This fool imagines, as do mony sic, That I'm a wretch in compact with Auld Nick; Because by education I was taught To speak and act aboon their common thought.
This fool imagines, as do mony sic, That I'm a witch incompact with Auld Nick, Because by education I was taught To speak and act aboon their common thought.
The small, compact flocks commonly fly low over the marshes, and often take the hunter by surprise.
In 1986 independence was attained under a Compact of Free Association with the US.
Economic aid - recipient: under terms of the Compact of Free Association, the US pledged $1.
In 1840, their chieftains entered into a compact with Britain, the Treaty of Waitangi, in which they ceded sovereignty to Queen Victoria while retaining territorial rights.
More than all, those pattering footfalls were such as to indicate that the swarthy horsemen were not approaching in a compact group.
The small and compact cluster of rooms is in a remarkable state of preservation, especially the outside wall.
Although it is much larger than Nutria it is wholly comprised within the compact group illustrated.
From its larger size and more compact arrangement this south half would seem to have greatly needed such facilities, but the preserved walls show no trace of them.
The result is that Zuñi, while not comparable in symmetry to many of the ancient examples, displays a remarkably compact arrangement of dwellings in the portions of the pueblos first occupied, designated on the plan (Pl.
On a prolongation of the mesa occupied by the Horn House, midway between it and another ruined pueblo known as the Bat House, occur the remains of a small and compact cluster of houses (Fig.
Mashongnavi, situated on the summit of a rocky knoll, is a compact though irregular village, and the manner in which it conforms to the general outline of the available ground is shown on the plan.
The soil must be made compact and clods of all sizes must be crushed.
On the other hand, land from which a crop of corn or cotton has just been harvested is in a compact condition.
Too much watering makes the soil too compact and rots the seed.
Compact=: a soil is said to be compact when the particles are closely packed.
A compact soil below makes a moist undersoil; and this is desirable, for the soil water is needed to dissolve plant food and to carry it up through the plant, where it is used in building tissue.
But to have a thoroughly settled, compact seed-bed the breaking of the land should be done at least a month before the seeding, and it will help greatly to run over the land with a disk harrow immediately after the breaking.
Churning is only a second step to collect in a compact shape the fat globules.
Will a soil that is fine and compact produce better crops than one that is loose and cloddy?
The entire cowl board turned down, revealing a compact but powerful wireless outfit.
We shall have to get two portable sets with compact detectors and begin a watch in Hoboken.
A ripple-like movement took place amongst the compact multitude where the snake had dropped.
Then the lads shook hands solemnly, and the compact was made, which gave them a grand object in life, and sent them forth in search of the adventures which are now to be related.
Around them spread a barren desert; even the river-bed was choked up with a moving compact mass of blackness.
He caused the army to be brought up to the river at this point, and to be encamped there, as near to the bank as possible, and in as compact a form.
They formed themselves immediately into a compact and solid body, fortified themselves as well as they could in their position, and prepared for a desperate defense.
No matter, Shuffles; I am bound by the compact we made, but I shall persist in regarding Gordon, Kendall Foster, and others as members.
The seedlings of walnuts, like those of other species, usually produce long taproots, and if grown in a compact soil, these will have few small lateral fibers the first season, as shown in Fig.
A compact granular cryptocrystalline mineral of a dull grayish or greenish white color.
Having a smooth, compact shell without pores; -- said of certain Foraminifera.
Neither her father nor her lover should ever be told now of the sordid compact that Raymond had put before her during that memorable walk by the side of the Aven.
We would be making a compact to our mutual advantage," he said.
It was this vessel that bore to American shores the first compact German band of immigrants, under the leadership of Franz Daniel Pastorius.
The political exclusiveness of the Family Compact did not rouse resentment half as deep as did their religious, or at least denominational, pretensions.
The compact was to be carried out, not by treaty, but by concurrent legislation.
The little clique in control had much less popular backing than the Family Compact of Upper Canada and were of lower caliber.
The refusal of the Compact to permit Methodist ministers to perform the marriage ceremony was not soon forgotten.
The opposition to the Family Compact was of a more motley hue, as is the way with oppositions.
The course of the conflict between the Compact and the Reformers cannot be followed in detail.
But with the support of the Reformers and of the more moderate among the Family Compact party, Sydenham forced his measure through.
