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Example sentences for "whitewash"

Lexicographically close words:
whitest; whitetail; whitethorn; whitethroat; whitethroats; whitewashed; whitewashing; whitewood; whith; whither
  1. To whitewash an Ethiopian is a proverbially hopeless attempt; but to whitewash an Ethiopian by giving him a new coat of blacking is an enterprise more extraordinary still.

  2. We should probably like Mr. Hallam's book more if, instead of pointing out with strict fidelity the bright points and the dark spots of both parties, he had exerted himself to whitewash the one and to blacken the other.

  3. So I walked home, and I said to myself--Whitewash is my destined son-in-law.

  4. I as a manufacturer of fancy soap remove physical impurities from the skin; Whitewash effaces the blots that calumny has cast upon innocence.

  5. I look to see if Mr. Whitewash has been saying something for some poor devil in the Central Criminal Court.

  6. And she had made herself a party to a fraud, for however much she might try to whitewash her act, she knew she had no right to allow Netta to use her work.

  7. I won't whitewash you, but since you're sorry, I vote we all agree to drop the thing.

  8. She saw how cleverly her old chum had managed to whitewash herself by making a confession and feigning penitence, and how much darker this act caused Gwen's own share in the matter to appear by comparison.

  9. The sheet of paper to be coloured is placed in front of the woman who wets it over with the required colour by means of a long thin brush like a whitewash brush, which she dips into a bowl.

  10. But there was not an inch of its surface, outside or in, that had not been cleaned and polished, by scrubbing or whitewash brush.

  11. The walls had been scraped of the ancient and discolored whitewash that covered them, and a fresh coat of sweet-smelling lime applied.

  12. You've sprinkled pounds of chloride, splashed whitewash galore, swept and scrubbed and worn yourself out, and it's hopeless.

  13. The whitewash brush over his shoulder dripped a milky fluid upon his bared head, and occasionally a drop trickled as far as the corner of his capacious mouth.

  14. Jimmy was to be the driver; the other five were each armed with a bucket, except one who found a force pump through which the whitewash could be squirted with delightful precision.

  15. He pointed to a great barrel half full of whitewash standing in a wagon ready for delivery next day at the little steamer dock, where a coat of whitewash on the wharf and shed was the usual expedient to take the place of lights for night work.

  16. The red boxes can be painted to match the red bricks, or colour-washed (whitewash as before, but red ochre for colour).

  17. There should be a good deal of size so that the whitewash does not come off on every thing.

  18. But when you are tired of these things as models, parts of them can be used with great effect in your building, especially if you paint the brown ones with aluminium paint, or even whitewash them.

  19. Other writers, who had no desire to whitewash savages, tell us not only "comparatively" but positively what Bushman morals are.

  20. The result had always been whitewash--whitewash on the ceilings, and whitewash on the walls.

  21. Steps of rough stone, rude wooden balustrades, a brick pavement in the passages, a dingy whitewash on the walls; these were here the palatial features.

  22. I am sorry to say that a workman spilt a pail of whitewash in your room.

  23. And the painter's man who spilt the whitewash over your books will be enjoying the joke over his Sunday dinner.

  24. I fancy it was the whitewash over your books that finally shunted you.

  25. I only hope the man who spilt whitewash over my bookcase will commit suicide as well.

  26. Professional whitewashers usually appear in hats or sunbonnets; it is not a badge of their profession, but a means of protecting their eyes when they whitewash above their heads.

  27. Paste each strip with quick long strokes, using a wide paint brush or whitewash brush.

  28. Apply whitewash with a broad brush and do not put it on very thick.

  29. Whitewash is often decried because it rubs off upon things which touch it and also because flakes of it fall upon the floor and into uncovered receptacles.

  30. The whitewash paragraphs recently published throughout the country in regard to President McCurdy and the Mutual Life were all paid for on this basis.

  31. Rogers I use more whitewash than tar, and that if he is half as determined and relentless as my characterization of him, he will surely exact a terrible reprisal for what I have written here.

  32. I mixed the whitewash with fierce energy.

  33. We clean and scrub and whitewash in our day, and believe in these ways of arresting the demons; but in old Rome the call for help was more impressive at least, and probably braced the souls of the sufferers as even whitewash could not do.

  34. The interior has suffered a great deal during the whitewash period; but some of the original carvings are remarkable, particularly the grotesque creatures displayed on the main columns.

  35. Whitewash and stucco have done a good deal to hide its original beauties, but some fine monuments remain.

  36. A tedious burden is lifted from the shoulders; the bones in the sepulcher are less revolting than the whitewash outside; it is pleasanter to know what a man is than to suspect him.

  37. To Mr. Cottingham we also owe a repair of the ceilings of the choir and nave, and a final cleaning from whitewash of the Purbeck marble shafts throughout the building.

  38. It is altogether a rotten carcase; and if you stuff it to the mouth with chloride of lime, and whitewash it an inch thick, you will make nothing else of it.

  39. Joe, whitewash 'em this inning, and in the next we'll get the winning run.

  40. But dat man such did look odd, wif dat pail ob whitewash all ober him.

  41. Blinded by the whitewash which ran in his eyes, but which, being slaked, did not burn him, he grouped blindly about, pawing the air with his outstretched hands.

  42. Cromwell," remarked the Bishop, "applied enough whitewash to Blanford to last it for several centuries.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whitewash" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.