If Sir Francis Clavering goes on in this way," Pendennis the elder thought, "this little tipsy rascal will be as bankrupt as his father and grandfather before him.
For it's impossible to stay on with a valet over me and a bankrupt landlady.
While every other considerable nation of Europe has been bankrupt over and over again, she is not yet bankrupt.
It might nearly as well be expected, that a man who was already a bankrupt should prop and support his failing neighbor.
Acting against his trusty henchman's advice, Will had made a considerable purchase of goods from a bankrupt stock; and what seemed to be a great bargain was beginning to prove a serious loss.
It's a principle of honest business, never buy a bankrupt stock.
Instead of roads running along, bankrupt for years, as now, we would have every community paying for its transportation facilities just what it cost to furnish them.
Fleda hoped privately the lady would see no occasion to change her mind; but for the present she was bankrupt in words.
Summing up "the twenties" of the century, Chesterton saw them as singularly bankrupt spiritually and intellectually, and he foresaw from their sowing a miserable harvest.
I am drowning in whirlpools of work and worry over the New Witness which nearly went bankrupt for good this week.
When he went bankrupt the title was altered to The New Witness.
Not only were the ladies almost bankrupt from spending money on hand-embroidered undergarments and basketwork ornaments, but they also had been lured into buying savage designs of jewelry and art objects.
Having spent five years' allowance in seeing the buildings and going to all the bazaars at the Fair, we return to the yacht too bankrupt to tip the natives who crowd about us for pennies.
You are, in fact, an entirely bankrupt individual; as you will find by and by.
When the bubble burst the company was bankruptand the lawyers got the rest.
Enormous sums of money had been spent on the island by the bankrupt wild-cat real-estate company which had bought it in for improvement and exploitation.
I had to hire other boys to read them to me, and this kept me in a bankrupt condition.
I became bankrupt in the loss of a jack-knife that a confiding friend had given me on the eve of our departure, with which I might successfully whittle my way through to the land of promise.
The filing of schedules by a bankrupt does not waive his right to refuse to answer questions pertaining to them when to do so may incriminate him.
A bankrupt is not deprived of his constitutional right not to testify against himself by an order requiring him to surrender his books to a duly authorized receiver.
The rule against self-incrimination may be invoked by a bankrupt (in the absence of any statute affording him complete immunity) when being examined concerning his estate.
It would permit all to demand more than they needed, would encourage sloth, would bankrupt the state, and would occasion discontent among skilled workingmen.
Capitalist society is bankrupt and the only salvation of humanity lies in the uprising of the masses, in the victory of the Socialist revolution, in the renovating forces of Socialism.
She was really ashamed of the fact, nor did she understand why she should envy this bankrupt yet progressive little nobody in her homemade bargain-remnant costume.
You don't realize that Gay is a bankrupt snob and married Trudy only because he could play off cad behind his pretty wife's skirts.
It was quite true that Beatrice Constantine would have developed much as Trudy had were the pampered person compelled to earn her living, and, like Trudy, too, would have married a half portion, bankrupt snob.
Chaptal was, before the Revolution, a bankrupt chemist at Montpellier, having ruined himself in search after the philosopher's stone.
Illustration] This bankrupt stock of Watches must be closed out in 90 days.
After the closure of sale of this bankrupt stock of Watches, which will continue 90 days from date of this paper, no order will be filled at less than $12.
He was opposed to all systems of repudiation, whether styled stay laws, bankrupt laws, or insolvent acts, and in general was in favor of placing Mississippi in the front rank of States.
Becoming bankrupt he embarked for America about 1840.
He married her to Husson the contractor, who made millions but who becamebankrupt suddenly through the First Consul, and suicided in 1802.
Bonfons to wed with Marquis de Froidfond, a bankrupt widower of fifty odd years and possessed of numerous progeny.
He proved that their benevolence had not been misplaced by becoming bankrupt over a scheme for regulating the output of fiction.
If a man goes bankrupt and won't face the world and work back instead of blowing his brains out--his fault.
When he referred to this moment, which he often did, he used to say frankly: "We went into the meetingbankrupt and came out seven millionaires.
My keys a messenger demands; While, as a culprit often stands, The humbled bankrupt lowers his view, And sees the law its work pursue.
I drove on the poor devil at such a rate, that in order to save himself he was obliged to become a bankrupt a second time.
There once appeared among the visitors to the baths, a merchant who had made himself a bankrupt in order to get rich, and he enjoyed the general esteem; he was accompanied by a broad, palish shadow.