He is by turns the representative of the virtues individually, and a compendium of them altogether: and this monster, whose features are the counterpart of his soul, find republican parasites who congratulate themselves on resembling him.
Bourguet, a Frenchman, by comparing the tables in the Roman with those in the Etruscan character, found that the former was a compendiumof the latter, and that many words in the one corresponded with words in the other.
The short Compendium of Logic, which is more original than such works usually are, is remarkable chiefly for the large proportion of psychological matter which it contains.
This compendium, together with the Compendium of Metaphysics, was republished at Strassburg in 1722.
A patriot, a classicist and a purist all at once was Pietro Giordani, born in 1774; he was almost a compendium of the literary movement of the time.
Of this ill-conducted and unfortunate expedition, he not only made a sketch in his Roderick Random, but afterwards inserted a more detailed account of it in the Compendium of Voyages.
In the same year was published a Compendium of Authentic and Entertaining Voyages, in seven volumes, which was said to have been made under his superintendence.
The official compendium of the census (page 115) tells us that inhabitants of Slave States who are natives of Free States are more numerous than inhabitants of Free States who are natives of Slave States.
After holding one or two posts under the patronage of Napoleon, he devoted himself to history, publishing a history of Italy prior to the period of Charlemagne, a compendium of Italian history, &c.
He wrote a compendium of medicine, and treatises on theology, philosophy, jurisprudence, &c.
Individuæ Trinitatis may be regarded as his dogmatic masterpiece; a compendium of dogmatics based upon Augustine’s writings.
These three strings are described in succession, and so the book forms a complete compendium of Christian faith and life, with a sharp polemic against the debased church doctrine and morals of the age.
As the names of many leading Republicans are presented as recommending a compendium of the volume, it is proper that I should explain how those names were obtained in advance of the publication.
I never read Mr. Helper's book, or the compendium founded upon it.
Nimbârka expressed his views in a short commentary on the Vedânta Sûtras and also in ten verses containing a compendium of doctrine.
The former is a compendium of doctrine illustrated by quotations from what the author regarded as scripture.
Hence they may be a compendium of his teaching made by his pupils.
Yet if this concise and authoritativecompendium had existed in 400, it is strange that the earlier translators neglected it.
There is also ascribed to him a work called the Suhrillekha or friendly letter, a compendium of Buddhist doctrines, addressed to an Indian king.
Much of it is avowedly based on the principle that in this degenerate age the Veda is difficult to understand,[440] and that therefore God in His mercy has revealed other texts containing a clear compendium of doctrine.
An excellent and comprehensivecompendium of French history, quite above the standard of a school-book, and particularly well adapted for the libraries of literary institutions.
We have carefully read this truly satisfactory book, and do not hesitate to say that it is an excellent compendium of the great facts of Geology, and written in a truthful and philosophic spirit.
See also Compendium of the Doctrines of the Gospel, by Franklin D.
From Compendium of the Doctrines of the Gospel, by Franklin D.
Each of them is endeavoring to present a compendium of universal knowledge according to the conventional analysis of the seven liberal arts.
Whichever establishment may be entitled to the praise for commencing so useful a compendium of City news, one thing appears very certain--viz.
This double biography is a compendium of the general and special history, barring variations, of all the noble families who emigrated having debts and property, dowagers and tact.
The Garden Vade Mecum, or, Compendiumof General Gardening, etc.
British Fauna, Containing Compendium of Zoology of the British Islands, Arranged According to the Linnaean System.
Compendium Florae Philadelphiae, containing a Description of the Indigenous and Naturalized Plants Found within a Circuit of Ten Miles around Phila.
Alchemy was treated in [thorn]e Opus Minus and in [thorn]e Compendium Philosophiae.
A compendium for [thorn]e use of young preachers, consisting of 7 parts: i.
Physics in [thorn]e greatCompendium Philosophiae (see below).
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compendium" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.