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Example sentences for "tenor"

Lexicographically close words:
tennis; tenoit; tenon; tenoned; tenons; tenore; tenorem; tenors; tenotomy; tenour
  1. This letter was not exactly of the tenor Maxwell had bargained for, inasmuch as the object of it was to request the immediate presence of his father and Henry at Bellevue, which promised soon to be the theatre of war.

  2. But though Whitman's letters printed in this correspondence will not compare with Mrs. Gilchrist's in point of number, enough are presented to suggest the tenor of them all.

  3. If he be a tenor di grazia, lovely woman will sigh for him; if a tenor robusto, lovely woman will die for him, or wish that Heaven had made her such a man.

  4. The amateur tenor enjoys the same advantages as the operatic tenor, on a small scale.

  5. The tenor is the nightingale; he is the crow.

  6. The tenor lives in clover, chin deep, and never gets stung by the bees.

  7. The tenor is the beloved of women, but for him no serenade, no face in the lattice shaming the moon with its brightness and beauty.

  8. The small lyre was like the tenor viola di braccio and was called the lyra di braccio.

  9. In this the two men are represented always by the tenor and the bass, the latter having the chief burden of the delineation of the satyr.

  10. It may be noted, however, in passing that the Italian word "violino" was used as late as 1597 to designate the tenor viol.

  11. It might be thought that the tenor of the preceding chapter was in some sort adverse to my repeated statement that all great art is the expression of man's delight in God's work, not in his own.

  12. Though there be no actual pardon of sins, till they be committed, and repented of, according to the tenor of the gospel, Matt.

  13. And this was done according to the tenor of the covenant of redemption, wherein the Father "caused all our sins to meet together on him," Isa.

  14. By thy acting faith, when still thou art carrying sin in its lusts to Christ to kill and subdue, as believing the tenor of the gospel and new covenant.

  15. Christ as the way in all things, according to the tenor of the gospel.

  16. The whole tenor of the amendments was one continued instance of the grossest bigotry, and the most material passages were turned with all the Jesuitical prevarication imaginable.

  17. But these papers had been penned by Protestants; and who could answer that there might not be still ground sufficient from the tenor of them to insist on everything necessary for the security of that religion?

  18. And the voice of the tenor rose above that many-toned, protean, orchestrated poem with warm persuasion, wailing into inconsolable laments.

  19. Many men of the aristocracy worshiped her, making a fashionable cult of her beauty; and more than one famous tenor had sung for her, alone in the intimacy of her bedroom, his favorite racconto.

  20. When I opened his eyes, he threw his fiddle behind the stove, and took to the Tenor and Viol d'Amour, and a very good job he made of them.

  21. For Salvator played and sang like a master, and Antonio had a lovely tenor voice, and was almost an Odoardo Ceccarelli.

  22. But from this moment on the tenor of David's life was boisterous and broken.

  23. With malice toward none, with charity for all," even as had that great American of two centuries later, Bradford could keep the even tenor of his way in the midst of obstacles and discouragements.

  24. Such was the tenor of his thoughts whilst he advanced to the climbing-pole, around which was assembled a crowd of boys.

  25. It calmly pursued the even tenor of its way.

  26. The whole tenor of my life and conversation gives the lie to those calumnies, and proves me to be a friend to order, truth and justice.

  27. From the general tenor of the letter, it would appear that the sermon was placed in Hume's hands that the author might have the advantage of his suggestions in preparing a second edition for the press.

  28. But I derive a new argument against the antiquity of these poems, from the general tenor of the narrative.

  29. When I first began doing baritone Dudley was singing all the tenor solos, had a peach of a voice, but he never did anything with it afterwards.

  30. Ida was in the parlor, and longed to go out to him, for she guessed the tenor of his thoughts, but doubted the propriety of intruding upon them.

  31. I was interrupted to read a communication which has changed--not the tenor of this alone, but the current of all my anticipations.

  32. His whole time and energies were fully employed, and often heavily taxed, in devising and carrying out schemes of mercy and benevolence, and his life presented one uniform tenor of consistent piety.

  33. Then came the famous song of Amina, the happy village-bride about to be married on the morrow to her lover--the tenor of course.

  34. The whole tenor of his smaller compositions contradicts this opinion, which, however, they have been cited to confirm.

  35. This last act of our lives seldom belies the former tenor of them for stupidity, caprice, and unmeaning spite.

  36. Perhaps he had dealt too cruel a blow at the disillusioned owner of the pretty little tenor voice in which he could not take very much pride.

  37. In Paris, when their presences coincide, he continues to consort with Bakkus, whose exquisite little tenor voice still affords him a means of livelihood.

  38. The Dowager for a moment gave him an angry look; but tossed it off with her head and her fan, and pursued the tenor of her way in her former manner.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tenor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accompaniment; aim; alto; azimuth; baritone; bass; basso; bearing; bent; brand; bravura; canary; canto; cantor; carbon; cast; character; characteristic; choral; coloratura; coloring; complexion; composition; connotation; consequence; constitution; contralto; course; current; descant; diathesis; direction; disposition; diva; dramatic; drift; drone; effect; essence; ethos; extension; falsetto; fashion; fiber; force; form; frame; genius; gist; grain; guise; habit; heading; heroic; high; hue; humor; hymnal; idea; ilk; impact; implication; import; inclination; key; kind; lay; lie; line; liturgic; liturgical; lyrical; mainstream; makeup; manner; meaning; mode; mold; motion; mould; moulder; mouldy; movement; nature; navigation; note; operatic; orientation; overtone; part; pertinence; physique; pith; point; property; purport; quality; quarter; range; recording; reference; relation; relevance; rubbing; run; sacred; scope; sense; shape; significance; signification; singer; singing; songster; soprano; sort; spirit; stamp; steering; strain; streak; stream; stripe; style; substance; sum; swing; system; temper; temperament; tendency; tenor; thread; tone; tracing; track; transcript; transcription; transfer; treble; trend; turn; type; undercurrent; undertone; value; vein; vocal; vocalist; voice; warbler; way