When Baldwin, who had been given a seat in the Executive Council, demanded in 1841 that this body should be reconstructed in such a way as to include some French-Canadian members and to exclude the Family Compact men, Sydenham flatly refused.
The French stood aloof, it is true, a compact and sullen group, angered by the undisguised policy of Anglicization that faced them and by Sydenham's unscrupulous tactics.
Robinson's "Life of Sir John Beverley Robinson" (1904) is a lifeless record of the greatest Compact leader.
And also this: "The compact giving Bosnia and Herzegovina to Austria is now (1908) known to Lucien Wolf.
A compact laying down the principle of mutual support between the two Radicals was proposed in a letter written by Chamberlain to Dilke--then at Toulon--immediately after the General Election had given the Liberals a sweeping triumph.
The Daily Telegraph, which was the Jingo organ, said: "If such a compacthas been concluded, this country has fatally descended from the lofty position occupied by the Salisbury despatch.
Not only was the compact authentic, but there were two other secret compacts of the same date which did not come out.
Massed against the camp-bedsteads was another compact crowd; for here were some of the best places of all.
It is bounded on each side by a compact calcareous rock resembling the mountain limestone of England and rising on the east side to about 100 feet above the Bell.
The reefs at Portland Bay consist of the same rock in rounded nodules, a more compact trap-rock consisting principally of felspar lying above them, as was observable in the section of the coast.
The ground on the eastern shore was full of wombat holes which had been made in a stratum of compact tuff about a foot in thickness.
The rock consisted of a base of compact felspar with embedded grains of quartz, giving to some parts the character of conglomerate, and there were also embedded crystals of common felspar.
In the opposite bank of the river I found several thin strata of compact chert containing probably fragments of corallines, not only on the surface but embedded in the limestone.
The steep banks beyond the river consisted of clay-slate having under it a conglomerate containing fragments of quartz cemented by compact haematite.
It consisted of a variety of the same quartz rock as Wallangome, but contained pebbles of laminated compact felspar.
These weapons are cut according to the grain from the curved parts of acacia or other standing trees of compact hard wood.
A light-coloured compact calcareous rock resembling mountain limestone; at Buree and Wellington, rising, at the former place, to the height of about 1500 feet above the sea.
We found on other parts of this open ground large blocks composed of irregular concretions of ironstone, covered with a thin coating of compact brown haematite.
We found at the mouth of the fissure some fine specimens of shells, coral, and other marine productions, embedded in several thin strata of a coarser structure under one of very compact limestone upwards of 20 feet thick.
The lower parts of the same country, according to the rocks seen in Yalwal creek, consist of granite, basalt, and compact felspar.
This hill had a very remarkable feature--a deep chasm separating it from the ridge behind, the sides being so steep as to present a section of the trap-rock which consisted principally of compact felspar.
Nevertheless, the fact remains that The Lifter broke the compactwhich binds us loyally to one another.
Suppose we seal a compact between us to have as our highest aim our escape from this den?
It is so compact in some places as almost to resist the pick-axe; in others it seems to partake of marl, is less gravelly, and readily penetrated.
It is so compact in some places, as almost to resist the pick-axe; in others it seems to partake of marl, is less gravelly, and readily penetrated.
The streets are narrow, and the whole village as compact as if built to sustain a siege.
On going deeper, the rock again graduated into a compact limestone, very hard, and of a bluish-gray color, in which were frequently found small cavities studded over with minute pyramids of limpid quartz.
This stone was in some instances completely disintegrated, forming a calcareous sand; and the most compact bodies of it, on a few weeks' exposure at the mouth of the shaft, fall into grains.
Its texture is vesicular, yet it is sufficiently compact to admit of being quarried with advantage, and the stones are applied to the purposes of milling with the best success.
In some parts of it, compact bodies of pebbles and reddish clay, very similar to that found on the cliffs, are seen, which creates an idea that the cavern must have been an open orifice at the geological era of the diluvial deposits.
The western banks of the Mississippi, between St. Genevieve and Herculaneum, present a mural front to this district, in a series of elevated perpendicular cliffs of compact limestone.
Because Greanelle had bored her a little she had shunted him off and was amusing herself talking to Cowperwood, who fascinated her by his compact individuality.