She had transported the aristocratic spirit, and the genre précieux, good breeding and good taste, even into cookery.
In out of the way corners everywhere one can find genre pictures like those of Tenier, brilliantly coloured groups suggestive of Rubens, scenes of bucolic feasting in imitation of Jordaens.
A tapestry of a different genre is one belonging to the Confrerie de la Ste.
Of the same genre is the work of Adrian Brauwer, whose early death prevented him from leaving so great a legacy to posterity.
No names are given with the figures in the other scene; a kind of genre picture is presented.
Fountains were adorned also with genre groups and animal forms.
The genre paintings are of special importance on account of the light they shed on the life and customs of the ancients.
This kind of genrepicture is not uncommon; the type is spoken of elsewhere (p.
The cheap and spiteful genreof satire, its forged morality, its sham indignation, its appeal to the ape-like passions, has gone out.
The Idylls may probably be best considered in their final shape: they are not an epic, but a series of heroic idyllia of the same genre as the heroic idyllia of Theocritus.
It is a slight tale of a few hundred pages, in the genre style, a picture of the old régime before the French invasion of 1808 broke down the Chinese wall of the Pyrenees.
In fact, it must of necessity exert a certain influence in every unsymmetrical picture, and so its percentage, even for genre pictures, is large.
We can, therefore, understand how it is that in the genre pictures it appears very numerous.
Still more unsymmetrical in their framework than portraits, in fact the most unfettered type of all, are the genre pictures.
As little as the conformity of the fruit to its species has to do with our pleasure in eating it, just so little has the conformity of a literary work to its genre to do with the quality by virtue of which it is defined as art.
It was at this time also that the ukiyoe (genre picture) may be said to have won popular favour.
This is why the sacred and classical pictures of Rembrandt, Vermeer of Delft, and the other leading Dutch artists, appear to be below their portrait and genre work in power.
It is in his genre work that the broad manner is mostly observable, and only very occasionally is it to be found in his portraits.
In genrepictures a doorway may act as the inner frame, but this is only of material value if the picture be of considerable size.
The balance includes over thirty genre pictures, mostly with single figures, and fifty heads of boys and girls generally shown in the act of laughing.
On les persecute, on les tue, Sauf, apres un long examen, A leur dresser une statue Pour la gloire du genre humain.
His revolt was against story-telling, against the genre pictures, which adulterated painting with the skill of the novel writer.