Having beaten them, sift them through a fine tiffany searce, that no great pieces may be found in your electuary.
They periodically expose the mould to the air, and sift it so that no stones larger than the particles which they can swallow are left in it.
I sift the snow on the mountains below, And their great pines groan aghast; And all the night 'tis my pillow white, While I sleep in the arms of the Blast.
There were many experiments made with the bread, but those which were most unsatisfactory failed because it had been found difficult to sift the husks from the oats once the oats had been crushed.
These oats are crushed, but, siftthem as you please, treat them by every process which the ingenuity of the entire garrison can devise, they positively bristle all over with sharp-pointed pieces of the husks.
One must siftthe evidence, must cross-question the facts.
It was a bleak December morning; the first fine flakes of a cold, driving snowstorm were just beginning to sift down, and the squirrel was eager to finish harvesting his nuts in time.
These palpable interpolations and falsifications of his doctrines led me to try to sift them apart.
Marshall has written libels on one side; others, I suppose, will be written on the other side; and the world will sift both, and separate the truth as well as they can.
One day I sent him to beat out and sift some grain.
I shallsift this mystery to the bottom," thought he.
Leave me tosift this matter; give no note anywhere that we suspect.
He resolved, however, tosift the matter further, and to bide his time.
There might be "pay dirt" in all directions, but a man might scratch and sift until he starved and not get more than enough to buy him a new hat.
So the girl thanked her, and set out for a farm at a little distance, where she was engaged to milk the cows and sift the corn.
By-and-by the girl arrived at the farm, and she was engaged to look after the cows and sift the corn as her stepsister had been.
The next thing the girl had to do was to go to the storehouse, and to sift the corn through a sieve.
But this first thought served merely to give us a momentary relief from our alarm, and we determined we would sift the matter to the bottom, and no more expose ourselves to be taken at such disadvantage.
There are duties; let her examine them, sift them, prove them, and then point them out.
And they would not allow either themselves or others to siftthe general propositions, which were to cover and control the particular facts.
Hence, a critic would waste his time if he were to sift them with a minuteness which would be necessary, supposing that Hume had built an inductive argument upon them.
There was a flour barrel by the counter, and as he pondered he began mechanically to sift the flour through his finger and thumb.
Pound the bread to a powder, roll it with the rolling pin, sift and use the same as flour.
In making a cake, grease the tin with sweet lard rather than butter and sift a little dry flour over it.
Sulphur into fine powder, sift it into the melted cosmoline and stir until nearly cool, then add napthaline and oil bergamot.
I wish you had left me to my fate, and that we had shared the lot of our parents, for what threatens us here is more frightful than having to sift gold-dust in the scorching sun, or to crush quartz in mortars.
Sift the flour and sugar five times; measure, and set aside, as for angel cake.
Sift the flour, and begin with one pint, and two slightly heaping teaspoonfuls baking powder; add more flour as you beat.
Take one-half pint of flour and one teaspoon salt; sift together, and roll the fish in it.
To one pint of flour, add two teaspoonfuls of baking powder; sift together; add one heaping tablespoon of butter, and a pinch of salt.
Sift in as lightly as possible four teacups of flour, and put in pan.
After sifting flour four or five times, measure and set aside one cup; then sift and measure one and one fourth cups granulated sugar; beat whites of eggs about half; add cream tartar and beat until very, very stiff.
I saw your light as I was passing, Arthur, and I thought I'd sift in and thank you for all those kind words of yours yesterday.
Sift some sugar over them, and bake them in a very hot oven.
Sift fine sugar over it, before it is sent to the table.
Sift a quarter of an inch of good fresh mould over the roots of perennial flowers, whose stalks have been cut down, and then rake over the borders.
Sift one pound of sugar, some pounded cinnamon, and nutmeg grated, into three pounds of fine flour.
Pound and sift four ounces of double-refined sugar, and beat it with the whites of two eggs till perfectly smooth.
It is proper to put apple jelly over jam or preserved fruit, or to siftsugar over the tops of the jars; and when cold, cover them with brandy paper.
Sift over them a little fine sugar, just before they are put into the oven.
Sift some fine sugar over, and let them remain in a pan two days; then boil the stalks clear and green, and let them drain in a cullender.
When cold, sift over it plenty of white sugar, and brown the top with a salamander.
Turn it out of the dish before it is sent to table, sift some fine sugar over it, and lay a Seville orange round it cut in pieces, and squeeze the juice upon it.
Sift fine sugar over it when sent to table, and pour white wine sauce into the dish.
Roll it out thin, cut out the cakes with a tin or glass, sift sugar over them, and bake them in a quick oven.
To repair any article of this description, beat some lime into the finest powder, and sift it through muslin.
Or beat up the white of an egg, wash the paste with it, and sift over some white sugar.
Beat and sift a pound and a quarter of double-refined sugar; grate the rind of two large lemons, and mix it well with the sugar.
Sift the fruit all over with double refined sugar previously prepared, till it is quite white.
I bent down and scooped a handful of the sand, and raised it in the palm of my hand, letting it sift back again to earth; it was surely sand.
Take from your earth its vital spirit, the energy that subjects matter, and your so-called adamantine rocks would disintegrate, and sift as dust into the interstices of space.
I have been to Mrs Maple, and I have worked out the truth, at last; though nobody would believe the pains it cost me before I couldsift it to the bottom.
I think it my duty, as a citizen of the Union, to espouse their cause; and it is incumbent upon every member of this house to sift the subject well, and ascertain what can be done to restrain a practice so nefarious.
Sift together 2 cups of flour, half a teaspoonful of salt, and 2 level teaspoonfuls of baking powder.