You did me a great wrong, and in return for this injury I demand that you become my man.
Madam," said the lady of the tower, "you have done me great wrong to take from me the lands which King Aniause gave me.
Now, I pray you," said Isolde, "will you not do me the grace to fight for my love with three knights that have done me great wrong?
Durvasa replied, 'By spoiling the repast, we have done a great wrong to that royal sage, king Yudhishthira.
In respect of even a great wrong forgiveness is due from the regenerate.
Now I pray you, said La Beale Isoud, tell me will you fight for my love with three knights that do me great wrong?
A great wrong or mistake has made me its victim, and the body lying in yonder cemetery is that of a stranger.
Scarcely a moment passed that he did not reproach himself for thegreat wrong he had done.
I am sorry, for I am convinced I have done a great wrong.
Now I pray you, said La Beale Isoud, tell me will ye fight for my love with three knights that done me great wrong?
To hold and treat him as property is to inflict a great wrong, to incur the guilt of oppression.
In the first two sections I propose to show that slavery is a great wrong, but I do not intend to pass sentence on the character of the slave-holder.
I have endeavoured to show in the preceding sections that slavery is a violation of sacred rights, the infliction of a great wrong.
The words seemed to be set ablaze by the divine fires of a soul maddened by a great wrong.
They held that the Fathers had been led into this compact unwittingly and without full realisation of the responsibilities that they were assuming for the perpetuation of a great wrong.
My heart tells me I should not die,--that you do me a great wrong in taking my life.
You have to suffer a great wrong; but will you be consoled for it by the knowledge that you have led to the slaughter men whom you have known from your infancy?
He readily acknowledged, as slaveholders of that day generally did, that, abstractly considered, the enslavement of fellow-men was a great wrong.
I have done a great wrong to two people, a very great wrong, and it is too late to right it.
It was a great wrong, a very great wrong--and yet, every one meant well.
It was a great wrong I did you, Don; can you forgive me?
Illustration: "It was a great wrong I did you Don, can you forgive me?
Hazel: Whether or no, you have a great wrong done me!
Staffy: They have done him a great wrong surely, taking from him all he had of comfort in his life.
You have a great wrong done to the woman inside, where you left her burying bare.
The minister shrugged his shoulders, and replied, "It is a great wrong--BUT IT WILL LAST MY TIME.
To which, each answered in like manner, "It is a great wrong--BUT IT WILL LAST MY TIME.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great wrong" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.