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Example sentences for "weekly"

Lexicographically close words:
weeke; weekend; weekends; weekes; weeklies; weeks; weel; weele; weell; weels
  1. Wages weekly dropping, and just work enough to hinder sheer idleness; that sort of thing keeps the people in very humble trim.

  2. An Illustrated Weekly Journal of Architecture and the Building Trades Each number is accompanied by six fine quarto illustrations, while illustrative cuts are liberally used in the text.

  3. Thus he became the compositor, pressman, editor, proprietor, publisher, and newsdealer of the Weekly Herald.

  4. Table 1 shows the weekly weights of the casein rats, the weekly gain or loss, and the weekly consumption of food.

  5. Table 3 shows the weekly weights and gains or losses of the rats fed Rations 3 and 4.

  6. A layman wrote to a high-glass weekly magazine published in New York City protesting against an advertisement of Sanatogen which the magazine was carrying, and sending a reprint of The Journal’s article on this product.

  7. I beg you to go to the office of the News and subscribe for their weekly paper for me, with the back numbers for the period since the beginning of the war.

  8. The weekly teachers'-meeting is an indispensable assistant to every faithful teacher.

  9. All need training for the work, and the weekly teachers' meetings ought to be the grand normal training-schools for Sabbath-school teachers everywhere.

  10. Quarterly meetings for business, and weekly meetings for mutual assistance and counsel, and for the study of the lesson, shall be held by the teachers and officers.

  11. A good mission-school of teachers has sometimes sustained a dozen weekly neighborhood prayer-meetings.

  12. Once a month each church devotes one of the weekly prayer-meetings to hearing reports from the visitors, and conferring and praying over this great work.

  13. Get for them The Sunday-School Times, and attract them into the regular weekly teachers' meeting.

  14. In the weekly prayer-meeting he has a word about the school, just enough to enlist their sympathies and their prayers.

  15. Some of the holiest Christian influences are carried weekly into little hearts and numerous families by these sweet songs of the children.

  16. Another plan still is to devote the usual weekly Teachers' Meeting of a school to a regular normal class or training Institute.

  17. It would seem that this weekly once made a beginning, which was also an end, before nourishing up into the series of which I have synopsized the first issue; for there is another Number One without date, but apparently earlier.

  18. Closely following on this was another accident, as we read in The Weekly Miscellany of Oct.

  19. The following account of it is given in Read’s Weekly Journal, of 25th November.

  20. After this it became a settled habit between them, he writing by the weekly steamer, telling her every thought of his life, and she replying at long intervals.

  21. He will be here day after to-morrow; he is at Amboy, and will come by the weekly packet.

  22. My acquaintance with her commenced when she was twelve years of age by her weekly attendance at my house amongst a number of children whom I invited and regularly instructed every Saturday afternoon.

  23. Little Jane used constantly to appear on these weekly seasons of instruction.

  24. The attendants were not many, but I was glad to perceive among them some of the children who had been accustomed to receive my weekly private instruction along with her.

  25. I now recollected her quiet, orderly, diligent attendance on our little weekly meetings; and her marked approbation of the epitaph, as related in my last paper, rushed into my thoughts.

  26. So there were added four performances to the weekly five originally set down for Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings, and Saturday afternoons.

  27. From the persistent abuse lavished on a "bloated and parasitical aristocracy" by Hyde Park demagogues and a certain unpleasant portion of the weekly press.

  28. The first time Frank witnessed this piece of acting Jerry had been at the cottage a year, and he had come to pay his weekly due.

  29. It isn't every year we celebrate peace," says a correspondent in a weekly paper.

  30. A weekly paper states that if every soldier who served in France during the War would place all the letters he had received in a line they would reach a little more than once round the world.

  31. They then informed the French deputies that 1,000 pairs of shoes had come from the Society as a gift to the soldiers of liberty, and the gift would be repeated weekly for the next six weeks.

  32. Its finances were scarcely on a par with its title: they consisted of eightpence, the first weekly subscription.

  33. Mr. PUNCH was represented at the head of the table so well that you could know him at once from his weekly frontispiece.

  34. It was now discovered that the fashionable entertainment of the Dutch ladies was to take special weekly trains from Pretoria for the purpose of joining the Boers on the hills outside Ladysmith and inspecting the unhappy town.

  35. But the two numbers for January were so far successful, that February 6th saw the commencement of a weekly issue.

  36. So the Weekly Political Register was in its glory.

  37. I wish the weekly animated news of all the world could see us now," I said.

  38. Henry III granted the nuns of Catesby a weekly market every Monday within their manor of Catesby and a yearly fair for three days in the same place; and almost any monastic chartulary will provide other instances of such rights[293].

  39. He infers the weekly rate of pay (where it can be inferred with any certainty) to be 6d.

  40. Nuneaton was allowed "for certain quarters of corn given weekly to the poor and sick at the gate of the monastery at 12d.

  41. The weekly service in the kitchen would seem to have disappeared completely.

  42. There were also a maltster, to make malt, and a brewer and baker, to prepare the weekly ration of bread and ale; sometimes these offices were performed by men, sometimes by women.

  43. Without making adequate announcement, the employers withheld two hours' pay from the weekly stipend.

  44. Here resorted the speculators from all parts of the South, to attend the weekly auctions of imported cargoes; and the town was infested with rogues and desperadoes, who made a livelihood by robbery and murder.

  45. We were growing very tired of the monotony of prison life, scarcely varied except by the daily game of football and the semi-weekly reports of the capture of Richmond, when a rumor began to circulate of a speedy exchange of prisoners.

  46. Some of the women, both in country and town, take places as house servants and nurses at weekly wages that vary from $1 to $2 with board.

  47. The weekly number was always read to the family circle before it was sent away, and all the household kept up an intense interest in the progress of the story.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "weekly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    annual; biennial; daily; daybook; diary; diurnal; extra; fortnightly; hourly; journal; magazine; menstrual; momentary; monthly; news; newspaper; organ; paper; periodical; pictorial; publication; rag; regular; review; secular; semiannual; semimonthly; serial; sheet; special; tabloid; triennial; weekly; yearly

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    weekly newspaper; weekly paper