she may die at any hour.
The physicians, after as thorough examination as was possible, and doing everything in their power, left him with hopeful words.
On two five-dollar bills there was a broad and ugly stain, which microscopic examination proved to be blood.
The generals met and discussed the situation, the scouts made hurried examination of the surrounding country, and the mystery was at an end.