Or, take stale bread crumbs, pour over them boiling water and boil till soft, stirring well; take from the fire and gradually stir in a little glycerine or sweet oil, so as to render the poultice pliable when applied.
Do not let any lumps remain in the basin, but stir the poultice well, and do not be sparing of your trouble.
If the redness and pain about the part, and the general feverish symptoms, are great, from eight to twelve leeches are to be applied round the wound, and a warm poppy fomentation or warm bread poultice applied after they drop off.
The pulp of roasted onions, with oil, forms an excellent anodyne and emollient poultice to suppurating tumours.
This may be done by putting a few beans on it, and then by applying a large linseed-meal poultice over them.
When the pain over the stomach is very great, the same local treatment is necessary; but if it is only slight, a good mustard poultice will be sufficient without the leeches.
A bread-and-water poultice should be put on for a few days, when the wound should be bound up lightly with some mild ointment, when a cure will be speedily completed.
Now for the throat--The best external application is a barm and oatmeal poultice How ought it to be made, and how applied?
The sting should be extracted regardless of the shedding of blood, carbonate of soda in hot water washed over the place, and then a poultice faced with carbonate of soda put on.
The white doctor said they had been in the poultice all the time, but he did not carry public opinion with him, for the patient recovered rapidly.
But swallowing the poultice is a minor danger to its exhibition.
A poultice soon set his shoulder to rights, and at all events enabled him to put it to the wheel, which he did, by calling a meeting of the officers at nine in the evening.
Her voices had not, however, given her the word of command, and she found it advisable to put a poultice on her neck, which rendered it necessary that she should keep for some days as quiet as possible.
I bathed it with hot water, and as it was getting a bit painful, applied a hot poultice and hoped for the best.
I was to make these leaves into a poultice and put it on my arm as hot as I could bear it every night for about a fortnight.
So the poultice was duly made; the water in which the leaves were boiled was put ready to drink the first thing next morning, and forthwith the prescribed treatment began.
A tomato poultice is said to cleanse foul ulcers, and promote their healing.
An excellent poultice for the chest may be made by placing one or two English onions in a muslin bag and pounding them to a pulp.
I have been told that, at the age of six weeks old, I was saved from dying of bronchitis by such an onion poultice applied to the soles of my feet.
A poultice of crushed caraway seeds moistened with hot water is good for sprains.
Each time this poultice gets cold it must be renewed for "the space of an hour.
A hot poultice of bran or other suitable material contained within a muslin sack, may be supported by means of cords or tapes which are passed over the withers and tied around the opposite fore leg.
Following the application of cold packs, the use of a poultice such as some of the sterile, medicated muds, is of marked benefit.
The fetlock region is then enveloped with a poultice or an iodin and glycerin combination (iodin one part to seven parts of glycerin) is applied and a dressing of cotton is kept in contact with the inflamed region.
George was afraid to say "no," but while she was in the kitchen making the poultice he slipped out for a walk and cured 'is trembling with three whiskies.
Alf nearly got thepoultice instead, she was so angry.
The great mud poultice that was on it for several hours at first was his salvation, so the surgeon thinks.
I don't think this wound is fatal--and the mud poultice was the very best thing that could have happened to him, really.
Remove the shoes, place the feet in hot water for an hour, poultice twice a day for four or five days.
The Indians say that poke-root boiled into a soft poultice is the cure for the bite of a snake.
A poultice of elder-blow tea and biscuit is good as a preventive to mortification.
A poultice of wheat bran, or rye bran, and vinegar, very soon takes down the inflammation occasioned by a sprain.
A poultice made of ginger or of common chickweed, that grows about one's door in the country, has given great relief to the tooth-ache, when applied frequently to the cheek.
Nothing is so good to take down swellings, as a softpoultice of stewed white beans, put on in a thin muslin bag, and renewed every hour or two.
To a common poultice add solution or tincture of iodine.
Fine bran, with one tenth of linseed meal, made into a poultice with boiling water.
She rested now in Maggie's room, with a poulticefor a pillow.
But Nurse has to have a fresh poultice every two hours," Maggie protested.
I mean to saw off the splinter and then put on a poultice and draw out the pain.
But by and by the poultice began to draw, and pretty soon out came the splinter, and Mr. Bear felt ever so much better.
