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Example sentences for "barley"

Lexicographically close words:
barkings; barkless; barks; barky; barl; barleys; barm; barmaid; barmaids; barman
  1. Several ears of six-rowed barley (Hordeum hexastichon) were found, which differ from our common barley in having smaller grains arranged in six rows.

  2. So he made him a whip out of a barley straw, and set him to drive the cattle home.

  3. The sky was now a curious leaden color, and the wild barley shone a livid white against the dark riband of the trail; the air was very hot and there was not a breath of wind.

  4. Pieces of ice, some as large as hazelnuts, lay about the wagon, and the wild barley lay flat beside the trail.

  5. It was seamed by ruts and fringed by wild barley but in places the grass had spread across it, leaving gaps, into which the horses' legs and the wheel sank.

  6. I asked him how he was, and he told me that on August 18, the day when Rabsang and Adul came to meet us, he was taking eleven mules and two horses laden with tsamba and barley to Parka, the Gova of which was the owner of the caravan.

  7. Afterwards Pemba Tsering came again, bringing two sacks of barley and a sheep.

  8. Terraced structures for irrigating the fields indicate that barley is grown in the district.

  9. Now poor Abdul Kerim had to do penance for his sins, and if he had erred in taking too little barley from Ladak, he made up for it by his conduct on this adventurous journey.

  10. The camping-ground was called Chomo-sumdo, a valley fork in a desolate region, but the escort had seen that some straw and barley were brought up on yaks for our horses.

  11. When I enter, all rise, but I beg them to sit down again and go on eating, while I take a seat on a barley sack at the door of the tent.

  12. Did I not tell you expressly to take barley for 21/2 months?

  13. This we left on the left hand, as well as the tasam, and ascended a valley where the little village of Ushy with its stone huts and barley fields is situated.

  14. I therefore ordered that some should be given to the horses when the barley was finished, but enough should be left for the men to last two months.

  15. They are nomads from Gertse, who have taken salt to Gyanima and are now transporting barley on their 500 sheep.

  16. Abdul Kerim came to me at the fire and said: "Sahib, we have barley for eight to ten days more; but in that time we shall reach Shahidulla, where we can get everything.

  17. To confirm his words he called up the five Govas or district inspectors of the country, who declared that the poor country could not supply all the tsamba and barley we required.

  18. Barley Orangeade is made the same, substituting the rind and juice of oranges; the juice of a lemon, in addition, is an improvement, when taken as a refreshing beverage.

  19. Give him water, lady, and barley to eat; Then haste thee and fetter the wine-bibber's feet.

  20. Now when the Prince's head had rolled off in that shocking manner, the barley plant he had given to the Knifegrinder king suddenly snapped right in two, so that the ear fell to the ground.

  21. So the Knifegrinder king remained behind with his bride and his barley plant, but Prince Lionheart, the Blacksmith, and the Carpenter set forth on their travels.

  22. He departed this life without having a surfeit of any sort of victuals, not even of barley cake.

  23. In his dwelling, but thirty measures of barley were found; and to buy them, he had been forced to leave his breastplate at a usurer's as security for a loan.

  24. The pangs of hunger would have paralysed their strength if it had not been kept up and rekindled by faith, for all they had to eat were a few grains of barley cooked in rancid, nauseous mutton-fat.

  25. The agriculturists of San Luis are engaged chiefly in the production of corn, wheat, barley and fodder; all of which are yielded plentifully by the genial soil of the State.

  26. From the time the body was disposed of in the lonely spot in Echo canyon, the men pushed rapidly eastward, making an effort at every opportunity to dispose of their barley and their teams and wagons.

  27. The wagons were also well laden with food for both man and beast, there being about a thousand pounds of barley in one of the wagons.

  28. It had been a fruitful harvest; the pease, to be sure, had withered in the blossom, but the increase of corn and barley was so great that there was no fear lest the colony go hungry that winter.

  29. His task at first was to follow after the reapers in the barley field and gather the heavy stalks of the bearded grain into sheaves.

  30. A cake, thinner than a bannock, made of wheat or barley or oat meal.

  31. To sprout; to bud; to germinate, as barley steeped for malt.

  32. These cylinders are provided with indents so shaped and of such size as to catch seeds which are smaller than wheat, and reject grains, as of barley or oats, which are longer than wheat.

  33. Besides the warehouse separator, which is made in different types and sizes, grading and sorting cylinders, and what are known as cockle and barley cylinders, are much used in the screen house.

  34. He had a large farm and many people, both men and women, worked in his fields, and as it was about the beginning of the barley harvest when the two women came to Bethlehem, these fields presented a busy appearance.

  35. Then he told her not to be afraid, but to bring the long veil which she wore, and when she had brought it he poured a large quantity of barley into it.

