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Example sentences for "individualism"

Lexicographically close words:
individual; individualisation; individualise; individualised; individualising; individualist; individualistic; individualists; individualities; individuality
  1. The intense individualism of the planter-aristocrat could not tolerate in any possible situation the idea of a control which he could not himself ultimately either direct or reject.

  2. Our resplendent economic autocracy does not want to return to that individualism of which they prate, even though the advantages under that system went to the ruthless and the strong.

  3. In Russia the cooperative community has become the recognized bulwark of law and order, and saved individualism from engulfment in social paralysis.

  4. He contrasted the stoical indifference with Christian sympathy, and stoical individualism with the thought of Christian society; but he seized upon and made his own the loftier moral ideas in Stoicism, and applied them to public life.

  5. It is manifest that this idea of Dominium Absolutum is simply the conception of the extremest individualism applied to God instead of being used to describe man.

  6. But here as elsewhere the new individualism of the Socinians compels them to establish both the authority and the dogmatic contents of Scripture in a way different from their mediaeval predecessors.

  7. We are now able to appreciate the value of the radical individualism which would make religion something purely individual: it misunderstands the fundamental conditions of the religious life.

  8. Their founding represented the triumph of the principle of collective national action over the spirit of intense individualism displayed so commonly on the frontier.

  9. If the spirit of sedition, of lawlessness, and of wild individualism and separatism had conquered, then our history would merely have anticipated the dismal tale of the Spanish-American republics.

  10. Individualism in the Southwest, Collectivism in the Northwest The wide gap between the ways in which the Northwest and the Southwest were settled is made plain by such a statement.

  11. Yet his individualism was always active within the religious society, and never contemplated itself as outside.

  12. Those who think on this subject and who really desire the improvement of society--unfortunately a very small class--are divided over the question whether mankind shall progress by the path of individualism or by that of collectivism.

  13. The inevitable outcome of the struggle between individualism and collectivism is the triumph of each in its own proper field.

  14. Yet in losing my Individualism I have won my Individuality, for I have found my true place at last.

  15. It speaks of individualism becoming conscious of its own defects and dangers.

  16. The spirit of individualism in religious music can go no further.

  17. Here we have the individualism of modern art exhibited in the most positive degree upon its very threshold.

  18. Still under the control of the Catholic doctrine and discipline, it nevertheless betokens a certain restlessness of mind; the native individualism of the German spirit is preparing to assert itself.

  19. The development of Individualism during the last three centuries is explained by the efforts of the individual to protect himself from the tyranny of Capital and of the State.

  20. The migrated individualism of the Collectivist system certainly could not maintain itself alongside a partial communism--the socialization of land and the instruments of production.

  21. But this time society was to swing back not to the atomic individualism of Adam Smith's economic man and Thomas Jefferson's farmer, but to a sort of molecular individualism of voluntary groups.

  22. And the first result of that is, as he rightly says, a chaos of individualism and warring sects.

  23. It is not possible to draw a hard-and-fast line between individualism and collectivism.

  24. It is in the nice adjustment of the respective ideas of collectivism and individualism that the problem of the world and the solution of that problem lie in the years to come.

  25. Individualism and anarchism continue to denounce the state, when they ought to reform it and improve its institutions.

  26. He calls it positivism, but it is particularism, or rather an aristocratic individualism which in the domain of thought plays the same role that political nihilism plays in Russia.

  27. It applies to individualism in any form if carried to its consistent and most extreme consequences.

  28. His philosophy is an individualism carried to its utmost extreme, sanctioning egotism, denouncing altruism and establishing the right of the strong to trample the weak under foot.

  29. It is little known, however, that he followed another thinker, Johann Caspar Schmidt, whose extreme individualism he adopted.

  30. Yet it is only fair to remember that the age itself was one of exaggerated individualism and that literature had not yet become a mouthpiece for the utterances of humanity.

  31. Individualism was to her the keystone of art as well as of life.

  32. Nietzsche’s false individualism and aristocratism is capable of misleading superficial readers.

  33. But the most remarkable thing about this philosopher of individualism is that he not only expressly condemns egoism in the man as a low vice, but unconsciously also admires disinterestedness in the woman as an angelic perfection.

  34. In any case, his apostles have brought forward anarchistic individualism as the central doctrine of his drama.

  35. In practice individualism is chiefly concerned to oppose the concentration of commercial and industrial enterprise in the hands of the state and the municipality.

  36. Extreme individualism is pure anarchy: on the other hand Thomas Hobbes, a characteristic individualist, vigorously supported absolute government as necessary to the well-being of individuals.

  37. Individualism is, however, by no means identical with egoism, though egoism is always individualistic.

  38. And, on the whole, was there ever an age so rank with individualism as this of ours, which chatters ceaselessly of self-subdual to the common cause?

  39. When you were speaking about individualism a sentence of his came into my mind.

  40. In that sense, individualism is no doubt part of the evolutionary scheme; I quite agree with you.

  41. The Church had tolerated the individualism of taste; how far could it tolerate the individualism of the soul?

  42. The early original impulse with its extravagant individualism had settled down into a calmer, wider, and more polished method of thought and work.

  43. From such individualism as this the Church had little direct injury to fear.

  44. But now a more subtle development of individualism was beginning to make itself felt.

  45. Protestantism is still suffering from the effects of extreme individualism in religious belief.

  46. The old type individualism of the landowning-operating farmer has long handicapped the farmer in his relations with other industrial groups.

  47. The individualism of evangelicalism, with its primary concern for the salvation of the individual soul, is widely discredited.

  48. This influence was unplanned and relatively accidental because religious individualism was more concerned with the right to worship according to the dictates of conscience than with political rights.

  49. There can be little doubt, in fact, that these waves of religious individualism assisted the growth of democratic and republican forms of government.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "individualism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.