Pleyel laboured to extenuateboth these species of merit, and tasked his ingenuity, to shew that the orator had embraced a bad cause; or, at least, a doubtful one.
This persuasion did not extenuate my fears or my danger.
I opened and read as follows: "To Clara Wieland, "What shall I say toextenuate the misconduct of last night?
The Lords' committee extenuate the presumption that either knights or burgesses sat in any of these parliaments.
Muratori endeavours to extenuate the authority of this passage, on account of some more ancient writers who complain of the luxury of their times, and of some particular instances of magnificence and expense.
If any voice is raised among ourselves to extenuate or to vindicate, it is unheard.
I am no apologist of vice, nor would I extenuate the conduct of the profligate and unfeeling, who would violate the sanctity of even these engagements, and occasion the pain which such violations no doubt do often inflict.
I shall not go about to extenuate the latitude of the curse upon the earth, or stint it only to the production of weeds.
We extenuate a crime when we endeavor to show that it is less than has been supposed; we palliate a crime when we endeavor to cover or conceal its enormity, at least in part.
Defn: Serving to palliate; serving to extenuate or mitigate.
This naturally leads us to soften some of its features, and thus palliate approaches extenuate till they have become nearly or quite identical.
I have made no attempt to extenuate his personal conduct or his literary faults.
Footnote 2: A charitable explanation of this self-debasing account of Josephus is that he was driven to invent some story to extenuatehis resistance to the Romans, and had to blacken his reputation as a patriot to save his skin.
His first work was an account of the Roman war, in which he vilified the patriots to extenuate his own surrender and his master's cruelty.
You will readily perceive that her tale is told by her friend; but I hope you will not discover many or glaring proofs of a disposition to extenuate her errors or falsify her character.
She urged her doubts as to the truth of Whiston's representations, and endeavoured, in various ways, to extenuate the danger.
I could add many more things, which would justify me in the eye of the world, were I less cautious than I am; but his failings would not extenuate any on my side.
If I have known her, You will say she did embrace me as a husband, And soextenuate the forehand sin.
Cleopatra, know We will extenuaterather than enforce.
The propensity to extenuate sin arises from ignorance of its vileness.
Whatever tends to extenuate the guilt of other sins, is an aggravation of this.
She could neither vindicate her incredulity, nor extenuate her false assertion; and though she proceeded to great lengths, we are happy to find that she sufficiently restrained her intemperate passions to retire in silence.
In whatever degree the circumstances in which she was placed may seem to extenuate the guilt of her conduct in Egypt, they can no longer be pleaded on her behalf.
Let us improve the failure and irregularity of others to the purpose of self-examination; and, while we neither extenuate nor aggravate their faults, aim to avoid them.
This delay was employed by the Earl of Mar, in an endeavour to extenuate the tenor of his political conduct of late years in the eyes of the Sovereign, and in placing before the King the merit of his services and his claims to favour.
But as such as walke in darkenesse doo often straie, bicause they wot not whither they go: euen so doo these men, whilest they seeke to extenuate the certeintie of our histories, and bring vs altogither to uncerteinties & their coniectures.
Bessie was so uncomfortably candid as to cry out that she was glad, then, her visit would soon be over; and then she tried to extenuate her plain-speaking, not very skilfully.
Bessie felt herself the object of general misunderstanding and reproach, and was stirred up to extenuate her untoward behavior in a strain of mischievous sarcasm.
And who will extenuate the rich man's coveting, whose appetite grows with what it feeds on?
But it is my business, and shall be all my business, to repent of my failings, and not endeavour to extenuate them.
I hear my fault told; and I will not seek to extenuate it, by my tears, and my penitence.
It was difficult to extenuate the consequences of so great a blow, but they were assured that it was not a catastrophe, and would not in the slightest degree affect the execution of the plans previously resolved on.
Let me extenuate nothing, add nothing, and set down nought from any partial love or partial hate.
I can plead for others andextenuate their guilt, perhaps they for mine; not I for my own.
Mr Faulkland relied so intirely on your candour, that, as I told you before, he referred my mother to you, for a confirmation of the truth of what he advanced; imagining that your testimony would in some measure extenuate his fault.