Look me in the eyes; pack of fools; you will have to dissect me, you will then know:" Any truth in all that?
Despite a belief held by some that anatomical investigation of the human body was a sin against the holy ghost, physicians were allowed to dissect corpses.
In 1743 surgery students began to dissect corpses with their own hands to better learn anatomy.
He did this using a prism to dissect the white light into its spectrum of constituent colors and then using a prism and lens to recombine the colors to reconstitute white light.
We got clear weather near the summit, and stopped a few minutes to dissect the elements of this scene.
Licenses to dissect soon began to be given by sundry popes to universities, and were renewed at intervals of from three to four years, until the Reformation set in motion trains of thought which did much to release science from this yoke.
To read it in any other way, to analyze or explain its message, is to dissect a butterfly that changes in a moment from a delicate, living creature to a pinch of dust, bright colored but meaningless.
But they were hardly more surprising than we may discover within this sly cocoon if we dissect it.
In an extended course it is a profitable exercise to dissect the ear of a sheep or calf, observing the auditory canal, middle ear, bridge of bones, and the tympanic membrane with attached malleus and tensor tympanic muscle.
Cut this as high up as possible and, with a sharp knife and a small pair of scissors, dissect it out to the knee.
Dissect for the nervous system in the following order: 1.
In early times medical officers were appointed to experiment with medicines upon monkeys, and also to dissect the bodies of monkeys.
It has been proposed for this disease to remove the tumour, along with its investment—to separate and dissect out the superior maxillary bone.
It is impossible to dissect out the tender cyst entire, and, when this is attempted, the cure can seldom be permanent.
We dissect a starfish, an earthworm, a snail, a squid, and a fresh-water mussel.
Camper should cut off from this living specimen the Chamberlain's head, and dissect it, if only to see how near the monkey borders upon man.
I will dissectthis Dog-Post-Day, which reaches from November to December, into weeks.
I should always fear, while pursuing my studies, that I might be called upon to dissect a friend, and I could not do that.
I dissect everyone, even those I love, and my discoveries frequently sting me to the quick.
I would rather be able to dissect a star-fish's water-vascular system than know the price of Consols.
I gave him sixpence for it and am just going to dissect it.
I used to dissect snails in a pie-dish in the kitchen while Mother baked the cakes--the unravelling of the internal economy of a Helix caused as great an emotional storm as to-day the Unfinished Symphony does!
Luck looks to me like a sweeter lady, and more worshipful than any of the goddesses they rename nowadays and then dissect in clinics.
I was not going to help Grim dissectmy mental processes.
Flacius was not satisfied with this reply, which was brought to Coswig by the mediators, and they returned to Wittenberg with several additions to the articles.
About this time he published a work, which is doubtless not only one of the best of his productions, but also inclined many hearts towards the Reformation.
In the first place, certain savage tribes are reported to dissect the bodies of their dead in order to ascertain from an examination of the corpse whether the deceased died a natural death or perished by magic.
Sidenote: Some savages dissect the corpse to ascertain whether death was due to natural causes or to sorcery.