This Island is also frequented by a vast amount of shipping, and by merchants who buy and sell costly goods from which they reap great profit.
Political science had been also cultivated, and there were then Chinese Socialists to claim that "everyone should sow and reap his own harvest.
Remember this--remember it now in the glorious days of youth which never will return, but in which you are sowing seed of which you will reap the fruit until your dying day.
Couriers and staff officers were sent to implore him to return and reap the fruits of Mansfield and Pleasant Hill, whose price had been paid in blood.
Remember this: he who sows sparingly will alsoreap sparingly.
So sleeping, so aroused from sleep Thro' sunny decads new and strange, Or gay quinquenniads would we reap The flower and quintessence of change.
If they sow to the wind, must they not reap the whirlwind?
Let it reap the advantages of a continuous policy undisturbed by the rise and fall of local Ministries and the lobbying and log-rolling of sects and factions.
From the tourist and sporting point of view Ireland would reap a doubled and trebled harvest.
Perhaps the jovial drunkard over night, May seem to reap the pleasures of delight, While for his wine he doth in plenty call; But oh!
For they have sown the wind, and they shallreap the whirlwind.
It was therefore possible to reap some advantages from this point.
The utilitarian tendency of mankind was at once made manifest by some fishermen who, seizing the opportunity, dashed into the struggling mass and began to reap the accidental harvest, when--alas for the poor fishermen!
When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap into the corners of your field, neither shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest: you shall leave them for the poor, and for the foreigner.
In it you shall not sow, neither reap that which grows of itself, nor gather from the undressed vines.
When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap the corners of your field, neither shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest.
I believe God's method is that we should sow with one hand and reap with the other.
There are so many teachers who go on sowing the seed, and who think they will reap the harvest by and by; but they do not look for the harvest now.
Though George was eager to put the fleet and army of England in motion, the British cabinet wisely refused to plunge the nation into war for such a cause, and the emperor was left to reap the bitter fruit of his despotism and folly.
And now Leopold began to reap the bitter consequences of his atrocious conduct in Hungary.
I consulted with Mr Fannin, and we were both of opinion that we could expect to reapno other advantage than the poor satisfaction of killing some more of the savages.
They milk their cows, reap their oats, and do all the work which requires hands, in the same manner.
These people were not so well clad as the first, whose servants or labourers they seemed to be; for, upon some words he spoke, they went to reap the corn in the field where I lay.
For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reaplife everlasting.
After the land that first year had been cultivated, and the rice had headed, it was given to them at the time of harvest, so that they might reap and gather it.
But others, having the profit so plainly in sight, set to work to reap it and gather it; and since by that means they made sure of their food, they were inclined to work and the cultivation of their fields.
That you may reap benefit by these, be pleased to consider, that they are some of them Temperate in respect of heat.
That the qualities and use of these medicines may be found out, and understood by every one, and so my country reap the benefit of my labour, they shall find them presented to their view in this order.
In short, Asshurbanapal was not a hero who strove to reap the laurels of the battle-field through difficulty and privations on distant campaigns.
In no other State is so great and so complete a variety of leaf produced.
In some places, less exposed, a single blockhouse, with a cabin or two, constituted the whole fort.
As yet, none of them have ventured thither; and I mean that we shall be the first to reap the harvest.
At any moment he might hear of the landing of an expedition from Cuba, that his authority was revoked, and that another was to reap the benefit of all he had done.
The perpetrators of this fraud, consequently, did not reap any benefit; nor were they ever found out, although the Lord Mayor offered a reward of £500.