  36. So Ruth worked in the field all day, and then beat out the barley which she had gleaned and took it to the city to show Naomi, who was very glad, indeed, and very thankful.

  37. So Ruth kept close to the maidens who gleaned in the fields of Boaz until the end of both the barley and the wheat harvests.

  38. St. Peter will befriend me then, Because my name is Peter too; 'I know him for the best of men That ever wallopped barley brew.

  39. Wheat, beans, hops, turnips, and barley could be grown did the soil permit of it.

  40. For once when some blackbirds thoughtlessly stole his barley and some of the straw from his roof, Cuthbert scolded them, and bade them never to do so again.

  41. He found a spring in the rock and this supplied him with water; and he planted a plot of barley which yielded him food.

  42. Slow starvation, a diet of barley water, beef tea, and milk puddings, would meet the requirements of my case.

  43. But I did not want any more barley water and beef tea.

  44. That ass McMeekin insists on poisoning me with barley water, and Titherington's doctor, whoever he is, is most likely doing the same.

  45. McMeekin sternly forbade anything of the sort, and I heard him tell the nurse to give me barley water when I asked for a drink.

  46. Barley water would depress me and make me miserable even if I were in perfect health.

  47. So in our Middle and Western States we pervert both barley and rye from their legitimate purposes, and turn them into whiskey,--liquefied ruin.

  48. The land is then sown to barley the next year, and the following year clover seed may be reaped again without sowing a second time.

  49. The best nurse crops in the South include winter rye, winter barley and winter oats, even though the seed should not be sown on them until the spring.

  50. Crimson clover may be pastured in the autumn or in the spring or at both seasons, either when sown alone, or in conjunction with some other pasture crops, as winter rye, oats, barley or vetches.

  51. The marked suitability of barley as a nurse crop arises chiefly from the short period which it occupies the ground.

  52. When sown on spring crops, as spring wheat, barley and oats, the seed cannot, of course, be sown until these crops are sown.

  53. The seed is usually sowed by hand and without admixture, but the Fachl variety is sown in some instances with wheat or barley when seed is wanted.

  54. The best nurse crops in the areas named are barley and winter rye, but oats will answer also, if sown thinly and cut for hay.

  55. The “different system” as it appears was to turn the barley and potato grounds into a sheep walk, and the “absolute necessity” for it is an alleged increase of rent.

  56. Potatoes and barley were grown in the valley, and some sheep and a few black cattle find provender amongst the heather.

  57. The light oats will no doubt be given to horses in larger quantities than good corn, and the light barley will be boiled for them in mashes probably every night.

  58. The barley and oats are both plump and heavy, but there is a slight roughness about them; and yet the weights in some cases of both are extraordinary.

  59. The winnowings from all the grains will be proportionally large; although, in the case of barley and oats, had every pickle attained maturity, the crop would probably have exceeded the extraordinary one of 1815.

  60. In like manner he wishes to dispose of his inferior barley first.

  61. There is a much greater diversity in the wheat than in barley and oats.

  62. Barley has been presented in the Edinburgh market every week as heavy as 56lb per quarter--about 3lb more than the ordinary weight.

  63. The straw is not only long, but is strong in the reed, and thick in the ground; and notwithstanding all the rain, both barley and oats were much less laid than might have been expected.

  64. Both oats and barley are a heavy crop; indeed oats are the bulkiest crop I ever remember to have seen in the higher districts of this country.

  65. They are for drying the barley on; as soon as it is cut it is hung up on the cross bars and secured in this way from the rain, but it is obvious this can only be done when cultivation is on a small scale.

  66. Wheaten meal or barley meal may be used for these dishes instead of oatmeal, according to taste.

  67. Moderate open-air exercise and simple food, such as Saltcoats biscuits, oatmeal jelly, and barley puddings will largely help this.

  68. After the four hours' cooking, the grain and water are a kind of barley pudding.

  69. This is what is meant when "barley pudding" is prescribed in these articles.

  70. The barley must not be cooked with milk, and the drinks must be made with pure water.

  71. For this, Barley (see) as chief food will do very well.

  72. After this some barley water or milk may be given.

  73. Barley water may be used instead of common water.

  74. Wheaten meal, or barley meal, will do as well as, and perhaps in some cases better than, oatmeal, but these may be chosen according to taste.

  75. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

  76. Not only did the barley and wheat-harvest precede the time of gathering grapes, but some space elapsed between these labors of the husbandman.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barley" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    barley; bran; chop; corn; ensilage; feed; fodder; forage; grain; grass; hay; mash; meal; oats; pasturage; pasture; provender; scratch; silage; slops; straw; swill; wheat

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    barley bread; barley meal; barley water