In all the above cases these valves had been found without important derangement of their structure; a circumstance not less remarkable, than difficult to be satisfactorily explained.
But why was it so difficult to discover the already discovered America?
That was a serious and difficult question; to solve it required an art, an initiation.
In the fifteen subsequent years, this vast and difficultsubject has been continually growing upon me, and has followed me from shore to shore.
It is difficult to realise the enjoyment that our great-grandfathers could take in laughing in that exaggerated fashion at a German commentator.
Martyrdom, Renan said, is not sodifficult after all.
It is difficult to go lower than these infamous men: our inquiry is at end.
To Frenchmen, English appeared a barbarous dialect, most difficult to master.
It was much less difficult to undertake Socinus himself, because he owned however the authority of Scripture, and that it had not been corrupted.
It wasdifficult not to be impressed by the soldier who had won Dunbar and Worcester.
The Bordeaux wine merchant, the Rouen printer, the Paris glovemaker, could not always trust their English agents when some difficult question arose.
Browne will be difficult to force yonder, in the Lobositz part; but yonder alone can he be tried.
We have copper pontoons at Pirna; but they will be difficultto cart.
I noticed that he was to deliver it at a little out-of-the-way place, difficult for any considerable number to get to, and I wondered just how much of an audience would gather and how they would be impressed.
Conwell, "It is difficult to speak in tempered language of what he has achieved.
It is a very difficult thing to describe that young man.
At an hour past midnight it was so dark that it was difficult for the most practised eye to pierce far into the gloom.
Why our cousin should have loved the gay Flora so ardently was hard to say; but that he did so, was not difficult to see.
It was difficult to carry the houses by storm, but they were soon set on fire.
It is difficultto begin without borrowing, but perhaps it is the most generous course thus to permit your fellow men to have an interest in your enterprise.
Frontenac had the signal honor of being chosen by the first soldier of Europe for this most arduous and difficult position.
It is not difficult to perceive the basis of this sudden and world-wide fame, nor rash to predict its indefinite duration.
He could not think that what he had already done was worthy of so much honor, while there remained any bold or difficultadventure to be undertaken.
For these earth-born creatures are only difficult to conquer on their own ground, but may easily be managed if we can contrive to lift them into a loftier and purer region.
They accordingly set out, and walked at a pretty brisk pace; so brisk, indeed, that Perseus found it rather difficult to keep up with his nimble friend Quicksilver.
This enterprise, you will understand, was, of all others, the most difficult and dangerous in the world.
When once it fastens itself into a person's character, it is very difficult getting rid of it.
But, difficult as the matter looked, Theseus was now growing up to be such a vigorous youth, that, in his own opinion, the time would quickly come when he might hope to get the upper hand of this ponderous lump of stone.
Quicksilver and the Nymphs, and found it very difficult to clamber down again.
I have helped a good many young men through adventures that looked difficult enough beforehand.
Nevertheless, it seemed so difficult an undertaking, that, for the first time in his life, he hesitated.
It is, indeed, difficultto imagine what hideous beings these three sisters were.
Well, to be sure, these were some of the dangers, but by no means the greatest, nor the most difficult to avoid.
Both sides knew it would be a stubborn and difficult affair.
Winchcombe it is difficult to believe ever “beggarly.
But it is difficult to get any exact information about this spirit.
The eight arches of Bidford achieve the rather difficult feat of being each of a different shape and size, and the heavy stonework itself has been extensively patched with brick.
For dulness and pretentious ugliness combined, the town of Warwick would be difficult to match; and the ugliest and dullest part of it is that main street called Jury Street, stretching between the West Gate and the East.
Exhall is not difficult to find, and there are not any Roman Catholics at Wixford; while Bidford is not obviously drunken.
I think, however, you would find it difficult to glimpse the chancel and the Shakespeare monument before the intention would be suspected and the enterprising person successfully headed off.
As those two qualities, relief, and fulness of effect, can hardly exist together, it is not very difficult to determine to which we ought to give the preference.
When we know the subject designed by such men, it will never be difficult to guess what kind of work is to be produced.
