Modern industrial nations are able to produce consumables far faster than those who have the power to consume them are willing to exercise it.
In order to be operative in the steady maintenance of industry the desire to consume must be a desire to consume now, to consume continuously, and to consume to an extent corresponding with the power to consume.
A, however, determines to consume only £5 worth of goods and services each week, and puts the other £5 into the bank.
Here the present desire to consume either what is produced or its equivalent is assumed to be the only motive which can lead an individual to produce.
And this answer is valid, on the assumption that the Lancashire producers desire to consume an equivalent of the goods they produce.
If, then, those who have the power to consume in the present desire to postpone their consumption they will refuse to demand consumptive goods, and will instead bring into existence an excess of productive goods.
CXLII For the tribe of the wicked shall be barren, And fire shall consume the tents of bribery: They conceive mischief, and bring forth disaster, And their belly breeds abortion.
Consume your own goods, and make mutual feast †At either’s house.
This death had eaten up all that was young, most of what was young at the least, of France; it might yet consume France, and so these men marched to the sound of the guns.
Bed beside bed they lie there, and all eyes meet me, follow me, consume me; never before have I known what it means to be the prey of so many eyes.
The laborer has not even leisure to regret that he has not been taught to consume some hours of the day in reading.
They not only consumeveal and beef in an imperfectly cooked state, but when suffering from tapeworm no precautions are taken to prevent cattle from having access to the expelled proglottides of Tænia mediocanellata.
Probably the bleak-eaters of Holland consume many kinds of freshwater fishes, including various species of the salmon and trout family.
Moreover, your large drafts upon the Commissioners here, from various quarters, are like to consume more money than we can borrow.
How long, my son, wilt thou thy soulconsume with grief and mourning?
How long, my son, wilt thou thy soul consume with grief an mourning?
The higher clergy deemed it better to give a distant chief the tenth part of their revenues, and quietly consume the other nine, than to hazard all for an independence which would cost much and yield little.
They will cast you into the fire, and with their flames consume you.
The enormous tasks given us in science, in politics, in every department of human activity, claim from childhood up all our powers and consume them entirely.
You know how He has to pour cold water so that the fire of love may not consume Him.
But, they answered: The rich will not alter the tenor of their ways, they will consume the gentle disciples of Jesus, as the wolf the sheep.
What heart will not consume itself away for love of Thee, Who hast done all this for our redemption?
Even though untold misery should overwhelm our hearts, and innumerable desiresconsume our souls, still we would take confidence from this kindness and love, and our souls would be filled with happiness and peace.
This burning fire will purify all men, for the fire of divine love has a power to consume the gnawing vices of selfishness, indolence, and jealousy; it will burn up the materials on which our passions feed.
The pure will's impotence is absolute, and it would writhe for ever and consume itself in darkness if perception gave it no light and experience no premonition.
Our friends were famous walkers but were considerate of our feebleness, and still our returning strength, added to the great buoyancy of our bodies on that smaller planet, soon gave us also remarkable walking powers.
But then, on the other hand, I continued, the case seemed much more hopeless than before after such a plain rebuff, and if I had any self-respect I could not continue to pay my court where my honest love was made a matter of jest.
It seemed to me that the excitement she had just passed through added a new and pleasing quality to her voice, if that were possible.
True," replied Thorwald, "but this is another instance where nature has lent us her assistance.
In my true Love did stirre up coles of yre: The sparkes whereof let kindle thine own fyre, And, catching hold on thine own wicked bed, Consumethee quite, that didst with guile conspire In my sweet peace such breaches to have bred!
Upon inquiry, I found, that though the only smoker in the family, yet at a moderate reckoning, he contrives to consume about 5l.
At that moment Paquita raised her head, cast at him one of those looks which reach the very soul and consume it.
At present the slow and congested suburban train services on some sides of London consume as much time as would suffice a motor car to cover twice or three times the distance.
About fifty towns and large villages were "neutralised"--that is to say, the competitors had to consume a certain time in traversing them.
For first, as to the class of rich people doing no work, we all know that they consume a great deal while they produce nothing.
They will consume and waste vast quantities, and the water supply should be made as convenient as possible, to facilitate the business.
They visit your place and see thousands of young ducklings of all sizes and ages, each one vieing with the other as to which will consume the most food.