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Example sentences for "oxidize"

Lexicographically close words:
oxidised; oxidises; oxidising; oxidizable; oxidization; oxidized; oxidizes; oxidizing; oxlip; oxlips
  1. In the deeper parts of this zone the bacteria absorb the SH2, and, as they rise, oxidize it and store up the sulphur; then ascending into planes more highly oxygenated, oxidize the sulphur to SO3.

  2. If the SH2 runs short they oxidize the sulphur again to sulphuric acid, which combines with any calcium carbonate present and forms sulphate again.

  3. When the latter have oxidized ammonia to nitrite, however, the former step in and oxidize it still further to nitric acid.

  4. The object of this operation is principally to oxidize the iron, an oxidation easier to execute, than in the first calcining, because the metal is now disengaged from the earthy substances, which screened it from the action of the air.

  5. Aqua regia does not, strictly speaking, oxidize gold and platinum; it causes merely their combination with chlorine.

  6. This salt should therefore be as free as possible from the red oxide, and especially from any sulphate of copper, which would re-oxidize the indigo.

  7. This salt melts at a low heat, and excludes the atmosphere, which might oxidize the copper, and obstruct the union of the metals.

  8. The gold powder is also dried and cast into an ingot, a little nitre being added in the fusion, to oxidize and separate any minute particles of copper that may perchance have been protected from the solvent action of the acid.

  9. Wedgewood; and does not oxidize at a white heat.

  10. Defn: A process by which copper matte is treated by passing through it a blast of air, to oxidize and remove sulphur.

  11. To remove hydrogen from (anything), as by the action of oxygen; as, to oxidize alcohol so as to form aldehyde.

  12. Defn: To oxidize to the utmost degree, so as to form a peroxide.

  13. Oxidize all sulfids to sulfates before applying the above test.

  14. Dilute a portion of the sample 3 or 4 times, and oxidize 10 cc.

  15. To oxidize FeSO4 is to make it Fe2(SO4)3, changing the valence of Fe as before.

  16. Oxidize the other part by adding a few drops of HNO3 and boiling a minute.

  17. Just as alcohol vaporizes at a lower heat than water, so sulphur and phosphorus oxidize at a lower heat than carbon.

  18. The purpose now is to oxidize the carbon, too, without reducing the phosphorus and sulphur and causing them to return to the iron.

  19. My purpose in slackening my heat as soon as the pig-iron was melted was to oxidize the phosphorus and sulphur ahead of the carbon.

  20. The natural capacity of the soil to decompose and reduce organic matter is sometimes taxed to its utmost by the introduction into the soil of extraneous matters in quantities which the soil is unable to oxidize in a given period.

  21. The sand should be thrown on the work while in the fire, as removing the work from the fire causes it to oxidize or scale rapidly.

  22. Beryllium and magnesium are permanent in dry air; calcium, strontium and barium, however, oxidize rapidly on exposure.

  23. Manganese dioxide and dilute sulphuric acid oxidize it to quinone.

  24. Manganese dioxide and sulphuric acid oxidize it to benzoic and o-phthalic acid; potassium chlorate and sulphuric acid breaks the ring; and ozone oxidizes it to the highly explosive white solid named ozo-benzene, C6H6O6.

  25. Chlorine and nitric acid oxidize it to benzil; chromic acid mixture and potassium permanganate, to benzoic acid and benzaldehyde.

  26. As these metals will not oxidize or dissolve, they cannot be separated from each other by the blowpipe with the reagents peculiar to that species of analysis.

  27. Brass would not answer so well for this tube, as the spirits would oxidize it, and thus impart color to the flame.

  28. It does not oxidize at ordinary temperatures, nor when heated much above them.

  29. It will not oxidize in dry air, but tarnishes if exposed to air containing moisture, first becomes grey, and then passes into the white carbonate.

  30. The bead must be cooled very suddenly, for if it cools too slowly, it then has time to oxidize again.

  31. In order to be able to do this they must, every one, be able to oxidize fuel continuously, and this means that they must receive constant supplies, both of the fuel itself and of the oxygen with which it combines.

  32. The air is one-fifth oxygen, so there is plenty available, and fuel will usually oxidize readily after it is properly started.

  33. Sugar will oxidize readily, and in so doing will yield abundant power.

  34. In charging, the current tends to oxidize the lead of one plate and de-oxidize the other.

  35. In very porous dentin there is enough moisture to oxidize the tin, by reason of the current set up by the gold.

  36. The effect is to cause the surface exposed to dentin to oxidize more than tin would do alone; in that there is a benefit.

  37. Even though the earth seems to be a huge iron meteor with but a thin covering of rocks, the exasperating proneness of iron to oxidize explains readily why this metal is only rarely found native, except in the form of meteorites.

