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Example sentences for "minimize"

Lexicographically close words:
minime; minimis; minimise; minimised; minimising; minimized; minimizes; minimizing; minimo; minims
  1. This discussion is not intended to minimize the value of creative skill, or of power of intellectual criticism.

  2. A writer who seeks to minimize the importance of the issue between the relative and the absolute conceptions of value is Professor J.

  3. A law which tends to minimize the commercial or competitive conditions existing at the present time will necessarily result to the disadvantage of shippers, to the carrier, and to the communities they serve.

  4. But by no means can we minimize the actual situation of today.

  5. The student of human society cannot minimize the importance of race heredity.

  6. It is therefore proper that the public should organize on its part to minimize the derangement of its interests.

  7. The Young Turkish revolution of 1908, which at first seemed destined greatly to minimize German power at Constantinople, really resulted in an opposite effect.

  8. The result of this procedure is to minimize the agreement reached, and to emphasize the disagreement.

  9. Major Rhoades was supported by the militia in carrying out a policy to immunize every home in Dayton if necessary, and thus minimize the danger of epidemics.

  10. What Congress can do to prevent or minimize them in future by putting the army engineers at work to construct dams for the collection and restraint of waters in the valleys north of the threatened cities must be done, whatever the cost.

  11. It may be necessary, however, to repeat that it contains clear, and in the main accurate, sketches of the embryology of a number of animals, only slightly colored by the tendency to minimize differences.

  12. So alarming has it become that it has aroused the American people to a realization that something must be done to reverse it or at least to minimize it.

  13. It is always as useless and as wrong to minimize as it is to exaggerate, and we were simply accounting for facts.

  14. The metal terminal at the top of the carbon block is of bronze, both it and the lock nuts and bolts being nickel-plated to minimize corrosion.

  15. In order to minimize the leakage of air through the brickwork, the furnace and tunnel are kept as nearly as possible at atmospheric pressure by the combined use of pressure and exhausting fans.

  16. To minimize the risk of loading the cannon, the charger carries in his pocket the plug of a stage switch (the only plug of its kind on the ground), so that it is impossible to complete the circuit until the charger has left the gallery.

  17. Society I met at Bongandanga seemed to me to try, in very difficult and embarrassing circumstances, to minimize as far as possible, and within the limits of his duties, the evils of the system I there observed at work.

  18. To minimize the cracking, either bar or wire mesh reinforcing is used in the concrete.

  19. The poet may join physical deformity with beauty because he can minimize the defect with words, but the painter has no such recourse.

  20. The truth is, he was ready to pose as the saviour of a people, but was not equally ready to suffer exile for patriotic actions, and so he sought to minimize the part he had played in 1849.

  21. The cautious in character minimize the number of surprises they may get by preparing.

  22. For he will not acknowledge that there is anything essential or permanent in that divided inner world; he would minimize it or explain it away.

  23. The method of valuation should be such as to minimize or entirely eliminate all differences due to errors of personal judgment.

  24. At present we would seem to be a long way from a method of valuation, "such as to minimize or entirely eliminate all differences due to errors of personal judgment.

  25. On the contrary, he would have tried to conceal it, to distort the facts or minimize them.

  26. It was not that Ronald shirked his filial obligations, but rather because of his heavy sense of them, that Mr. Grew so persistently sought to minimize and lighten them.

  27. Any attempt to question or minimize Lanfear's theories roused in his disciple the only flashes of wrath I have ever seen a scientific discussion provoke in him.

  28. He limped slightly, and Saxon divined that he was doing his best to minimize that evidence of hurt.

  29. He's going to minimize the losses of that mistake.

  30. It does not in any way minimize the importance of the proposal, but it gives more accurate information upon some of the phases of the question than we have heretofore had.

  31. In order to minimize the chance of error, the Spook expounded to the Pimple every bit of medical lore which Doc.

  32. Now,” said Hill, by way of grace after meat, “let us begin to minimize that risk.

  33. In order to minimize the flow of current to other conductors in the vicinity of the car rails, copper cables returning directly to the substation are connected to the rails at suitable intervals.

  34. Wide trenches (6 feet at the top), to minimize the risk of men getting buried during bombardment.

  35. Endless difficulties beset every expedition to the tropics, even when forethought and care minimize the risks from disease.

  36. He reported Pitt's gracious effort to minimize the difficulties of form arising from the lapse of official relations between France and England.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "minimize" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abridge; abuse; belittle; condense; debase; decry; degrade; deprecate; depreciate; diminish; disclaim; discount; discredit; disgrace; disparage; disregard; downgrade; dwarf; flout; laugh; minimize; overshadow; play; reduce; shorten; slight; smooth; talk; underestimate; underrate; undervalue; weaken