With wrathe he begynnus to wrote, He ruskes vppe mony a rote With tusshes of iij.
You talked byrote of literature, but I could not tell of what you were really thinking.
You would write as your Southern mockingbird sings his "green-tree ballad"; the thought of that bird mewed in a city cage and taught to perform by rote and not for spontaneous joy, troubled me not a little.
For by finding truth they mean only learning by rotethe maxims current among them.
This is the third letter Ive rote since we landed.
Of course none of the things he rote about ever happened.
Angus was sayin things in Skotch I bet hed hate to have rote down as his last words.
French say Bill Dere Mable: Id have rote you sooner only the sensor wont let me tell where I am an I couldnt think of nothin else to say.
But the Captin just rote the name of his company on one of the guns with a piece of chalk.
You was so near to right a couple of times I wanted to get something definite on it before I rote you.
A couple of mornins after I rote you last Joe woke me up an said they were puttin on a battle upstairs.
Bill Dere Mable: All kinds of things has happened since I rote you last.
I bet Ive got gray hairs since I rote that last line.
I never thought when I sat here in the mud last May an rote you how Id escaped from the pearls of the sea, as the poets say, that Id ever sit here agen an rite you that I was comin home.
Bill Dere Mable: Since I rote you last I been over the top with the doboys, taken a woods that I cant see why anybody wanted, an collected enuff soovenirs to equip a South American army.
Well she rote to Hannah and me to send her up some chickins and duks and eggs and butter and other fresh frutes and vegetubbles, which she sez as they doo ask sich onlawful prices for em in the city markits as she cant conshuenshusly giv it.
And now I have ralely no more noose to tell you; only that I rote this letter awl outen my own hed without Hannah helpin of me.
We may have a ghost of a pretence for saying that a man grows a nose by rote, or even that he catches the measles or whooping-cough by rote; but do we mean to say that he develops the gout by rote in his old age if he comes of a gouty family?
If, then, rote and red-tape have nothing to do with the one, why should they with the other?
The last of the three methods is by far the best, whether the memory desired be rote or logical, for several reasons.
Rote memory depends on a special memory for words, aided by serial connections and often rhythm.
Rote memory is, of course, necessary if an individual is to make a success as an actor, a singer, or a musician.
The simple rote songs which the children learn in the first grade, or which they hear on the phonograph, may lead through various stages of development to the enjoyment of grand opera.
Rote memory is probably at its best in the pre-adolescent and early adolescent years.
Concerning the Plantain we read, "The rote of this herbe is mervalous good agaynst the payne of the headde, because the signe of the Ramme is supposed to be the house of the planete Mars, which is the head of the whole worlde.
Of the Waterlilies, we receive a still more generalised account: "Nenufar is an herbe that groweth in water, and hath large leves and hath a floure in maner of a rose, the rote thereof is called treumyan and is very bygge.
The "devylles bytte" is said to be "so called by cause the rote is blacke and semeth that it is iagged with bytynge, and some say that the devyll had envy at the vertue therof and bete the rote so for to have destroyed it.
The priests were men with no learning, who preached by rotewhat they neither understood nor appreciated.
You read every line of that there inquest on the French cove at the Saloon, and you have by rote every word Mr. Longcluse said.
High pressure gives the biggest results, provided only it is directed into high-level observation, and does not simply generate fear and worry and a rattle-brained frenzy of rote learning.
This pure rote learning will perhaps do the job, but it is slow and inefficient.
Not until after the names of the characters have been learned by roteis there any effort to teach the meaning of the words which they represent.
It thus becomes necessary in mastering the language to learn by rote a vast number of signs and characters,--a prodigious feat for the memory.
O my lord, I know by rote many stories of various kinds; so which of the kinds preferrest thou, and wilt thou have a story of mankind or of Jinn kind?
In short I have learned the theorick and the practick of all the arts and sciences; I know everything of them by rote and I am a past master in totâ re scibili.
I learnt by rote the last "Juzw" (or thirtieth part) and found that quite enough.
He rote a song once, fer a big vaudeville actor, and the actor wrote Izzy to send it along and if it was good he would send a check.
Do ye not hear, as she comes, 20 The bay of the deep-mouthed guns, The gathering rote of the drums?