I deemed it expedient to curtail our allowance of provisions this evening.
But while directing your attention to the extension of your district, you must also use your best endeavours to curtail the indents.
As early as the year 1070, we find a mention of the mint, and particulars of attempts made, without success, to destroy or curtail His Grace's coining.
The Puritans were making their power felt early in the seventeenth century, and doing their utmost to curtail Sunday amusements.
From all the crusades against heresy they have stood aloof, and have been content to bear the reproach of heterodoxy themselves rather than do anything which might narrow the boundaries of the Church, or curtail the freedom of the clergy.
This is the only constituency in which a religious belief is made to curtail the exercise of the franchise.
Wherefore he shall explain everything to you: for that will suit me best by enabling me to curtail my letter, and will be more prudent for me in view of other circumstances.
While the Hudson's Bay Company yielded a quasi assent to the organization, and had their representatives in the Legislature, they were using their influence to curtail the privileges of American citizens.
As was to be expected, Mr. Keizer was inclined to do all he could to curtailthe mission and Institute claims, he being the gainer by curtailing the claims of others.
The committee were well assured that the Jesuit missions would claim the same right to land, and in this way, the one mission would be induced to give up to curtail the other.
They wished to curtail them as much as possible, and were fully aware that any direct action to this end would bring the whole influence of both missions against them.
He has been particularly agreeable to me, promising his best efforts to curtail my loss, and has given me a cabin in his now famous yacht, the Gloire de Dijon.
The words "reading but tocurtail a tedious hour and altogether hidebound with affection to great men's fancies," refer to Shakespeare in the capacity of reader to the Earl of Southampton.
Not only were his three wives sacrificed to jealousy or vengeance, but their murders are boastfully alluded to on his monument in the miserable jest, that although the horns he wore were visible enough, he had found means to curtail them.
And their ability to do all this that is demanded of them will be severely taxed by the brooding which must perforce curtail the time available for the collection of food.
If anywhere there are efforts tending to curtail the fullest growth of the Negro, let these efforts be turned into stimulating, encouraging, and making him the most useful and intelligent citizen.
Now, whenever I hear any one advocating measures that are meant to curtail the development of another, I pity the individual who would do this.
We oppose legislative proposals, which would suspend immigration at this time or curtail the established quotas.
Secondly, this pseudo- messianic and pseudo-religious authority that the Nazi regime arrogated to itself was able by means of its repressive measures to curtail the influence of the Church and even to reduce it to silence.
In March 1939, the Federal Council urged the United States to continue to provide asylum for refugees of other countries in the face of any legislative proposals to suspend immigration or curtail existing quotas.
Various conditions combined to curtail the privileges of religious houses, which when once lost were never recovered.
Details concerning the 'reform' of one other nunnery are worth recording because they show how a representative of the Church openly attempted tocurtail the privileges of a powerful nunnery.
But the Act did not curtail the power of the companies to cut off the supply to a house if the water-rate was not paid by the landlord or owner.
It is more polite to write Esquire at full length than to curtail it to Esq.
Undoubtedly it was one of the objects of the Russian offensive to force the Austrians to withdraw troops from the Italian front and at least curtail their offensive efforts against the Italian armies, if not to stop them entirely.
I was obliged to curtail my study of the enemy's lines and of the position on account of the extremely local artillery fire, the shells endeavoring to locate our observation point, which was evidently approximately known.
I have a mind right now to curtail your rations, and make you eat your pie without cheese.
A stranger comes from foreign shores, Perchance to seek relief; Curtail him, and you find his tail Unworthy of belief; Curtailed again, you recognize An old Egyptian chief.
And lo, the cry caused certain prelates to curtail their shovel hats of their fair proportions and go into mourning, by converting their silk aprons into hatbands, at which the grunters nearly split their side with laughter.
I trust that you will not permit what has just occurred to curtail your stay at Mirk.
Syncopate and curtail a royal ornament, and leave a domestic animal.
Syncopate and curtail a small fruit, and leave an opening.
Syncopate andcurtail a greenish mineral, and leave a Turkish officer.
Syncopate and curtail a motive power, and leave a body of water.
Syncopate and curtail coins, and leave an inclosure.
Syncopate and curtail stops, and leave a head-covering.
Syncopate andcurtail a carpenter's tool, and leave an insect.
Syncopate and curtail a fabled spirit, and leave a coniferous tree.
Syncopate and curtail a sweet substance, and leave an agricultural implement.
Syncopate andcurtail colorless, and leave a humorous man.
Should the government displease them in any way, or appear to curtail their liberty, they pack up their tents and take flight into the desert.
Coroner's jury finds that shooting of prisoners on Isle of Man was justified; London newspapers agree to curtail football news as aid to recruiting.
Resolved, That while the basis of our General Synod has allowed of diversity in regard to some parts of the Augsburg Confession, that basis never was designed to imply the right to alter, amend, or curtail the Confession itself.
At length the moment comes when their eyes are opened, and it is felt to be necessary to curtail the prerogatives and responsibilities of Government.
The least inconvenience of the definition which I am combating has been to curtail and mutilate Political Economy.