Snuggled up against the chimney in the southern angle, right under the ridge-pole, was a whole colony of squash bugs which had wintered safely there and were only waiting for the farmer's squash vines to become properly succulent.
My woodchuck invented that sort of thing all over again on Hubbard squash vines.
The squashvine is a great stragger if left to its own devices.
That is all he can do with a boughten squash; for a squash that he cannot raise, he cannot store, nor take delight in outside of pie.
A man may live in the city and buy a squash and eat it.
Oh, but he gets a lithograph squash upon the can to show him how the pulp looked as God made it.
Tinned squash in pie may taste like any squash pie; but it is no longer squash; and is a squash nothing if not pie?
Cut it in narrow strips, take off the rind, and boil the squash in salt and water till tender--then drain off the water, and let the pumpkin steam over a moderate fire for ten or twelve minutes.
The canning of pumpkin and squash is advisable when there is any possibility of their not keeping until they can be used.
Both eggplant and summersquash are canned in the same way, because the consistency of these vegetables is much alike.
Eggplant or summer squash so canned may be rolled in egg and crumbs and sautéd or fried, the same as fresh vegetables of this kind.
If desired, pumpkin or squash may first be cooked as if preparing it for use and then put into the jars for processing.
An inner storeroom, to which Venner always retired to make a cup of squash or to open a bottle of whisky, had once been the bedroom.
A barley soup we had, then winter squash and a roast wild duck, with little quails all 'round, and a dish of pepper-cresses.
Turn in squash mixture and bake in a moderate oven.
The terror of stepping on some strange soft object that would squeak or squashunder her feet was enough to keep her still.
You aren't going to squash it, you little sillies!
Not yet old enough to be a man, nor young enough for a boy; as a Squash is before 'tis a Peascod, or a Codling when 'tis almost an Apple.
Not yet old enough for a man, nor young enough for a boy; as a Squash is before 'tis a Peascod, or a Codling when 'tis almost an Apple.
The Squash is the young Pea, before the Peas are formed in it, and the Peascod is the ripe shell of the Pea before it is shelled.
If you have a tin with holes in it, which will fit the kettle and keep the squash from touching the water, it is the nicest way to steam it.
Take the bag into a pan and press it with the edge of a plate or with a ladle, until the water is out; then turn the squashout into a dish, add salt and butter, and smooth over the top.
Boil the potatoes and rub them through a sieve; add eggs, milk, sugar, and spice precisely as for squash pies, only making the mixture a very little thicker with the potato.
The receipt for squash pies (see page 71) is a very nice rule for a pudding; omit the paste, and substitute the cracker crumbs in the dish.
The great medicine for wounds," said the man who had first awakened him, "is squash and corn.
Pumpkin andSquash require five minutes blanching; one and one-half hours sterilizing.
It is assumed that the squash has been prepared as a vegetable, with seasoning and a little butter, and what is here used is a cold, left over portion of the same.
The squash racquets seemed to be of a most pervading character; the thunder of rushing feet, blent with the long, progressive shriek of an express train, would at intervals approach almost to the swing door, but I remained unmolested.
Sybil and Bernard and their boon companions had betaken themselves to that distant and dilapidated wing of the house in which I had once unearthed Tomsy Flood, there to play squash racquets in one of the empty rooms.
And there'll be cabbage and pumpkins and marrow-squash and Lima beans, and lots of corn for the chickens.
When this median line becomes oval, and the triangles elongated and curved at the ends, it represents the ordinary squash symbol,[152] also used as an emblem of fertility.
It is said to have been settled by the Patuñ or Squash people, whose original home was far to the south, on Little Colorado river.
There were cunning little dishes of mashed potato and cranberry sauce, and some celery in a tiny tumbler, and the smallest squash pie baked in a patty pan.
Mother sends Helen up into the attic to get a squashwhile Mary's makin' the pie crust.
Two pieces of your fattest and biggest squash pie; and a cup of tea, strong, for this gentleman.
What do you say to chicken soup, and then wind up with a thumping big piece of squash pie?
At supper: Salad of cresses or celery, or a mixed salad, radishes, asparagus, squash and cucumbers.
Pea soup with sweet corn, squash and rice with fruit.
After six to eight months, the only identifiable remains were a few corn cobs, squash seeds, tomato skins and some undecomposed corn husks.
If this slab falls on anybody, it will squash him flatter than a pancake.
Jared mastered the squash with all the ease of true genius.