As a clergyman of the church he could not countenance a lie, live a lie, and stand idly by while Herresford compelled the bank to refund the money stolen from them by his wife.
The old man must refundand make good the loss, or we are in a predicament.
I have now so fully proved the use of those engines, that I have engaged to take this one back if it does not answer their purpose, and to refund the whole sum if they return the engine to me in working order within four years.
I willrefund the whole of the sum I am to receive for it.
This refund might be in cash, in presents to himself or his family, in salary allowances to clerks, in free passes, or in free transportation of other goods.
Many services or facilities are worth as much to a merchant as a direct refund in cash.
But the more he pondered on the course to be taken should Dodd live, the plainer did this dilemma stare him in the fade: either he must refund or fly the country with another man's money, and leave behind him the name of a thief.
How can I save the bank with a few thousand pounds, which I must refund when called on?
Perhaps you would like me to refund to you all my creditors' money wholesale, as well as Mr. Todhetley's?
The case is this: I am not able to refund the debt to Squire Todhetley, and he has no power to enforce his claim to it.
I'd be pretty soon on his trail and ask him to refund my money.
But some allowances must be made for a man who loves money, on finding himself obliged to relinquish so large an estate, and to refund so large a sum as he holds of yours.
If absent from sickness during any portion of a term, a refund of that portion applicable to subsistence will be permitted.
No refund of contribution will be made for any portion of the half year in which the cadet may be removed from the establishment, without the special sanction of the Secretary of State for War.
If a cadet be absent from sickness during a portion of the term, his pay will continue to be issued and credited to his account; but norefund of the contribution will be permitted.
Finally conditions were such that it became imperative to refund the debt and place the finances of the Republic upon a sound basis.
Provision should also be made for the refund of additional taxes heretofore collected because of such infractions in those cases where the penalty imposed has been so disproportionate to the offense as equitably to demand relief.
I recommend to your favorable consideration a proposition, which will be submitted to you, for authority to refund the duties and cancel the bonds thus received.
Any State having received bonds as aforesaid and afterwards reintroducing or tolerating slavery therein shall refund to the United States the bonds so received, or the value thereof, and all interest paid thereon.
Justice demands that provision should be made by Congress to compensate them for their services and to refund to them the necessary expenses which they have incurred.
Afterwards I gave your letter to Baldassare, and asked him for the child (the sleeping Cupid), saying I was ready to refund his money.
Giorgio made Messer Baldassari refund the two hundred ducats and take the Cupid back, so Michael Angelo got nothing for his journey.
Oh, God knows, I would refund every cent if I had it!
They buy young girls, permit them to enjoy a certain amount of freedom by seeking a shelter and livelihood in the manner which suits them best; and for this privilege they refund to their masters a percentage of their gains.
He therefore wrote to him to at once refund all the confiscated property, and to accord to his Emirs the treatment to which their position entitled them.
The usual offence is asserting that there are accusations and that he will save the accused from prosecution; for this he must refund the money received, appear in an auto and suffer two hundred lashes and five years of galley service.
When Mrs. Luttridge knows that I have it in my power to expose her to public shame, she will instantly refund all that she has iniquitously won from you.
I have, therefore, not only been unable to refund the advance ordered, but been obliged to go beyond it.
At that time, I supposed that I might refund it, or spare so much from my expenses, by the time the third quarter became due.
When called upon to refund they refuse, and make the contributions of the Presbyterian slave-dealers of the United States a sort of corner-stone of their Free Kirk.
I agreed to give the slave-merchant a fair price for his suppers, but for the rest, insisted on being paid back the money which I lent him, and which he promised to refund at Sockna.
French, and reminded the Jew that he had promised to refund the money if the French Consul so judged, that the Consul had given judgment, and that if the Jew still refused he was no longer a man of his word.
I back up my training with a signed agreement to refund every penny of your money if, after completion, you are not satisfied with the lessons and instructions I give you.
If you are not satisfied after completing my course, I'll refund your tuition.
In case the treatment is not perfectly satisfactory, we will gladlyrefund any money paid.
It is understood if I am not entirely satisfied after examination I can return the goods and you will refund my money.
But you see I still owe you a week's subscription--and I can't refund you the money because I haven't got it.
Please refund money at once or forward me without delay a consistent photograph of a 'special edition de luxe' girl.
I haven't got anything left to settle with, and it might be months and months before I could refund the actual cash money.
But, however, there is nothing of crime can be laid to my charge, and the worst that can be is to refund my L500 profit, and who can help it.
It was enough to carry him back to Sunderland, but, if he had been willing to do that, it would have been for his interest to accept his uncle's offer to refund to him what his trip would cost.