The result, so far as concerts the workman's life of faith, is a proclivity to undevout scepticism.
Where circumstances are favorable, this proclivity is apt to express itself in a certain servile devotional fervor and a punctilious attention to devout observances; it may perhaps be better characterized as devoutness than as religion.
The gambling proclivity is doubtfully to be classed as a feature belonging exclusively to the predatory type of human nature.
Hence, in part, the excess of the devoutproclivity in women, spoken of in the last chapter.
Conversely; it also appears that habituation to these observances favors the growth of a proclivity for athletic sports and for all games that give play to the habit of invidious comparison and of the appeal to luck.
It is also noticeable that unbelieving members of these classes show more of a proclivity to become proselytes to some accredited faith than the average of unbelievers.
The reversion comprises both the sense of workmanship and the proclivity to indolence and good-fellowship.
But the human proclivityto emulation has seized upon the consumption of goods as a means to an invidious comparison, and has thereby invested constable goods with a secondary utility as evidence of relative ability to pay.
But it is more to the present point to note the effect of this proclivity in shaping the action and coloring the purposes of the non-lucrative movements and organizations here under discussion.
These pseudo-military organizations tend to elaborate and accentuate the proclivity to emulation and invidious comparison, and so strengthen the native facility for discerning and approving the relation of personal mastery and subservience.
The kinship of the two types of temperament is further shown in a proclivity to "sport" and gambling, and a relish of aimless emulation.
They had a guilty feeling, they laughed a little uneasily, they displayed a fatal proclivity to stab the swelling gravity of their souls with some forced and silly jest and so tumble back to ground again before they rose too high.
That proclivity to generalization which is possessed in greater or less degree by all minds, and without which, indeed, intelligence cannot exist, has unavoidable inconveniences.
The effect of the medium is so great that, in a short time, it overcomes the inherited proclivity and produces a structure of opposite kind to the normal one.
At first, protoplasm could have had no proclivities to one or other arrangement of parts; unless, indeed, a purely mechanical proclivity towards a spherical form when suspended in a liquid.
Doubtless it may be contended that this make-shift skin results from the inherited proclivity of the type--the tendency to complete afresh the structure of the species when injured.
In India, where the proclivity to asceticism and self-torture is endemic, it was only natural that penance should in very truth seem easier and more satisfactory than this spiritual discipline.
The national proclivity towards all that is religious, metaphysical, intellectual and speculative made all agree in regarding the man of knowledge who has the secret of intercourse with the other world as the highest type.
Respect and desire for knowledge are even more intimately a part of Hindu mentality than a proclivity to asceticism or ritual.
Among the free negroes on the seaboard there was a special proclivitytoward the water pursuits of boating, oystering and the like.
Suppose, for example, an intelligent mechanic has a proclivity for economic questions, he will find no book whatever to guide him to what literature there may be upon those questions.
Some also would pass on to study for the profession of medicine through more special work in Chemistry and Physiology, and some with a proclivity for drawing and design would become architects, designers of appliances, and the like.
Despite their efforts to sustain the interest of the conversation, they were obviously distrait, and had a proclivity to fall into sudden silences, and Mrs. Keene found them amazingly unresponsive and dull.
This erotic proclivity of the moon's seems to be of very ancient date.
It is a mysterious incomprehensible presentiment, says Schleiermacher, which drives mankind across the boundaries of the finite world, and leads everyone to religion; only by the crippling of this natural proclivity can irreligiousness arise.
It is the animal proclivity to look after one’s own comfort.
When the animal proclivity in man becomes predominant, he sinks even lower than the brute.
Nor can we overlook the proclivity of all endemic diseases to extraordinary manifestations of virulence in insular nations not previously protected by gradual inoculation.
Is a special proclivity to any of the group of enthetic febrile diseases ever inherited?
Some appear to have a special proclivityfor engendering diphtheria; these are specific maladies: measles, scarlet fever, pertussis.
A few points still remain to be briefly mentioned in connection with the hereditary conveyance of proclivity to disease.
All inherited predispositions, it is important to remember, are aggravated, and each proclivity changed to actuality, by those influences which in individuals tend to like effects upon health.
Congenital cataract appears to be altogether independent of any proclivity transmitted from parents in the nature of an inheritance.
But with the self-combating proclivity of the supersensitive, an answer thereto arose in Clare's own mind, and he almost feared it.
It was not yet day, but the old woman, with that proclivity to early rising characteristic of advancing years, was already astir.
The proclivity of the Jews to idolatry is an outstanding fact all through their history.
The publication of a book like Supernatural Religion, 1872, illustrates a proclivity not uncommon in self-conscious liberal circles, for taking up a contention just when those who made it and have lived with it have decided to lay it down.
Disadvantage may be inherited, weakness, proclivity to sin, but not guilt, not sin in the sense of that which entails guilt.
The proclivity for sweets and fruits shows itself as soon as a child begins to eat solids.
Adler and Moll remark, very truly, that, so far at least as women are concerned, sexual anæsthesia or sexual proclivity cannot be unfailingly read on the features.
How your eyes sparkled, and your proclivityfor fight got uppermost, till you cried out, "Pitch into him, old boy!
Revisionists have sinned far more grievously and with greater injury to the Deposit, by their slavish proclivity to the opposite form of error.
The latter variety may always be recognized by its proclivity to trespass on the preserve of the Pshaw of Persia, thus laying the candidate open to a suit for the collection of royalties.
The pasteboard proclivitywas not one of his accomplishments.
In the House of Representatives it encountered a more strenuous resistance, and was subjected to some trials which showed the dangerous proclivity of these notes to slide from the foundation of investment into the slippery path of currency.
Persimmon Sneed, in hisproclivity to argument, forgot his lack of a pistol and his difficult position, unarmed and alone.
Walter Hoxon had not altogether ill-gauged the general proclivityto deem all fair in love or war.
The lymphatic constitution is of course transmitted and with it the proclivity to recurring ophthalmia.
From the proclivity of the mare to unhealthy inflammations of the peritoneum and other abdominal organs, penetrating wounds of the womb or vagina are liable to prove fatal.