By virtue of this power they are enabled to constrict many dead animal matters.
But in small doses they constrict and stimulate to a healthy condition these tubes that contain in their coats the unstriped fibre.
Biconcave cartilaginous vertebrae are developed, and as is the case in most fishes, constrict the notochord vertebrally.
Bony biconcave centra are present and constrict it to a certain extent vertebrally, while intervertebrally there is a development of cartilage.
Cartilaginous or partially calcified biconcave vertebrae are always well developed; they constrictthe notochord intervertebrally.
When the deep arch exists, its inner end blends with the conjoined tendon and Gimbernat's ligament, and with these may also constrict the femoral hernia.
There are no muscular fibres crossing the course of this hernia; neither are the parts which constrict it likely to change their original position, however long it may exist.
If the hernia pass through a cleft in the conjoined tendon, f, Plate 38, this structure will constrict its neck all around.
By others, it was demonstrated as being dependent upon the muscles which surround the membranous part of the urethra, and which act upon this part and constrict it.
In the treatment of chilblains, a strong astringent is desirable to constrict the diluted capillaries.
A thread or the like tied about a blood vessel or other structure toconstrict it.
The credit of solving this difficulty fell to Baer of Philadelphia (1892), for he showed that it is dangerous to constrict the neck of the uterus with ligatures, it is only necessary to secure the arteries.
I would need a lower IQ to constrict myself in instinctual roles like a content biological robot.
The effect of nitrate of silver is to constrict vessels, to coagulate and disinfect excretions, and to form an adherent protecting membrane (Phillips).
The coils of the lower part of the ileum, however, were firmly matted together by organized connective tissue in such a way that they were twisted, often at a sharp angle, so as greatly to constrict the calibre of the gut.
In forming this element there seems to be a prevailing tendency to constrict the throat, but now, by joining it with elements which have been associated in the mind with the expanding globe, this stricture is removed.
The letter g represents an element, in forming which many people constrict the throat, giving what is called a “throaty” tone.
There may be dirt or water in the float chamber, which will constrict the passage between the float chamber and the spray nozzle, or a particle of foreign matter may have entered the nozzle and stopped up the fine holes therein.
If it finds its way into the spray nozzle it may block the opening so that no gasoline will issue or may so constrict the passage that only very small quantities of fuel will be supplied the mixture.