Then the hissing noise began to dwindle down to a wheeze, and then it stopped all of a sudden.
Let us suffer the falling body and the earth to dwindle in imagination to the size of atoms, and for the attraction of gravity let us substitute that of chemical affinity; we have then what is called a chemical combination.
Let us now suppose D placed at a practically infinite distance from F; here, as stated, the pull of gravity would be infinitely small, and the perpendicular representing it would dwindle almost to a point.
In comparison with this most weighty subject, all other things dwindle into utter insignificance.
His enunciation was slow and distinct, and his voice though sharp and piercing at times had a tendency to dwindle into a shrill and unpleasant tone.
As we are stationary on the earth, while the earth revolves, we advance toward the light, then leave it again, thus seeming to see the moon grow or dwindle as the time may be.
He thinks that this generation is using up the vitality and perfect health bestowed upon us by our ancestors, and if we don't start soon to build a fund for ourselves and our descendants we will dwindle into a puny race.
Even the famous Passion Play of Oberammergau (our world) with the less glorious exhibitions at Horitz and Selzach, all dwindle into insignificance compared with "The Mediator Service" on the world of Swift.
The largest openings of our Earth dwindle into insignificance compared with such stupendous marvels of natural scenery.
Science which has caused the world to shrink and dwindle has been no less busy bringing near what in the past seemed inaccessibly remote.
There was nothing to tell, nothing that would notdwindle and shrivel up in the telling.
You nearly let me wither away, and my life dwindle to ashes.
Empty words may lose their independence, may suffer phonetic decay, and dwindle down to mere suffixes and terminations.
Lucretius, in a magnificent passage, designates Epicurus as a god, and boasts that the popular divinities dwindle into insignificance before him.
Now they woulddwindle down into a moaning that seemed to be articulate, and at these times I made sure they must be human; and again they would break forth and fill the house with ravings worthy of hell.
He had pictured to himself a different scene--a more immediate protest, and his hope began to dwindle on the spot.
If he does wrong the same power can strike him down with disease and cause his livestock to dwindle away.
As we proceed still lower down the scale of animal life we find the conative element itself gradually dwindle away until nothing is left but mere reflex action.
The water-hole is continually freezing up and has to be continually hewed free of ice, and as the streams dwindle with the progress of winter, new holes must be cut farther and farther out.
There comes a feeling of impotent exasperation to me when I realise how many white men there are who speak of them continually with the utmost contempt and see them dwindle with entire complacency.
They are driven on from place to place, until the thousands dwindle into hundreds and until the hundreds dwindle into insignificant remnants.
Come and dwindle by the sea--at Margate or somewhere.
Yes, let me go and dwindle from forty to thirty amidst quiet, rural, agricultural surroundings.
The road runs round on a level with the lake, and we saw that the mountains dwindle into a low hill, to a point where the road and the lake meet.
As you approach the Taj by moonlight it seems to dwindle and recede, and you only realize suddenly that you are near, and almost under the platform.
The individual animals will then tend to fail in the struggle for life, the numbers will dwindle and extinction may ensue.
As circumstances change, the stability of the species may gradually dwindlethrough the insufficiency of some definite quality, on which in earlier times no such insistent demands were made.
Announcing wonder-work, I dwindle at the close Down to mere commonplace old facts which everybody knows.
The other rivers dwindle almost to nothing, and, as I have said, entirely disappear.
It may happen occasionally that a queen, apparently young and vigorous in the autumn, will die during the winter, when a young one can not be reared, and as a result the colony will dwindle away.
In some instances colonies supposed to have been placed in the same condition under which others have wintered well become diseased and die or dwindle away without prominent signs of disease.
On the way there, most of the commandos will dwindle away.
If we simply dwindle away, our people will sink and become of no account.
If we go on we shall ever become weaker and weaker, and ultimately dwindle away.
The whole of the English division gets across by degrees, and their invisible tramp is heard ascending the opposite heights as the lightnings dwindle and the spectacle disappears.
There is a discharge of artillery in the outskirts, and the church bells begin ringing; but the peals dwindle away to a melancholy jangle, and then to silence.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dwindle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.