And do you think that the mere name of queen Can serve you as a charter to foment In other countries, with impunity, This bloody discord?
He promised to foment no republican agitation, so long as the royalists marched towards Unity; and he wrote the King an irritating but dignified appeal to have done with the subserviency to France and bid openly for the crown of Italy.
Failing to foment a rebellion in secret they proceeded to open hostilities, and the Muslim, jealous for their faith, retaliated by contempt and estrangement.
The Disaffected began to foment agitation within the narrow streets, the bazaars and public places.
They are also fond of parading on that day to incite riot, and of holding meetings to stir up discontent and to foment rebellion among the laboring classes.
Skilfully, therefore, with a smiling countenance, but an anxious heart, he availed himself of every opportunity to foment the jealousies and hatreds which policy had for a brief while laid to rest.
This was not all: numerous emissaries scattered through Poland and Hungary were to foment discord and raise the cry of liberty and independence, to alarm Russia and Austria.
I may here observe that the personal prejudices of the Emperor would not have been of a persevering and violent character if some of the people who surrounded him had not sought to foment them.
Perhaps it might be their interest to foment the misunderstanding betwixt us; but really they give themselves no trouble about our affairs; and, so far as I know them, are a very good sort of people.
I was informed that English agents, dispersed through the Hanse Towns, were endeavouring to foment discord and dissatisfaction among the King of Holland's troops.
I am opposed to them, because they have in some instances made attempts to foment insurrections, and to incite the slaves to indiscriminate murder and rapine.
Christ came to preach peace, and not to foment strife.
Secondly, the intervention of Russia to protect the mutineers from their just punishment betokened her intention to foment further plots.
With an eye to this end he, with other Capitalists, began in 1892 to foment a political agitation in Johannesburg against the Republic.
Be mistress, and your full desires obtain; But quench the choler you foment in vain.
In the early stages, foment the part twice a day with an infusion of marshmallows.
I thocht he wad gie me the money wi' a grudge when he found I wanted twa pound ten in silver, but he coonted it oot like lichtnin', and bangs it foment me.
They reproached her for riding forth, bare-faced, to foment dissension among the Faithful; and they jeered at her followers for bringing their old grandmother in place of their young and handsome wives.
Leopold took care to foment the growing jealousies between Tekeli and the Turks; and on the failure of the Hungarian leader in an attack on Cassau, the Bashaw of Great Waradin sent the hero in chains to Constantinople.
Ormonde took care to foment the division between the Confederate party, and succeeded so well that a middle party was formed, who signed a treaty consisting of thirty articles.
The English, however, helped to fomentthe discord.
Francis and Charles, on whose mutual enmity England's safety largely depended, had made their peace at Cambrai; and the Emperor was free tofoment disaffection in Ireland and to instigate Scotland to war.