Now Martin was growing an old man, yet he was very little changed since that long ago day when he divided his cloak with the poor beggaroutside the gates of Amiens.
The very night after Martin had divided his cloak with the beggar he had a dream, in which he saw his Master, Christ, among the holy angels, wearing the half cloak which Martin had given away that afternoon.
It was much too cold to stop or to think of giving help, and not even a beggar could expect it on such a day as this.
Half bewildered the beggar looked up, and saw the young soldier bending over him.
Then a young soldier came riding past, but the beggar scarcely thought of asking alms of him, for the Roman soldiers were not the kind of men to trouble themselves about the poor and suffering.
It is said that one day when he was serving at the altar, in all his beautiful bishop's robes, he saw a ragged beggar standing near shivering with cold.
It happened that one day, when Saint Giles was kneeling in church, he saw a poor beggar lying there on the cold, stone floor.
It isn't fair to make a beggar of me when I might be fighting for happiness!
But what's the use of having the poorbeggar make the effort when you know he can't put it over?
Anarch of all earth-misery; Beggar and tramp and shameless sot; Emblem of ill, in rags that rot.
I don't believe in taking life -- we'll let thebeggar go.
Thou, a beggar from the streets, commandest me, a king, to remove my crown from my forehead and throw it from yonder window into the street!
Are any of them important to the story--for instance, in The Beggar and the King?
And we feel sure that the uncanny powers of the Beggar will be no less successful in overturning the power of the King in Mr. Parkhurst's play.
For to be born into this world a beggaris a more unhappy thing than any that I know--unless it is to be born a king.
It is not proper for a beggar to ask a question of a king.
Thy soldiers smote this beggar for crying aloud in the streets for bread, but his wounds are already healed.
O king, thou wilt not have a beggar brought into thy royal chamber!
Even yesterday, O king, as I have told thee, the beggar which thou now hearest crying aloud in the street was slain by thy soldiers with a sword.
Teach the beggar a lesson he won't forget in a hurry," said Don, as he watched the boat recede.
But powder or no powder, we'll pay the beggar out, anyhow.
And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate full of sores.
It would come crawling like a beggar to a rich man's door.
For a second time his mind was filled with a tremendous picture: "And there was a certain rich man and a beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, desiring to be fed.
Illustration: A Sage Adviser] She does a vast deal of good in her neighbourhood, and is imposed upon by every beggar in the county.
I tell the manager we've got a beggar at the Brilliant.
A common beggar can read you exquisite lessons on this the most important maxim in the art of popular cheating.
The actual beggartakes advantage of every sore; but the moral swindler is unpardonably dull as to the happiness of a physical infirmity.
When he was going to play cards for money, he would find a beggar and give him something, even if he had to walk a great distance to do it.
Cheeky littlebeggar that,' Munden observed, with a glance at his friend.
The perishin' beggar had followed me all the way out to the yacht and couldn't quite make up his mind to try it on.
But the little beggarwas quicker than a cat, and he brought me up all standing, with a huge pistol thrust into my face.
He saw a beggar go in at the gate and dogs fly at him; then an hour later he heard a piano, and the sounds were faint and indistinct.
Nodding his head graciously, thisbeggar or pilgrim came noiselessly to the seat and sat down, and Kovrin recognised him as the black monk.
No one was in sight but a blindbeggar crouching at the side-door of the Corpus Domini.
This light, as Odo emerged, fell on a retreating figure which resembled that of the blind beggar he had seen crouching on the steps of the Corpus Domini.
He had been trying to break down a great gold-barred gate, behind which Fulvia, pale and disordered, struggled in the clutch of the blind beggar of the Corpus Domini.
Then why doesn't the loaf in the baker's window feed the beggar that looks in at it?
Whilst the footman was opening the door on one side, a beggar soliciting alms appeared at the other, where Anielka was seated.
At dawn each day a beggar pilgrim sanctified our benches with incense which he burned in an old tin can.
I feel a miserable creature, a despicable sort of person, one who has lately been beaten, a beggar who has just been refused alms.
Except for his gloves, which fit so well, and which he has carefully buttoned, that he may not make an awkward pause in the hall of his friend's house, I am sure he would search his pocket for a cent to give the wan beggar at the corner.
Are you sure you han't got a bite, and that you have not made a beggar a lady?
The beggar stared at me with his bloodshot eyes; his blue lips smiled; and he in his turn gripped my chilly fingers.
The Beggar Woman promised to do her best, for her sympathies were for the most part with the Port Watch; perhaps, because on the whole, they treated her best.
The Port Watch now took the Beggar Woman in tow, for they hoped that she would help them.
You need not pamper and pet him," exclaimed the Beggar Woman, "until he becomes a perfect nuisance to every one.
Before the Port Watch left the shore they promised to do no end of things and their parting with the poorBeggar Woman, Patriotism, was most affecting.
The Beggar Woman, though no doubt somewhere amongst the crowd, was not conspicuous on this occasion.
Beggar Woman, who had remained a silent listener to the midshipman's story.
Just as Liberty reinforced the coxswain in front, the Beggar Woman who was now mounted on horseback, attacked King Mob with a strong force on his flank.
Mind he does not turn and bite the hand that has fed and petted him," replied the Beggar Woman, and the two parted.
They found Liberty and the Beggar Woman in angry altercation about a lout of a boy.
Bread that is buttered too thickly is not wholesome food," was the Beggar Woman's reply.
Everything had to give way to her, whilst except on extraordinary occasions the beggar woman, Patriotism, was thought but little of.
The beggar is dancing about just as if the whole place belonged to him.
Many thought the Beggar Woman ought to have been the landlady of this ancient establishment, but she was not.
I offer you a magnificent investment, and you speak to me as though I was a beggar asking alms in the street.
The offending beggar scampered off, frightened at his unbounded rage and threats of vengeance.
Izaak Walton heard the Gypsies talking under the honeysuckle hedge at Waltham, and the beggarvirgin singing: "Bright shines the sun, play, beggars play!
I then made him another low bow, which he returned with one still lower, and leaving him now staring at the passport and now looking at myself, I went into a posada, to which I was directed by a beggar whom I met.
Be that what you call fitting for your daughter and your prentice, a beggar lad from the heath?
I were foully to blame if I let this grim portrayal so work on you as to lead you to beggar not only yourself, but your brother, with no consent of his.