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Example sentences for "meal"

Lexicographically close words:
meager; meagerness; meagre; meagrely; meagreness; meale; mealed; meales; mealie; mealies
  1. The men built the fire, and the evening meal was cooked.

  2. But she was bidden draw up to the table, and during the meal discovered time and space in which to find herself.

  3. Frantically, Alex willed her to cast one look of pity or forgiveness in her direction, but Queenie passed on to the refectory where the children's mid-day meal was waiting for them without a sign.

  4. Amidst all the blur of emotions, passionate remorse and hopeless loneliness, which made up Alex' schooldays, that Saturday mid-day meal stood out in its black despair.

  5. At no other meal do we hear of entertainment, unless the guests were on a journey, as was the case at the lunch at Arcanum when Pomponia's temper got the better of her (see above, p.

  6. He simply went about his daily work with the sun and the light as guides, rising at or before sunrise, working till noon, and, after a meal and a rest, resuming his work till sunset.

  7. The slaves too in the olden time took their meal sitting on benches in the atrium, so that the whole familia was present.

  8. But as a rule the meal was taken before a busy man went out to his work, and consisted of bread, either dipped in wine or eaten with honey, olives, or cheese.

  9. Once only in the course of the meal did her father speak.

  10. His people had been talking to him of Ida, he was quite prepared to be impressed, and that he was so was evident before the meal had concluded.

  11. Towards the end of the meal the guests were startled by strange sounds in the ceiling, and a quaking of the whole apartment.

  12. After another meal in the hall of the brotherhood, the members passed on to the circus and gave the signal for the races to begin.

  13. A troop of naked boys, black as all around, danced an awful measure, and then set on the dismal meal which was offered, by old Roman use, to the spirits of the departed.

  14. Then he let his hand fall, and began to bustle about the table, chattering as he prepared a meal for them.

  15. Father and I have not had a peaceful meal for many a day.

  16. Thanks to the care which Steve had taken, the men had ample time for rest and sleep, and either half of the band on their return from scouting always found a good meal ready, that being one of the duties of those resting in the fort.

  17. Madam, the fishes were divided among the thousands when the Son of Man fed the multitude, and that was a more inspiring meal than could have been provided by Solomon in all his glory.

  18. Leaving out the respect I have for the young woman, it would not be as inspiring a meal as a canned minnow on a baize table.

  19. As soon as the meal was ended, our horses were brought round, and Kate and I took our leave, Jaap having preceded us as usual, an hour or more, with our luggage.

  20. The meal that succeeded was silent and thoughtful.

  21. As to her welcome at the board, it was neither hearty nor otherwise; it being so much a matter of course for the American to share his meal with the stranger, that little is said or thought of the boon.

  22. I presume each had something to eat, though all took the meal apart from the rest of the family.

  23. During the whole of that meal I felt certain there was a secret, mysterious communication between me and Mary Warren, which, while it probably did escape the notice of others, was perfectly evident to ourselves.

  24. The bed was wheeled up to the fireplace, the tea table and two chairs were grouped about the hearth, and there they had their last meal together in happy peacefulness.

  25. By the time the meal was finished Huldah's mind was made up.

  26. So he ate that meal in solitary state, waited upon by Edwards.

  27. Tasted more like home than any meal I've had for a good while.

  28. He took the chair indicated by the solemn Edwards, and the meal began.

  29. The Dickenses "tickled" the captain exceedingly, and, after the meal was over, he spoke of them to Pearson.

  30. Conversation during the meal was, for the most part, a monologue by the captain.

  31. The one that's caught's dead, and them that are left are too busy hustlin' for the next meal to waste much time grievin'.

  32. If I can make her like me, perhaps she'll go down to a meal with Churn, and leave me on guard," she reflected.

  33. The meal seems to have passed in silence.

  34. The great benediction which the Spirit bade the Apocalyptic seer write over 'the dead which die in the Lord,' is anticipated in both its parts by this mysterious meal on the beach.

  35. And so, after that strange meal on the beach, we have this exquisitely beautiful and deeply instructive incident of the special treatment needed by the denier before he could be publicly reinstated in his office.

  36. The one is followed by the call to higher duty and to the abandonment of possessions; the other is followed by rest and the mysterious meal on the shore.

  37. It was a modest meal that He with His infinite resources thought enough for toiling fishermen.

  38. When the long nightmare of that meal was ended, Bull began making his rounds.

  39. It was a miserable meal for Bull; he had already eaten, and he could not find a way of refusing the invitation of the proprietor to sit down again.

