Latreille and Dejean have named Truncatipennes[1265]: these, toshorten the name, I call Truncipennuna.
The principal object of these muscles, which are flexors and extensors, is to shorten or lengthen the body, or to act on any particular segment as the circumstances of the animal may require.
As the wing-bones, moreover, are to some extent correlated with the beak and the feet, the artificial selection of shortened beaks might tend to shorten the wing as well as the feet.
How can increased use simultaneously shorten and thicken these bones?
Natural or artificial selection might easily thicken legs without lengthening them, or shorten wings without eliminating strong heavy bones, but it can hardly be contended that use-inheritance has acted in such conflicting ways.
If a prominent breast is admired and selected by fanciers, the sternum might shorten in assuming a more forward and vertical position.
If a traveller intends to stay in a certain place fifteen days, he must repeat the usual Namáz; if less than fifteen days, or when actually on the journey, he can shorten it.
They can hardly be read too often if the man or woman is in for a long siege; and if simply and steadily obeyed, they will shorten the siege by many days, nay, by many weeks or months, in some cases.
Andrews wished to shorten the distance to our own lines as much as possible, so that the slender chance of escaping through the woods and mountains might be increased.
It was a pleasant and profitable employment, helping very much to shorten those interminable days.
Well, I will be brief, to shortenour common discomfort," said the Baroness, looking at Crevel.
Every means, I said in March, that was calculated to shorten the war constitutes the most humane policy to follow.
A German statesman," he said, "who would hesitate to use against Britain every available instrument of battle that would really shorten this war should be hanged.
For instance, the leaving of the receiver off its hook will, in many systems, result in such a drain on the battery as to greatly shorten its life.
They say a bad companion, on a journey, helps to shorten the path; and this young man I account to be a reasonably good one.
As he stood on the platform, ready to step aboard of the raft, he hesitated, and turned short with a proposal to borrow a canoe, as the means most likely to shorten the negotiations.
We had been running on for some time, the chase still gaining on us, and becoming dimmer and dimmer to view, when a heavy squall struck the ship, and heeled her over so much that the captain gave the order to shorten sail.
Darkness was coming on, but we had got her bearings; and unless she was suspicious of us she would stand on as she was doing, and perhaps shorten sail to allow us to come up with her; if so, we had no doubt that we should take her.
The physician can palliate the pain and perhaps shorten the attack, can control and perhaps prevent complications and stiffness of the joints, but he cannot arrest the disease.
Such sedatives may reduce the pulse, but do not shorten the disease.
He was one of those who used to lock tacks and sheets, so that if the officers were overcome by fear they could not shorten canvas.
There are no engineering difficulties that would prevent a canal of this kind from being converted into a deep ship canal across the Island which would shorten the distance between New York and Panama by at least two hundred miles.
If the dough is too young, give more time on the first rising; if too old, shorten the time of the first rising.
Malt extract will shorten up the time of the doughs in hastening fermentation and giving more life with less yeast, and if handled properly will produce a loaf superior in every respect.
Shorten your sails, said the pilot; fetch the sounding line; we must double that point of land, and mind the sands.
Therefore is it that I make my prayers in fashion of stirrup-leathers; I shorten or lengthen them when I think good.
While they could not shortenthe distance to camp very much, the advantage was worth striving for.
I think," added Victor, rising to his feet and looking at the noisy torrent a few feet in front, "that we can shorten the distance by crossing that.
It is agreed on all hands, that the distresses of our author helped to shorten his days, and indeed, when his extraordinary merit is considered, he had the hardest measure of any of our poets.
It is now necessary toshorten the shoots that are left.
Now shortenone cable and add resistance in series with it until the bridge again balances as in fig.
It will lengthen or shorten them, as the demands or the season of the year make this appear desirable.
The mates were at their stations ready to shorten sail.
The captain shortly afterwards issued the order for all hands to be ready to shorten sail as soon as no chance remained of escaping without fighting.
The captain ordered all hands to remain on deck at their stations, ready to shorten sail at a moment's notice.
I do not shortensail here to tell you what reports were circulated about Cove as to my extraordinary change in circumstances, nor how I bore my altered fortunes.
My yarn is spinning out to a far greater length than I intended, so I'll try andshorten it a bit.
While thus he inquired for various absent individuals, and asked most affectionately for sundry aunts and uncles not forthcoming, a slight incident occurred which by its ludicrous turn served to shorten the long half-hour before dinner.