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Example sentences for "withdraw"

Lexicographically close words:
with; withaat; withaht; withal; withall; withdrawal; withdrawals; withdrawe; withdrawen; withdraweth
  1. I do not know if they actually put any of the German machine-gun contingent out of action, but they certainly caused them to withdraw their gun.

  2. The senator, who is not without some wisdom and experience, will doubtless withdraw this abortive candidate.

  3. In the first place, you must use your influence in making Mr. Warrington withdraw his name as a candidate for nomination.

  4. He said that if I did not persuade you to withdraw your name before the convention met he would not oppose the publication of a certain story concerning my past and yours.

  5. He had given his word, and he was too much of a man to withdraw it.

  6. He says that if I do not influence Mr. Warrington to withdraw his name--Did you ever hear of such a thing?

  7. So help me, if you do not withdraw that, I'll kill you here and now!

  8. And you can put this in your pipe, Mr. Warrington, that before October comes round, when the Republican convention meets, you will withdraw your name quickly enough.

  9. He could not withdraw his eyes from the boy, who sat his fretting hunter among them, sometimes scarcely able to restrain the animal's fiery temper or keep him from lashing out his heels orbiting at the beasts nearest to him.

  10. You speak in knightly courtesy, and I will withdraw my men at your request.

  11. Be that as it may," said Beaumains, "I have come so near the knight that I cannot withdraw without shame.

  12. With a warm impulse of love he caught her in his arms and kissed her rosy lips, exclaiming,-- "I withdraw it all.

  13. As the combat went on, Arthur's knights drove back their antagonists, who began to withdraw from the field.

  14. If you will have it so, I cannot withdraw my word," said the king.

  15. This advice was taken, and the defeated kings were allowed to withdraw the remnant of their forces without further harm, while King Arthur richly rewarded his allies and their knights from the treasure found in the hostile camp.

  16. As for the Palamides, he was so ashamed and disconcerted by his fall that, on mounting his horse again, he sought privately to withdraw from the field.

  17. The operator thinks it's a signal for outposts to withdraw and also for counter barrage.

  18. Our men succeeded in reaching the village, but the Germans responded with such a terrific downpour of shell that our weakened ranks were forced to withdraw and the Germans re-entered the town.

  19. At the same time I begged the tutor to withdraw the boy, who stood gaping in a corner, very little affected with the distress of the scene.

  20. He paled; but he was too proud a man to withdraw the paper again.

  21. If you don't undertake to give him notice at once, and withdraw entirely from his set, then I will ruin both you and him.

  22. A moment of stiffness followed; Mrs. Leighton would have liked to withdraw from the intimacy of the situation, but she did not know how.

  23. Perfect red rag to a bull," Fulkerson put in; and then he wanted to withdraw his words at the colonel's look of displeasure.

  24. I should be placed in a most painful position, if, this time three years, I had to withdraw my support from Hungerford, in order to secure your return.

  25. Withdraw from the side of the couch,' said Issachar, the son of Selim, to his companions.

  26. He had been driven to withdraw the true wrath of his eloquence from him "at whose brow," as he told Rachel the next morning, "he had hurled his words with a force that had been found to be intolerable.

  27. And if it be an insult to tell you what a kiss would do for me, I withdraw the word.

  28. Were it not for the barrier which the aristocracy of power thus interposes for a time, only to withdraw when the time for interposition is past, we should live in a vortex of revolution and counter-revolution.

  29. The whole regiment determined to withdraw and the officers struck their tents.

  30. New Comedy had been led up to by the Middle Comedy, which already tended to withdraw from burning questions (cp.

  31. She was considering whether or not to withdraw it when he said: "Have you any idea what a jolly world this old planet can be when it wants to?

  32. Their offices accomplished, they were ordered to withdraw but to leave one light burning.

  33. But her calm had vanished, and, head bent and averted, she was attempting to withdraw her hands--and might have freed herself entirely if it had not been for his arm around her.

  34. Suddenly she became acutely conscious of her extended arm where her hand now was lightly in touch with the rough cloth of his sleeve; and she checked a violent impulse to withdraw her hand.

  35. Therefore, if I refuse you to him, he will withdraw and begin the war, rolling down his thousands upon us before we are ready, and bringing the Chancas to destruction and enslavement.

  36. From this time forward he began to withdraw himself from business, the truth being that age took hold of him and he grew feeble.

  37. At least he withdraw a little, then came for me with a rush, holding his sword high above his head with the purpose of striking me above that guard, or so I supposed.

  38. They were so badly mauled and cut up that it was necessary to withdraw them from the line to refit, and infantry from an "Old Contemptible" Division took their place.

  39. The enemy lost a number of field artillery pieces, but had taken the precaution to withdraw most of the heavy ones several days before, when our bombardment commenced.

  40. At noon instructions came through to be prepared to withdraw the guns at any moment, but in the end this was found unnecessary.

  41. Affairs were now settling down for the winter, and nothing unusual was taking place beyond a good deal of artillery activity on both sides, consequently we were only awaiting orders to withdraw from the line.

  42. The batteries were subjected to much chemical shelling during the night, and the enemy were known to bring forward special guns under cover of darkness for this purpose, and to withdraw (p.

  43. Help me that I may never withdraw in any point from this renewal of my consecration and covenant.

  44. She had, in fact, decided to withdraw from the fight.

  45. Their Majesties wished to keep me to supper, but as I still have a great deal to arrange here, I asked permission to withdraw and reached home at half-past one in the morning.

  46. Apparently the Grand Duke of Baden has threatened to withdraw her settlements if she spends them in France.

  47. He must come into closer relations with her, so as to withdraw her thoughts from this fellow, and to find out more exactly what was the state of her affections, if she had any.

  48. My lord," said Alvarado, "bid these gentlemen withdraw their weapons.

  49. Pleading indisposition, he early begged leave to withdraw from the festivities which succeeded the completion of the betrothal ceremony and the retirement of the ladies.

  50. Luckily, he will remember seeing me withdraw and substitute my stake.

  51. I have a witness, a person then present, who saw me withdraw those smaller counters and replace the larger.

  52. The Lord of the world knows how long we should toil; when the sun, his workman, descends from heaven, it is time for the husbandman to withdraw from the field.

  53. But Laurin, acting on the instructions of Metternich, was untiring in his efforts to withdraw the Pasha of Egypt from the net of the French intriguers.

  54. The sentence of excommunication did not have the expected result, and Orenstein was compelled by the Austrian authorities to withdraw it.

  55. He also established factories in Strasburg, and tried to have the work done by Jews, so as to withdraw them from petty trading and deprive their accusers of all excuse for their prejudices.

  56. You Protestants appeal to the pure word of God to do battle against the Catholic tradition; I intend to withdraw the ground from under you, and to leave you, so to speak, with your legs dangling in the air.

  57. They did not care quietly to renounce their functions and withdraw into obscurity, or be laughed at.

  58. If the sun of Wither withdraw a while, Clamour not for joy, Owl, it will out again, and blear thy envious Eyes!

  59. This will tend totally to disconnect this kingdom from the system of Europe, in which if she ought not rashly to meddle, she ought never wholly to withdraw herself from it.

  60. If a father of a family should show any disposition to resist or to withdraw himself from their power, his wife and children are cruelly to answer for it.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "withdraw" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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