  40. All during the meal the glances of Hal Dunbar alternated between the girl and the giant.

  41. All through the meal Hugh Manners engaged Pete Reeve in soft, rapid-voiced conversation which was so nicely gauged as to range that Bull Hunter heard no more than murmurs.

  42. I figure three times a regular meal ought to be about it," he said.

  43. For nine weary months after Tungi went to school, the shaven-headed child, living on one meal a day, went about sad and lonely.

  44. When that has been done, but one meal a day is permitted a widow, no matter how she works.

  45. How he worried through the morning meal and the prayer at the family altar, he never knew, and he escaped with inexpressible relief to the stable and the field to take up the duties of his daily life.

  46. At the close of one cold, blustering day, when his evening meal had been eaten in solitude, he sat down before the great fire which roared in the chimney.

  47. You may make the like with great Oat-meal scalded (not boiled) in Cream, and soaked a night; then made up as the other.

  48. Take about two parts of Oat-meal well beaten in a Mortar, and one part of Rice in subtile powder.

  49. Others make their Paste of Barley meal with Milk and a little course Sugar, and mingle with it a little (about an eight part) of powder of green Glass beaten exceeding small.

  50. Then strain it out into a Possnet through a fitting strainer; and if you judge it too thick of the Oat-meal for sufficient boiling, add more milk to it.

  51. PAP OF OAT-MEAL Beat Oat-meal small; put a little of it to milk, and let it boil stewingly, till you see that the milk begins to thicken with it.

  52. When his relatives came to see him, or if he had other visitors, he took pains to have a plain meal provided for them.

  53. But he says when he got back to St. Petersburg a few days away from the distressing scenes, his mind occupied with other business, it did not trouble him at all to eat a good full meal just as he had done before.

  54. There was no home for them, nowhere to get a meal of food or to sleep.

  55. The only paid help were two men and one woman, the latter lived near the camp and reported for duty at first meal call and remained until dining tent and kitchen were in order.

  56. Places were established in Nijni where twenty kitchen meal tickets may be purchased for one ruble.

  57. Many women and children were on the wharf ready to sweep up any stray bits of meal or beans that might escape from leaky sacks or boxes.

  58. The meal of all meals is a paulopost-meridian breakfast.

  59. After spending the greater part of the morning in his devotions (for his benevolent neighbours had kindly insisted upon discharging his task of ordinary labour), David Deans entered the apartment when the breakfast meal was prepared.

  60. The preparations for their humble meal were that morning made in vain.

  61. Upon a baulk, that is, an unploughed ridge of land interposed among the corn, the Laird's trusty palfrey was tethered by the head, and picking a meal of grass.

  62. Lockman, so called from the small quantity of meal (Scottice, lock) which he was entitled to take out of every boll exposed to market in the city.

  63. Take the meal of flour of any vegetable, put it into an iron pan over a moderate fire, and keep it stirring with an iron spoon till it changes to a black powder; to one part of this add four parts of raw alum.

  64. How to meal Gunpowder, Brimstone, and Charcoal.

  65. Sit down right there; no excuse, you must know sooner or later what sort of a cook I am, for we expect to share many a meal in common.

  66. When Mrs. Peake saw what fine birds he had secured she was loud in her praise, for their coming meant at least one good meal without cost, and every cent counted in this little family.

  67. After the meal was finished nothing would do but that Darry must give them some music ere the first detail went out on their arduous duties in facing the cold storm.

  68. And what are we to eat oursells then, father," asked Jenny, "when we hae sent awa the haill meal in the ark and the girnel?

  69. Send down to the borough-town for what meal you can gather.

  70. The horrors of war were soon forgotten, and we would get a good meal at the Cafe Godabert or at some other place, and soon feel at peace with the world.

  71. The supply of crockery was limited, and we had to use our own jack-knives, but these trifles did not interfere with my appreciation of the best meal I had had since leaving California.

  72. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "meal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    barley; board; bran; chop; consult; corn; crumb; devour; dust; eat; ensilage; entertainment; fallout; farina; feast; feed; filings; flour; fodder; forage; grain; grit; groat; hay; ingest; lint; mash; meal; meat; mess; oats; pasturage; pasture; powder; provender; rasping; refection; refreshment; sawdust; scratch; silage; slops; smut; soot; spread; straw; swill; table; take; treat; wheat