She seemed to have a passion for treading upon things which would scrunch or yield under her foot, such as flowers, little windfallen apples and pears, acorns, etc.
Scrunch me, if it arn't my old ship, the Whittington!
If we could only get together all the craft as master Porphyry possesses, scrunch me!
Scrunch me if we don't make 'em change their toon at any rate;" exclaimed the old man.
I’ll scrunch your head off,’” said Polly in a stage whisper.
Now the white polar bear can’t scrunch those people’s heads off.
But I never in my life felt so helpless as when, just as he finished speaking, we heard the scrunch of tires on the graveled driveway outside.
The scrunch of wheels on gravel brought me off the bed several times, but it turned out to be cars going into the restaurant next door.
It wasn't long before I heard the sound I had been hoping for--the scrunch of tires on the gravel, and a squeak of brakes.
But the pad quickly changed to the soft scrunch of moccasined feet, and, presently, a man, bearing a great load of wood upon his broad back, came on through the dusky aisles of the forest.
As the scrunch of the pine-cones under the steel runners died away the calm of ages once more settled upon the woods.
There was no scrunch of footsteps, the snow muffled all such sounds.
A quarter of an hour later, when Jong arrived on the scene, and the scrunch of wheels was heard outside on the road, two men stood ready to accompany the party.
By now he could hear the scrunch of fast-revolving wheels on the macadam, while more than one shriek came from the interior of the carriage.
Anyway, he did not wait longer than it takes to scrunch as hard as possible with canine teeth as sharp as knives, and leap clear.
Mesomelas cleared himself from that scrunch with very red lips, but never stopped his whirling, light-cavalry form of attack.
These latter then scrunch up and swallow many of the bones.
No lion will ever scrunch up heavy bones like a hyæna, but should he kill an animal in good condition, he will swallow all the comparatively soft bones of the brisket, and also gnaw off the ends of all the rib-bones.
I only had some of the old hands now, scrunch me, if I wouldn't put matters to rights, after a fashion the fellows here don't dream of.
Scrunch me, if I ar'nt springing a leak as no pump can stop!
Scrunch me, if that isn't the most cruel chase I ever saw," exclaimed the captain.
Scrunch me, if they did'nt seem as happy as periwinkles on a rock.
I have found out that you must either scrunch them, or let them scrunch you.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scrunch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.