  38. If the temperature is not high enough, it is raised by managing the blast in such a way as to oxidize some of the iron itself permanently, and thus to generate much heat.

  39. Bertrand and Thiel oxidize the carbon of molten cast iron by pouring it into a bath of molten iron which has first been oxygenated, i.

  40. But in the Bessemer and open-hearth processes this means of removing sulphur cannot be used, because in each of them there is always enough oxygen in the atmosphere to re-oxidize any calcium as fast as it is deoxidized.

  41. From the corrected volume of the iodine solution used to oxidize the arsenious oxide, calculate its relation to the normal.

  42. Note 3: Bromine is added to oxidize arsenious and antimonious compounds from the original sample, and to oxidize nitrous acid formed by the action of nitric acid on copper and copper sulphide.

  43. Rinse the electrodes cautiously with alcohol and heat them in a hot closet until the alcohol has just evaporated, but no longer, since the copper is likely to oxidize at the higher temperature.

  44. From the corrected volume of the iodine solution required to oxidize the antimony, calculate the percentage of antimony (Sb) in the stibnite.

  45. From the volume of the solution required to oxidize the iron in the wire, calculate the relation to the normal of the permanganate solution.

  46. Note 1: The addition of bromine water to the ammoniacal solutions serves to oxidize any ferrous hydroxide to ferric hydroxide and to precipitate manganese as MnO(OH){2}.

  47. KMnO{4} to oxidize the iron, what is the value of 1 cc.

  48. MnO{2} will oxidize the same amount of oxalic acid as 37.

  49. N KMnO{4}, how many cubic centimeters of the KMnO{4} solution will be required to oxidize the iron?

  50. HNO{3} by weight) is required to oxidize the iron in one gram of FeSO{4}.

  51. From the corrected volumes of the bichromate solution required to oxidize the iron actually know to be present in the wire, calculate the relation of the standard solution to the normal.

  52. It is known that ozone cannot oxidize water, but that it is to a slight extent oxidized when other oxidisable substances are present is not surprising, as other phenomena of a similar kind are known.

  53. But this would not account for the oxidation of carbon monoxide, for it has been previously shown by Remsen[21] that hydrogen dioxide cannot oxidize carbon monoxide, not even when it is heated to its point of decomposition.

  54. The remainder of the tube was filled with copper oxide, which served to oxidize any carbon compound, which might be formed by the oxidation of the phosphorus, to carbon dioxide.

  55. He finds the action of palladium hydrogen to be analogous to that of zinc and other metals, which when allowed to oxidize slowly in contact with air and water give rise to the formation of hydrogen dioxide.

  56. This by itself may have no more tendency to oxidize into carbonic acid, than so much vegetable acid would have.

  57. Some volatile oils, especially Turpentine, display a marked tendency to oxidize into resins; and being themselves very sparingly soluble in water, may perhaps be dissolved after having undergone this change.

  58. So that if we introduce into Rheumatic blood a free alkali, a lactate of potash or of soda will be formed; this may then be enabled to oxidize into a carbonate, and the natural process be completed.

  59. The luciferin of Cypridina differs from that of Pholas in that it will not oxidize with light production with any oxidizing agents that I have tried, and will give no light with luciferase from Pholas.

  60. In addition we know of many substances which oxidize by taking up oxygen without giving off CO{2}.

  61. The admission of oxygen results in aerobic conditions and luciferin in presence of luciferase can then oxidize to oxyluciferin with luminescence.

  62. It does, however, oxidize spontaneously in solution, although no light accompanies this oxidation.

  63. We can, however, cause the luciferin to oxidize as rapidly at 20 deg.

  64. Luciferin will also oxidize in the air spontaneously but no light is produced.

  65. Just how these organisms get the oxygen necessary to oxidize their food is not well understood.

  66. They oxidize organic materials, changing them to compounds that can be absorbed by plants and used in building protoplasm.

  67. The oxygen taken into the lungs is not used there, but is carried by the blood to such parts of the body as need oxygen to oxidize food materials in the cells.

  68. All plants and animals breathe, they oxidize their foods to release energy, carbon dioxide being given off as the result of the union of the carbon in the foods with the oxygen of the air.

  69. The crawling snails and the swimming fish give off carbon dioxide, which is dissolved in the water; the plants themselves, at all times, oxidize food within their bodies, and so must pass off some carbon dioxide.

  70. They oxidize it and release the energy in it.

  71. Developing the urban habit, he fails to oxidize his proteins and toxins.

  72. Failing to oxidize his proteins and toxins, he degenerates.

  73. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "oxidize" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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