I have several times on the road been robbed of the bread I was going to make a poultice of, and not had an opportunity of buying more.
Afterwards I sent out and purchased some shirts, tea and sugar, got plenty of bread to poultice my thigh, and in comparison was in paradise.
Poultice the eruption with bread and milk, or raw carrots grated, for two or three whole days, to dilute or receive the discharged fluid, and abate the inflammation; then cover the parts with fresh cerate mixed with lapis calaminaris.
She applied alum in a poultice to it, and had soon a paralytic stroke, which disabled her on one side, and terminated in her death.
Nevertheless, when the pain is great, a poultice must be applied to keep the eyes moist, or a piece of oiled silk bound lightly over them.
Poultice for a few days, then cerate of lapis calaminaris, as in herpes.
Ointment of tar and suet; or poultice for two or three days, and then cerate with lapis calaminaris.
In the common paronychia a poultice is generally sufficient.
A feeble woman about 40 years of age sprained her ancle, and bruised her leg and thigh; and applied by ill advice a solution of lead over the whole limb, as a fomentation and poultice for about a fortnight.
Over the unbroken skin, they can only act like a poultice and should not be employed where infection exists.
They met Tom Poultice on the road with half a dozen of the dogs out for exercise.
And what did Tom Poultice say after the danger was over?
Ernest thanked the kind lady very heartily, and Tom Poulticecame that very evening.
They were a bit disappointed when they learned that Mr. Hartshorn had decided to send down only four of the bull terriers and five Airedales, but Tom Poultice explained the reason for this.
He bore his pain heroically, but he was suffering terribly, and Tom Poultice thought best to administer a merciful opiate.
There came a day when Remus seemed to be getting worse instead of better, and Tom Poulticewas sent for again.
Mr. Hartshorn knew he had quite a handful of boys and dogs to look after, but Mrs. Hartshorn said she would help, while Tom Poultice took sole charge of the half-dozen Willowdale dogs that were also entered.
Tom Poulticecame down and diagnosed the case and left some medicine, but still Remus failed to show much improvement.
The feet should be bathed with warm water, and a poultice of linseed meal applied to them twice in the day.
A poultice may then be applied, and tepid fomentations used for several days.
When the pustules are large, they may be opened with the lancet and a poultice applied.
After the opening, a poultice should be applied to cleanse the ulcer; after which it should be daily washed with the compound tincture of benjamin, and dressed with calamine ointment.
In many instances the suffering is greatly relieved by warm fomentations, or by applying to the ear a poultice of hot bran or camomile flowers, while at the same time a little warm oil and laudanum are dropped into the ear.
If the skin over the top of the swelling becomes red, and its substance begins to feel soft, then, but not till then, it is desirable to apply a warm poultice constantly.
A handy substitute for a poultice may be made of bran stitched in a flannel bag, heated by pouring boiling water on it, then squeezed as dry as possible and laid over the painful part.
A broad bandage of some sort or a soft towel must then be put round the body to keep the poultice in its place, and secured with safety pins.
If the poultice has to be applied to the abdomen, it should first be covered over with a warm cloth.
The poultice should be as thick as possible; even two seers of mud would not be too much for the purpose.
A mud-poultice over the abdomen and the head, gives distinct relief in a state of high fever.
The treatment for this disease is just the same as that for Bubonic Plague, with this difference that the poultice should be applied in this case to both sides of the chest.
If the fingers have been burnt, care should be taken, when the poultice is applied, that they do not touch against one another.
A small bandage tied tightly above this portion would prevent the spread of the poison, while a poultice of mud would give immediate relief to the pain.
If there be no time to try the "Wet-Sheet-Pack", a thin poulticeof mud should be applied to the head.
If he is too weak or ill to bathe, a mud-poultice should be applied to his abdomen.
The poultice should be removed before the mud begins to dry up; ordinarily it will last from two to three hours.
The man on whom was tried the mud-poultice was so bad that he was spitting blood, and I afterwards learnt from the doctor that he had been insufficiently fed on milk alone.
If the head aches or feels too hot, a poultice should also be applied to the head.
If the finger be stung, for instance, the poulticeshould extend up to the elbow.
If possible, a mud-poultice should be applied in one or two places.
A thick mud-poultice should be applied to the bubo.