It is very difficult to ennoble the character of a countenance but at the expense of the likeness, which is what is most generally required by such as sit to the painter.
If he had joined to this most difficult part of the art a patience in finishing what he had so correctly planned, he might justly have claimed the place which Vandyke, all things considered, so justly holds as the first of portrait-painters.
It is difficult to conceive how the present Italian painters, who live in the midst of the treasures of art, should be contented with their own style.
To avoid this error, however, and to retain the true simplicity of nature, is a task more difficult than at first sight it may appear.
The art of discovering and expressing grace is difficult enough of itself, without perplexing ourselves with what is incomprehensible.
The composition, the ponere totum even of a single Discourse, as well as of a single statue, was the most difficult part, as perhaps it is of every other art, and most requires the hand of a master.
It is, of course, possible that, in this world of ours, there may be places with more unpleasant climates than Saghalien, but it would be difficult to find them.
But though he appeared to be so confident of finding it, it soon transpired that the house was more difficult to discover than he imagined.
Fully occupied as his day usually was, on this occasion he found it more than difficult to pass the time.
When he did, it was with a great fear in his heart--one that he would have found it extremely difficult either to describe or to account for.
Plainly as he had expressed himself to Katherine, however, it is extremely doubtful whether he himself realised how difficultand dangerous the task he had taken upon himself was likely to prove.
It would be difficult to over-estimate the pleasure Browne derived from that simple excursion.
Before that consummation could be brought about, however, they had a difficultpiece of work to do.
It is like your noble nature to try and make my path smoother, when your own is so difficult that you can scarcely climb it.
In asking that question you bring me to the most difficult point in our interview," she replied.
Well, that is a very difficult question to answer," said Browne.
It was a difficult business, but at last they succeeded; then, pushing her off, they started for the yacht.
At first it was difficult to get communication with him; but once that was done the rest was comparatively easy.
He had made up his mind to say nothing about the adventure of the afternoon, and yet, as he soon discovered, it was difficult to account for the time he had spent ashore if he kept silence on the subject.
There was a moment's hesitation, though what occasioned it is difficult to say.
He was ever restless, and she would find it difficult to keep him occupied sitting by her below till the rain ceased, so she allowed him to scramble and search as he pleased.
For one thing, the living has been so poor, and my parishioners so difficult to deal with, that I have been able to lay by but a trifle.
Probably the most difficult achievement one can conceive for a man to execute is to stand in his own light; yet Mr. Menaida had succeeded in doing this all through his life.
The boy had no inherent naughtiness in him, but was constantly falling into mischief through thoughtlessness, and he was difficult to manage because incapable of reasoning.
Had she been left absolutely alone in the world her condition would have been less difficult than it was actually, encumbered with her helpless brother.
Upon my word, you have put yourself into a difficult position.
This, which was difficult by day, was dangerous in a threefold degree at night.
Mr. Verstage was a little difficult to turn from one line of thought to another.
Not only so, but he had incurred expenses by his employment of a solicitor to carry out his design which it would be extremely difficult for him to meet, if the bank had actually failed.
But Dumple was staunch, and by dint of following the safest roads, and being left to pick his own way in the difficult places, Dandie's pony soon left the villains behind him.
Meanwhile Dougal their guide answered with a natural impatience to all complaints that he was leading them by difficult or dangerous roads.
To Dominie Sampson, long since released from his village school, the difficult task was committed of accompanying, restraining, and guiding this daring spirit and active body.
This information first relieved the mind of the old gentleman, and then, after a moment or two, began (no difficult matter) to arouse his anger.
The innocent took a difficult and dangerous path along the sides of a deep glen, holding on to bushes, rounding perilous corners of rock, till at last the barking of dogs directed them to the entrance of a wretched hovel.
Then she led Brown by a difficult and precipitous path, till she could point out to him, on the other side of some dense plantations, the road to Kippletringan.
But they wanted to buy everything, and found it very difficult to determine what they wanted to buy most; and whatever Harriet and Eliza fixed upon for themselves, Agnes thought that she should like the same for herself.
Because,” said Jonas, “it would be difficult to turn your wheelbarrows round there among the mud and stones, but you can draw them out very easily.
