And the little Chinese figures on the black, lacquer cabinets were mixed up with it.
I had to walk from there to the work bench to get the lacquer and the brush.
Were your children retired when you went into the garage, at the time you went into the garage to lacquer your boxes?
What time of the evening was it, approximately, when you entered the garage to lacquer the two boxes?
Were the two boxes inside your home, and did you take them into the garage, or were they in the garage when you prepared to lacquer them?
At the end bowls of rice, which is brought in in a big lacquer dish with a cover looking some like a small barrel.
Then we left the table and were shown the rooms upstairs, which contain many pieces of lacquer and bronze and woodwork, and then we went down and there was tea and a dish of fruit ready for us.
Then Papa does his best to make a reply, and after he sits down we lift the cover of a lovelylacquer soup bowl and lift the chop sticks.
Tea and dinner is brought into your box in those nice little lacquer lunch boxes.
This one has in it a beautifullacquer cabinet, very large and quite overpowering every other thing in the room.
But there is a gold lacquer table which is like transfixed sunshine, and there are other pieces of old furniture, which are priceless now, and which have come down in his family.
Two little lacquer tables to move wherever we want to sit.
The ladies brought us tea with their own hands in lovely blue and white cups with little lacquer stands and covers.
We had before us, each, one lacquer bowl, covered, that contained the usual fish soup with little pieces of fish and green things cut up in it.
And they are wonderful, and more wonderful still their housekeeping equipment of old lacquer and porcelain and glass.
A great many candles had been lighted, on tables and mantel, and in lacquer stands.
The flames blazed more brightly, their reflection squirmed over the lacquer frames on the walls, gleamed richly on polished black walnut, and fell across the Turkey floor carpet.
Most of the people were women, some carried offerings in lacquer bowls on their heads, others carried between them pagodas and pyramids in wicker-work hung with new pots and pans and, odd bits of pretty colours and flowers.
The women wore rose red tamiens or skirts, and these, plus the red lacquer work and reddish sand, made an effect as hot as if you had swallowed a chili!
They stood silently with the big black lacquer bowls in their arms against their waists, looking humbly down, and a stall holder placed large handfuls of the rice she was cooking into a bowl.
Now and again may be seen immense funeral biers bright with red lacquer and gilding, and resting upon a platform of bamboos large enough to admit from twenty to fifty or sixty bearers.
In winter the pottery pillow is replaced by one of lacquer and leather, which is not so cold.
He had arranged the couches, lighted the spirit-lamps, and seen that there was one of Ah Wu's best carved ivory opium pipes upon each lacquer table.
All around the walls, both upstairs and downstairs, were couches, and by the side of each couch was a small lacquer table.
However, he had gone no farther than half-way up the stairs, when Ling snatched up one of the small lacquer tables, and hurled it at the fugitive with such force that it crashed to atoms against the banisters.
He had put down the tray upon a small lacquer table by the side of Cheong-Chau's couch.
Upon the right of the entrance, adorned by the embroidered curtains, was a lacquer table, upon which stood a heavy china vase.
This was followed by a sort of fish broth in lacquer bowls, with a condiment made of shredded daikon--the Japanese radish--mingled with green herbs.
One or two jars and a lacquer box completed the furniture.
Shaking his head resolutely, he made signs that he wished the remains of his meal to be put up for him in one of the lacquer boxes he saw in the room.
Presently there entered two ladies, followed by four maids bearing food on littlelacquer trays.
Unfortunately," he said, "the patient Chinaman will no longer exchange silks andlacquer and teas for boiled sea slugs.
And there she stood in the doorway, the lacquer box in her hand, the medallion plainly showing.
Inside, Belle, the lacquer box in her hand, and supposing that it was a servant who had knocked, stepped over to open the door.
Then, from an inner pocket, he drew out a smalllacquer box, from which he took out and passed to Dave a filigree gold plate on which appeared the delicately tinted face of a beautiful Japanese woman.
The lacquer box, containing the priceless Satsuma medallion, was not in any of his pockets!
Scenting some loving surprise from her husband, Belle, womanlike, opened the package first, disclosing a small lacquer box.
At about this time, Belle, who had been absent from her rooms for a few moments, was looking diligently for the note that had accompanied the lacquer box.
An American told us that he had seen you slip your hand into Katura's pocket and take out a lacquer box.
Unconsciously Belle had thrown behind her the hand that held the lacquer box.
He took out some small object--a lacquer box, I should say, but I cannot be sure.
At last, a perplexed frown on her face, she again picked up the lacquer box and stood gazing at the exquisite, precious medallion.
