This party passed laws, which the Lords Proprietors ratified, to establish the Church of England and to disabledissenters from being members of the Assembly.
A; b] strike an animal in the leg to disable it, usually in preparation for butchering it.
Once we're there, maybe we can find a way to disablethe vehicle some other way.
Maybe we can at least disable it, turn it into a dud.
Disable them," Ramirez ordered, the first test of the Israeli's technical skills.
Could there be a way to disable the weapon now poised up there without having to reach it?
It seemed, too, as if the dominant party made use of the occasion afforded by the real guilt of a few desperate and imprudent men, in order to persecute or disable the whole body of their political opponents.
No doubt the legion had suffered a defeat; but not such as to disabletheir continuance of the contest.
There is no doubt they are going to the stable and try to disable our aeroplane.
Mutilation of dead men intended to disabletheir ghosts, ii.
Sinews of dead men cut todisable their ghosts, ii.
Waddington it was who had thrown the bomb, though he declared he only hoped todisable Tom and Mr. Titus, and not to injure them.
As usual, I was close to her, when a large tiger burst out, and she pierced him with her javelin, but not sufficient to wound the animal so severely as to disable him.
Lose not your authority; for that will but disable you from doing the office of a husband to your wife, or of a master to your servants.
Many thousands do by their own viciousness and negligence disable themselves, so that they cannot perform what God hath made their duty; yet it remains their duty still: some disability may excuse them in part, but not in whole.
Their misery must be your grief; but not such a grief as shall deprive you of your greater joys, or disable you for your greater duties.
And is there then any hope in so short a space, to bring them to knowledge, and repentance, and a changed heart, to love God and holiness; and that when pain and weakness do disable them?
So that disuse doth disable them from any considerable motion or exercise, which is necessary to preserve their health.
Collars, let the pattern be what it will, require especial care in fitting, as nothing tends more effectually to disable a harness animal (mule or horse) than a collar carelessly or injudiciously applied.
The Bushmen grip them by the nape of the neck, strike them across the thighs and across the spine to disable them, and then, placing their lips to the vent, blow till they force the stomach and all the entrails out at the mouth.
We cannot smash or disable Germany, however completely we may defeat her, because we can do that only by killing her women; and it is trifling to pretend that we are capable of any such villainy.
And the reason is, as I shall shew very conclusively later on, that there is only one way in which one nation can really disable another, and that is a way which no civilized nation dare even discuss.
A lion by himself is also unable to kill a giraffe in most cases; for if the giraffe sees the lion coming, it will kick out with its hind legs or its fore legs; and a kick from a giraffe has been known to disable a lion completely.
But usually it needs half a dozen shots even to disable a tiger.
The second count charges his lordship with the same act with intent to maim, disfigure, or disable Captain Tuckett, and the third count charges him with the same act with intent to do Captain Tuckett some grievous bodily harm.
The second count charged him with firing at the said Harvey Garnet Phipps Tuckett with intent to maim and disable him; and the third count varied the charge--with intent to do him some grievous bodily harm.
I ordered one of the stern guns fired to see if we could reach her, to endeavour to disable her masts, found the shot fell a little short, would not fire any more.
It blew up with an explosion more awful in appearance than injurious in its effects, as it did not disable a man or derange a gun.
The shrapnel has sufficient velocity at 2,000 yards todisable men and horses.
If we got on board we couldn't disable that gun, or get her to the side.
Aren't you going to disable it by chucking the breech-block over the side?
A word from a young officer as knows how to disable a Armstrong gun, and from another who thinks nothing of tying a screw-propeller up in a knot, is worth having.
Old Red conceived the idea that it would be well to disable the pigs by shooting off the tips of their snouts, and he proceeded to put his conception into execution, and continued it daily whenever the hogs made their appearance.
Either of these conditions may so disable the muscle that its unavoidable contractions will set up the myalgic state.
So too, it would be a simple thing to disable the motor of a plane or else so damage a wing that it must be out of the question for the craft to pursue its customary duties until it had been taken to a repair shop and put in condition.
Instead of butting his head against the fuselage he might strike our propeller, which would knock him galley-west, but also disable our craft.
Be assured that if any untoward accident should stop my breath, or disable my hand, my friend M.
Will you tell me," continued Case, "who it was that ordered you to cut our cable and disable our motors?
We did nothing to disable him or to deface his coinage!
He wished to scatter them, disable them in detail, to avoid a hand-to-hand combat where numbers must tell against his little band, and gain time.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.