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Example sentences for "abase"

Lexicographically close words:
abandonment; abandonner; abandons; abaout; abart; abased; abasement; abases; abash; abashed
  1. There shall come a day when you shall abase yourself--even as you have seen Ysolinde the Princess abase herself to Hugo, the son of the Red Axe of the Wolf mark.

  2. By the lords of hell, I will abase you, Executioner's son!

  3. Let us then abase her to matter and see if she knows whereof is made the very body which she animates, and those others which she contemplates and moves at her will.

  4. If it be not true, there is no truth in man; and if it be true, he finds therein great cause for humiliation, being compelled to abase himself in one way or another.

  5. For what is he worth, O my Lord, who does not utterly abase himself to nothing for Thee?

  6. I bless His Majesty, and abase myself, because I am still more deeply in His debt; and I believe that He makes my desire to serve Him grow, and my love revive.

  7. Prince, I would fain confer with thee; we have a project to abase and banish this hateful lord.

  8. Then was the far-famed Louisa, so proud and so untamable, seen to abase herself, kissing the pavement, and with outstretched arms laying all her length thereon.

  9. You see, I abase myself, I abase myself of my own free will.

  10. If thou aidest Me not, why dost thou seek to abase Me?

  11. This means, of course, that Galt, though he perceived the pose, did not abase himself in ecstasy before it.

  12. Can you behold every one that he is proud, and abase him, and bind their faces in secret?

  13. Hear no evil, and see no evil, abase not thyself,.

  14. Hear no evil, and see no evil, abase not thyself, neither sigh and weep.

  15. One would think that the lamentable weakness of any one of all these graces, should take down pride and abase you in your own eyes.

  16. Think of that world, in which your souls must ere long appear, before the great and holy God, whose presence will abase the proudest sinner.

  17. She tried to abase herself utterly so that she might experience the joy of rising above her own needs.

  18. His desire to abase himself, though it arose from a different motive, was as complete as hers.

  19. O my God, the hearts of the wise abase themselves before Thee.

  20. We formerly laid hold on them with chastisement, yet they did not humble them to their Lord, nor did they abase them; Until, when we have opened upon them the door of a severe punishment, lo!

  21. She said, "Kings when they enter a city spoil it, and abase the mightiest of its people: and in like manner will these also do.

  22. For us, who deserve only humiliation and contempt, to abase ourselves is no great thing.

  23. Reflect on these two virtues, and you will ask how it is possible that charity can be united with humility, if the nature of one is to soar on high, and that of the other to abase itself?

  24. An interval iv silence followed, in which cud be heard cries iv 'Abase Dhryfuss!

  25. Abase thyself, King Zedekiah, for it is better thou shouldst be abased than that Israel should be laid low.

  26. Thus he effectually accomplished his noble designs, and perfecteth his work, in a way tending to abase man, by discovering his infirmities and failings; and to glorify himself in his goodness and love.

  27. The property of justice is to abase our pride, however holy may be our works, et non intres in judicium, etc.

  28. Jesus Christ is a God to whom we draw near without pride, and before whom we abase ourselves without despair.

  29. If it be not true, there is no truth in man; and if it be, he finds therein a great reason for humiliation, because he must abase himself in one way or another.

  30. Let us then abase the soul to matter, and see if she knows whereof is made the very body which she animates, and those others which she contemplates and moves at her will.

  31. Teach me to abase myself, to be a servant, a lowly sweeper in the temple of the Most High, for I would rather be lowly with her I love than exalted to any place whatsoever with many.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abase" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abase; abash; bump; bust; chaste; corrupt; crush; debase; degrade; demean; diminish; dishonor; downgrade; dump; far; fawn; flout; foul; humble; humiliate; insult; lour; lower; reduce; unman