Ornamentation by means of lacquer painted or carved, or simply colored, sprinkled with gold or the like; -- said especially of Oriental work of this kind.
The act or business of putting on lacquer; also, the coat of lacquer put on.
Work varnished and figured in the Japanese manner; also, the varnish orlacquer used in japanning.
When they reached the end of the veranda, their hostess paused before a set of shoji screens, knelt, and pushed aside the rice-paper covered frames to reveal a room entirely bare except for a low lacquer table.
A delicacy called mukozuke came in a black lacquer bowl, hassun on a bamboo tray, hashiarai in a brown Raku cup, konomono in a weathered earthen dish, yakimono on a gray Oribe platter tipped with green.
Hot tea waited on their little lacquer table, but their bags had disappeared.
She watched as he ritually wiped a thin, delicately curved bamboo scoop with a folded cloth, first touching the handle, then the uptilted end, after which he balanced it atop the lacquer tea caddy.
He must repeat his exploit, if possible, and once more gain access to the room which contained the lacquer coffin.
It was an extraordinarily ornate piece of lacquer work and probably of great value.
So from week to week he put off becoming an artist and one year (after a four-month love affair and two lacquer cabinets) he made a lecture tour in America.
While the sketch was being made, a small piece of the gilded lacquer fell from the chest of the recumbent idol.
Upon the cement a smooth layer of lacquer has been deposited, and then the whole coated with gold-leaf.
They are covered with black lacquer and look as though they were made of ebony.
As they have no gold urns in which to store these relics, they keep them in common thick glass tumblers of foreign manufacture, over which they place a pagoda-like covering made of red lacquer and gilded by some native artisan.
Its golden color is often heightened by means of lacquer of some sort, or by use of acids.
The juice of the poison sumac also forms a lacquer similar to that of Japan.
Characteristic are the paper mulberry, the vegetable-wax tree, the camphor and lacquer trees.
Indeed, the carpenters employed by the tea-masters form a distinct and highly honoured class among artisans, their work being no less delicate than that of the makers of lacquer cabinets.
One of the greatest schools of painting owes its origin to the tea-master Honnami-Koyetsu, famed also as a lacquer artist and potter.
In painting and lacquer it seems almost superfluous to mention the immense services they have rendered.
But I have just been reading the latest Imagist anthology, especially the Lacquer Prints by Amy Lowell, not ten years, but hardly ten minutes ago--and I cannot repeat one of them.
Small foreign lacquer trays were likewise to be seen, laden with diminutive painted tea-cups of antique ware.
Among the covered lacquer dishes on the little table set before each kneeling breakfaster, luncher or diner in Japan there is one which is empty.
On the other hand in the same districts lacquer trees were now seldom planted.
I saw one of the itinerant lacquer collectors, his hands wrapped in cotton, operating on a tree.
As lacquer is poisonous to the skin the wood calls for careful handling.
The farmers complained that they were cheated by the collectors of lacquer who come round to cut the trees.
Here as elsewhere the guest is served in treasured lacquer and porcelain.
At such a dinner the guests kneel on cushions ranged round the four walls of the room, and each man has a low lacquer table to himself, and a geisha to wait on him.
Then there is the Chinese lacquer furniture of the Chippendale period that we are using so much now.
The small black lacquer desks that are now being reproduced from old models would be excellent desks for drawing-rooms, because they not only offer service, as all furniture should, but are beautiful in themselves.
One of green and gold lacquer was made to be used on a plain green enameled dressing-table placed squarely in the recess of a great window.
The small candle shades, the shirred shade of the drop-light, and the cushion of the black lacquer chair are also of this blue.
A tall secretary of black and gold lacquer may cost six hundred dollars.
The black lacquer furniture was especially designed for the room.
The quaint triplicate mirror is of black lacquer decorated with Chinese figures in gold, and the little, three-cornered cabinet in the corner is also of black and gold.
I was so pleased with the aquarium and the Chinese lacquer bed for Wee Toi that I devised a birdcage to go with them, a square cage of gilt wires, with a black lacquer pointed canopy top, with little gilt bells at the pointed eaves.
The cage is fixed to a shallow lacquer tray, and is the nicest place you can imagine for a whistling bullfinch to live in.
There is a three-fold mirror of black and gold lacquer, and a Chinese cabinet of the same lacquer in the corner.
Wee Toi, my little Chinese dog, has a little house all his own, an old Chinese lacquer box with a canopy top and little gold bells.
At the doorstep of one house are mother and daughter, busy sewing up cloth, their red lacquer box of sewing materials between them.