So Rollo asked Jonas what he had better do first, and Jonas told him that the first thing was to dig his ground all over, pretty deep; and, as it was difficult to begin it, Jonas said he would begin it for him.
They would probably be frozen in until March, and they would find it much more difficult to use their instruments, and everything far more disagreeable, generally, than in a large room in the Tip-top House.
How he obtained his living, it would have been difficult to determine.
Charles Hardy could not but admire the generosity of his friend, though he found it difficult to abandon the thought of the pleasure he anticipated in spending the Fourth in Boston.
It had been a long and difficult passage, but at last the Bunkers landed.
His thought emptied of its projective sense, he found it difficultfor him to translate his ideas in their relation to the world from which they had escaped.
I am the victim of an overwhelming desire to masturbate,' I said to her, 'since I find it difficult to resist you.
Among a people where all are of so high a type of beauty, it is difficult to single out one as peculiarly handsome.
Owing to this absence of competition, and the limit placed on the population, it is difficult for a family to fall into distress; there are no hazardous speculations, no emulators striving for superior wealth and rank.
He finds it most difficult to either shut out these distracting appeals to the senses, and equally hard to hold the attention to some uninteresting thing.
Travel in the astral body is quite another phase of occult phenomena, and is far more difficult to manifest.
Then they proceed to more difficult objects, slowly and gradually, along well known principles of memory development.
Even the simpler and purely astral operation is a difficult one to describe, though quite an easy one to perform.
In some of these cases it isdifficult to determine which one started the thinking.
Some find it no moredifficult to reproduce simile geometrical designs, such as circles, squares, triangles, etc.
It is almost as difficult to change the characteristic mental and emotional states of a person by psychic induction, except after long and repeated efforts.
It is difficult to approach this question without becoming at once involved in technical metaphysical discussion.
At first, you find it difficult to decipher the meaning of this great array of pictures.
For instance, if a person is characteristically and habitually peaceful, mild and calm, it will be very difficult to arouse in him by psychic induction the vibrations of anger, fight and excitement.
It is a shy watchful bird, and very difficult to catch; it has a fine broad tail, but we never heard that any one was able to put salt upon it.
Although we have placed this among our familiar British Birds, the eggs to English collectors are rare and difficult of attainment, and should be prized accordingly.
The journey to the church was like a ride in her hearse, only that the progress through the streets was difficult because of a crowd so dense that mounted policemen could hardly push and trample lane enough for her to reach the awning.
If he had known women better he would have guessed, or "reckoned," that her very effort to make herself difficult was a proof that she was not really so difficult as she would have him believe.
It was difficult to be afraid of anything in that baronial walk-around.
He wanted to find some attractive, some decently difficult woman to make friends with, make love to.
Yet he loved her so that he found her not unworthy nor selfish nor craven, but infinitely precious and beautiful, difficult to win and wear.
Persis and Forbes did not find it difficult to be alone.
That cannot be called a success which leaves the most difficult part of the task unaccomplished, nor can it be wise to allow difficulties to amass and accumulate, if they can be mastered in detail as they present themselves.
Everyone who has occupied himself with study of modern languages knows, that by far the more difficult task is to understand the foreign language,” (i.
Abroad, the young democracies we are strongly supporting still face very difficult times and look to us for leadership.
I know it will be difficultto tackle welfare reform in 1994 at the same time we tackle health care.
By ending nuclear testing, we can help to prevent the development of new and more dangerous weapons, and make it more difficult for non-nuclear states to build them.
We will ask Congress to ratify the new GATT accord, we will continue standing by South Africa as it works its way through its bold and hopeful and difficulttransition to democracy.
Just how important, it would bedifficult to say, but the fact that they were current at the time Moses wrote indicates that they were current and passed on from generation to generation during the whole period of the Arsacidae kings.
That a myth should be taken over by a subject people and the characters rechristened is not difficult to understand, but that the name of one of them should be applied to the ancient city is very improbable to say the least.
It adds to our wonder that this difficult drama should have been acted by the Children of Queen Elizabeth's Chapel, among them Nathaniel Field with whom Jonson read Horace and Martial, and whom he taught later how to make plays.