Now, I had also discovered a rich mineral vein beneath the Gradina Dracului, and to prevent it from being appropriated, I had a little private pleasure-house built there among the rocks for the exclusive use of my wife.
From the bottom of the pump we went aside a short distance into the lowest workings where two men nearly naked were driving a level towards the lode or vein of ore.
At one period he suffered a good deal from an attack of eczema, and at another from a varicose vein in his leg, and he was occasionally troubled with severe colds.
There was in Cardan's nature a strong vein of melancholy, and up to the date now under consideration he had been the victim of a fortune calculated to deepen rather than disperse his morbid tendencies.
In his Harpocratic vein he argued, "This pope is an old man, a tottering wall, as it were.
It brought warmth to her heart, it made every vein tingle, it ingrained her brain with pride.
But my mother identified the legs past mistake, by a mole on the left calf and a varicose vein on the right.
I am far from indulging in any sportive vein at present; nor is the supposition I have been making so wild as many may deem it.
So frank an appeal for participation--so outspoken a recognition of the holiday vein in human nature--struck refreshingly on a mind jaded by prolonged hard work in surroundings made for the discipline of the senses.
There was in Lily a vein of sentiment, perhaps transmitted from this source, which gave an idealizing touch to her most prosaic purposes.
We are also to consider that, in all operations of a magical nature, there is a wonderful mixture of frankness and bonhommie with a strong vein of cunning and craft.
He was much courted by the independent clergy, was shrewd, penetrating and active, and exhibited a singular mixture of pious demeanour with a vein of facetiousness and jocularity.
When we should apprehend the author or authors to have come to an end of the rich vein in which they expatiate, still new wonders are presented to us in endless succession.
He was uniformly courteous and unpretending; and, if at any time he indulged in a vein of playful ridicule, it was only against the presumptuously ignorant, and those who were without foundation wise in their own conceit.
It seemed to me that the vein of gold he was following should lead to the treasure, so I pulled strings until Samson blundered, trying to trick us.
Surely--knowing as well as I do that the vein is leading toward the fort.
The veinof gold you have been mining was the clue to the secret all along.
He has found a little vein of gold," said Tess, "that will likely lead to a bigger vein.
He goes afterward to the priests, and prays that the vein of gold may turn another way and save him from bankruptcy!
I'm shoring up the end to keep the roof from falling down on us, and next I'm going to turn sharp at right angles and try to find the end of the veinwhere it broke off.
It's not time to talk yet, but I think I've found a vein that may lead somewhere.
Sita Ram, who has a compass, and who knows all that goes on in Samson sahib's office, sent me word that the little veinof gold runs nearly due north.
As a matter of fact, though, it's about six tons of quartz with a vein of gold in it--see the gold running straight up the line of the nose and over the middle of the head?
It is a very similar vein to that of the allegro movement of the "Sonate Pathetique," a work which Beethoven composed about twenty-five years earlier.
In my opinion, what Beethoven sought to do was to end this sonata in a more serious and poetic vein than sonatas usually close in.
Yet it co-exists in the national character with a strong vein of very genuine melancholy, and it is often accompanied by keen sensitiveness to suffering.
And if, as I believe, thy veinbe good, The world will find thee after many days.
She was this evening in a rare vein of excited pleasure, gay, challenging, admirably provoking, exulting in her freedom, dangling before her own dazzled eyes all its possibilities.
What moved his satiric vein was that they all had to be gulled--and were all gullible.
Then he had looked at her in that queer way; the words had been all right, conceived in the appropriate vein of jocular flirtation; but the look was out of joint.
Here the comic vein runs out even more freely than in the former piece, and has quite as much relish of home-made observation.
The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, probably written before 1590, exhibits Marlowe in a higher vein of workmanship.
And indeed there is no resisting the delectable humour of it: but then the thing is utterly inimitable; Shakespeare being no less unapproachable in this vein than in such delineations as Shylock and Lear and Cleopatra.
No sooner does he attempt the comic vein than his whole style collapses into mere balderdash.
But, besides this, there is a vein of humour running through the part of Hamlet himself, underlying his darkest moods, and giving depth and mellowness to his strains of impassioned thought.
We have seen our Poet springing from what may be justly termed the best vein of old English life.
The piece, however, has nothing of historical matter but the names: it is merely a piece of broad comedy in the vein of English life and manners.
Capital had flowed in from the East, and already a Pennsylvanian was starting a main entry into a ten-foot vein of coal up through the gap and was coking it.
The vein of curiosity, were it that alone that impels you, could not but have an exception.
Sometimes the vein widened or developed rich lenses, and sometimes it pinched down until the walls enclosed nothing but a narrow streak of talc; but always it dipped down, and that was a good sign, a prophecy of the true fissure vein to come.
It was rich and it widened out, instead of pinching off as a typical gash-vein would; and while it would take a fortune to develop it, it was copper, and copper was king.
The vein of silver that Bunker Hill had shown him was worth a thousand dollars anywhere; but, situated as it was on the next claim to the Lost Burro, it was worth incalculably more.
And all because, while the rest of them loafed, he had drifted in on his vein until he cut the stringer of copper.
He must turn away from the silver treasure, that precious vein of metal which led so temptingly into the hill, and take the little stringer of quartz which the Professor had offered as a gold mine.
He stepped into the tunnel and there, across the face, was a four inch vein of the ore.
Bunker, "they stopped thinking right here, when I showed 'em that big vein of copper!
There was a strike then in Pinal, Old Murray had tapped the vein and it ran up to forty per cent copper!
The ore that he mined now was a mere excrescence of the great ore-body he hoped to find, but each day the blanket-vein turned and dipped on itself until at last it folded over and led down.
But now--well, with that fissure vein opened up and a solid body of ore in sight, he might reasonably demand the customary accommodations which all merchants accord to good customers.
I've got four feet of it," announced Denver gloating over the specimens, "and the vein has turned and gone down.
Well, how can it be a gash-vein when it's between two good walls and increasing in width all the time?
First he would shoot off the face, to be sure there was no salting, and send off some samples to the assayer; and then he would drive straight in on the vein as long as his money lasted.
Not a hundred feet down-stream from where the vein cropped out, the main trail crossed to the east side of the creek, leaving the mine on the side of a steep hill.
Then Jesus spoke out, and as he spoke he strode up and down the room, with his hand clutching the air, and the vein throbbing on his left temple.
His face was full of wrath and scorn, his eyes blazed, and on his left temple stood out a vein all blue, throbbing with his passion.
Then the man looked up from the little child, his face once more full of rage, and the bluevein throbbing on his temple.
She does kaytun fer all lem blue-vein fam'lies in town.
A delicate pathos and a vein of humour characterize his best pieces.
Besides being a learned antiquary, he has wit, humour, and a true vein of poetry in him, and the literary skill, in addition to turn all these to the best account.
Lame Jervas has warned his master of the miners' plot, and showed him the vein of ore which they have concealed.
This man, wise and cultivated in all European literature, 'came to the conclusion that Maria Edgeworth had struck on a vein from which most of the great novelists of the future would exclusively work.
Tennyson became fully original, but he always admitted, and sometimes encouraged in himself, a certain veinof conventionality.
Either from the violence of my fall, or the excess of my grief, a vein had burst in my throat, and a haemorrhage ensued.
He is a man too with a deepvein of humour, and, what is far more rare, a keen vein of appreciation of the humour of others.