We have considered all these phases; we have seen the globe floating in space in a state of gaseous nebulosity, condensing into liquidity, and beginning to solidify at the surface.
This alloy, if allowed to solidify completely before chilling, turns into a uniform solid solution, and at still lower temperatures the solid solution breaks up into a pearlite complex.
At higher pressures the paraffin would solidify first.
That is, the metals inasmuch as they become liquid when heated must be in a large part water, and, like water, they solidify with cold.
Chalcanthon is made in many other ways: its kind of earth is sometimes dug from ditches, from the sides of which exude drops, which solidify by the winter frosts into icicles, called stalagmia, and there is none more pure.
For we know that stones which water has dissolved, are solidified when dried by heat; and on the contrary, we know that stones which melt by fire, such as quartz, solidify by cold.
The juices, however, out of which pyrites and silver are formed, appear to solidify into one body, and thus is produced what they call cobaltum.
As the gas-charged lava is blown violently into the air, it breaks into small fragments that solidify and fall as cinders around the vent to form a circular or oval cone.
If magmas cool rapidly, as might be expected near or on the Earth's surface, theysolidify to form igneous rocks that are finely crystalline or glassy with few crystals.
For them the first necessity was tosolidify their front.
Into thy forms and slightest moods of thought, thou pourest me; and I there solidify to that form, and take it on, and thenceforth wear it, till once more thou moldest me anew.
We have let some interval pass inactive, to confirm and solidify our hate.
The object of framing is to allow the soap to solidify into blocks.
A eutectic mixture results when two components solidify simultaneously at a definite temperature.
In a minute or two the mercury will solidify and may be removed from the dish by the wire serving as a handle.
A trace of moisture causes it to solidify into a mass of silky white crystals, somewhat resembling asbestos fiber in appearance.
This solution is then allowed to solidify under such conditions of cooling that the dissolved substances do not separate from the solvent.
If it is cooked sufficiently, it will solidify when it is cold and will appear just like jelly.
Allow to solidify and serve in any desired manner.
Symbolical decorations will stimulate the vacant-minded to act up to them, they encircle and solidify the mass; they are a sword of division between Celts and Saxons if they are abhorrent to one section.
Melt up several tubes of nutrient agar (vide page 167) and allow them to solidify in the oblique position.
These thin, flat flasks (to contain agar or gelatine, which is allowed to solidify in a layer on one side) are extremely useful on account of the large nutrient surface available for growth.
Solidify in the sloping position in the inspissator at 75° C.
We cannot rear up for our children a race of helots, and by our very exclusiveness solidify for all time an irreconcilable race division.
This is the creature that, unchecked, would soon solidify the Ocean and destroy the world.
One of the means to secure and solidify its power will be propaganda and organization, particularly in the village; another means will be a policy of Collectivism.
To solidify the small ore on the hearth, it is covered with moist cinders mixed with clay.
The congealing point of the essential oils varies greatly; some do not solidify till cooled below 32 deg.
It is conceivable that as time went on the thought in their minds and its reflection in hers might solidify into conviction.
They changed nothing, they built nothing, they left nothing behind them to remember them by, nothing to hold their disciples together, nothing to solidify their work and enable it to defy the assaults of time and the weather.
Therefore, if limestone, without being burned, is merely pounded up small and then mixed with sand and so put into the work, the mass does not solidifynor can it hold together.
Thus, the lime sticking in the channels will harden and solidify into a mass, and so prevent water or anything else from penetrating through the joints.
Snow, being simply finely divided ice, becomes liquid in places when compressed by the hands, and when the pressure is removed the liquid portions solidify and unite all the particles in one mass.
The time required for a casting to solidify varies with the size and shape of the casting, but unless the pattern is a very large one about five minutes will be ample time for it to set.