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Example sentences for "swill"

Lexicographically close words:
swiftnesse; swifts; swig; swile; swiles; swilled; swilling; swim; swiming; swimme
  1. They swill more than they should and would like to swill more than they do, they spoil the wine with unwelcome and untimely disquisitions, and they cannot carry their liquor.

  2. Let them enjoy the swill and sunshine and other good things of life while they may.

  3. I could hear what he said to the pig and what the pig said to him, and judging by what the pig said I think the man must have kicked him while pouring swill into the trough.

  4. The cook is so slow we shall never get this swill out, and I am trying to hurry her," said the sink woman.

  5. It makes my heart ache to see those poor cripples lifting out tubs of swill that two men could scarce handle; and bucketful after bucketful of that large, heavy coal from the cellar, with all of their other lifting and scrubbing.

  6. When you carry swill with Lissett, go as fast as you can, so as not to hinder her; then rest when you get through.

  7. It is hard work to drag her, and the swill tub too.

  8. In future, Lissett, you and Annie O'Brien will carry the swill together.

  9. Every man, therefore, in the army began to tipple, ply the pot, swill and guzzle it as fast as they could.

  10. Come, therefore, blades, to this divine liquor and celestial juice, swill it over heartily, and spare not!

  11. I dare swear we'll do their business for them with a wet finger; they'll bear it, never fear; since they could swallow down more foul language that came from us than ten sows and their babies could swill hogwash.

  12. Eat, replied Aedituus, and drink bravely, old boy; twist like plough-jobbers and swill like tinkers.

  13. Nicholas--Fanny and he would swill water he shouldn't wonder!

  14. I was watching the woman that bore me Stretched in the brindled darkness Of the sick-room, rigid with will To die: and the quick leaf tore me Back to this rainy swill Of leaves and lamps and traffic mingled before me.

  15. But surely my soul's best dream is still That one night pouring down shall swill Us away in an utter sleep, until We are one, smooth-rounded.

  16. I told him there was but one reason for this, and that was because all such swill had been cooked.

  17. Yet he did condescend to admit that he knew all pigs throve better on plenty of common kitchen-swill than on almost any thing else.

  18. On the way to the house he met his uncle coming out of the yard, a huge pail of swill for the pigs in each hand.

  19. Bob made no reply, but he noticed the swill was full of broken ice, like the rain barrel from which he had taken the water to wash that morning, and he was wondering how much good a cold breakfast like that would do even for a pig.

  20. Indeed, it was a fact that notwithstanding much of the swill intended for the whiter portion of the litter was sacrificed to this demanding brute, he illustrated his gratitude by threatening to swallow Mr. Pierce into the bargain.

  21. So avaricious is that animal, that no amount of swill seems to pacify his desire to overthrow principles and defeat great objects.

  22. We must do for Kentuck and Carolina:--the black pig must have his swill if the rest find an empty trough.

  23. He sunk you in the very swill you were cooking for him, eh?

  24. Indeed, it had been said that all the swill in the country wouldn't satisfy him--he would seek abroad for more.

  25. Some picked decaying food from the swill barrels, or ate rats when they could be caught.

  26. It was starvation pure and simple,” and again, “No bone was too filthy or swill tub too nauseating for a prisoner to devour.

  27. It caps me what fowk can see i' gooin an makkin a swill tub o' ther guts!

  28. Eea, aw reckon aw have, but if aw havn't spoilt th' swill aw dooant care.

  29. Tha'd happen like black beer to swill it daan," sed one.

  30. Occasionally I take a pail of swill to the granary to add a few handfuls of chop-feed before giving it to Beatrice and I find the experience rather exciting.

  31. As soon as I lower my guard she rushes to the attack again, and it takes skilful work to get into the granary with the pail of swill without having it spilled.

  32. But as long as swill and chop-feed are plentiful she will not mind the lack of affection.

  33. I really wish they would tell me what to do when she comes over the top at me when I am carrying a pail of swill to which the chop-feed has not been added.

  34. She was so full that we were afraid to give her the usual ration of swill for fear she would swell up and burst.

  35. I earned my living (picked from the swill barrel) by killing rats, for the house was infested with them.

  36. He despised anything ragged, and a dirty swill man (waste merchants they are called now) aroused his deepest anger.

  37. I was born in a clothes-basket, and do not feel ashamed of my birthplace, though fire and the swill man long ago removed all trace of it.

  38. This improvement in the swill business might have made Pat give up his bottle and take to the nearly as demoralizing vice of smoking all the time.

  39. Looking from my window," Miss Milly said, "one morning, I saw quite an army of cats assembled around the plank walk leading to the swill house.

  40. They looked up to him in the most abject manner, for they knew he was generous and had the right to give the contents of the swill house to them, if he pleased.

  41. I was often obliged by hunger to pick from the swill barrel my dinners.

  42. If you have very near neighbours, their flies may get to you to some extent, but with nothing to furnish breeding places, and no foul-smelling swill or decaying animal or vegetable stuff around, they will not be attracted to your place.

  43. Parings and roots should be washed; if you expect goats to eat swill you deserve to be disappointed.

  44. Some of them would stuff to the verge of apoplexy, then roll down-stairs, and swill whisky-and-water by the tumblerful.

  45. And now they have gone to stuff themselves with food, and then they will swill liquor until they are mad again.

  46. Mr. Farnshaw jerked his arm aside to avoid her touch and spilled half the pail of swill on the ground.

  47. Seeing Elizabeth coming toward him, Mr. Farnshaw dropped from the wagon and went to fill the swill pails.

  48. His gray whiskers, the bottom of his jersey, his very ears dripped swill as he arose.

  49. For after having heard the Evangel we still continue to steal, lie, cheat, feed and swill and to practise every vice.

  50. Instead of fasting they gorge and swill day and night, instead of giving alms, they flay the poor.

  51. A cart daily conveyed swill from the camp to a large piggery, this work being delegated to a French prisoner.

  52. With the cognizance of the French driver, we hid ourselves between the swill barrels, which were usually left in the cart on its arrival at the piggery overnight.

  53. They looked great, but after I had slaughtered them and had them dressed, they turned out to be swill-fed hogs--swill and alfalfa.

  54. He wastes food in order to take the swill home to his hogs--and nobody watches him.

  55. Swill it out, swill it out, say I, and char the tub.

  56. Immediately adjoining the domicil of Madame de Bellini is a filthy little vegetable store, and on the opposite corner is an equally filthy Irish grocery, where are dispensed swill milk and poisoned whiskey.

  57. The Rat was too cunning to jump down on the wet swill and drown, but I saw it reach as far down the inside of the tub as possible with its front paws and scrape the grease from around the sides!

  58. I have seen a Rat on the top of a swill tub at a pigsty, when the swill has been about ten inches from the top of the tub.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "swill" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.