The cyanophoric glucosides, thepigment glucosides, the mustard oil glucosides, and the saponins, for example, can hardly be assumed to have the same definite relationships to the metabolism and growth of the plant.
On this account, purified solutions of this pigment are very difficult to secure, and no satisfactory analysis to indicate its composition has yet been obtained.
The sugars which are united to these nuclei vary greatly, so that there are a great variety of yellow, white, or colorless flavone or xanthone pigment compounds.
Again, it appears that there is some definite connection between pigment content and respiration.
You will understand these 'hands' are not carved, but painted with some pigment that has withstood the weather for some hundreds of years.
Under these drawings was the following inscription, translated into Spanish from some ancient language: "These hands are not carved upon the rocks, but are painted with a pigment that withstands the elements, and yieldeth not to time.
The pigment spreads and disappears little by little and then the visual elements fade out.
In these conditions the sarcoplasm acts phagocytically with regard to the myoplasm, just as the chromophag becomes the phagocyte of the pigment of the hair, or the neuronophag devours the nerve-cell.
The result is a strong, intense effect produced by the greater body of pigment held by such portions of the lines as are cut deeply, and the comparatively grey appearance of the shallower parts.
To intensify their effect, the designs were filled in with a black pigment known as Niello, L.
They are wont to roast this mineral, and from the better part they make metal; from the poorer part they make a pigment of a kind not to be despised.
A red ochery pigment was in some instances used in finishing the lip and the base of the body, and occasionally the red pigment was applied as a base, a kind of sketch foundation for the decoration proper.
Color was not employed in the production of designs, but a dark Indian red pigment was daubed over that part of the surface not occupied by incised ornament.
The interspaces were then roughly gone over with the same pigment in such a way as to leave the figures inclosed within rather uneven black borders.
The body and the legs have been decorated with geometric patterns in a whitish pigment that can be scraped off like indurated clay.
The actual patterns, so varied and interesting, were worked out in a pigment or fluid now totally lost, but which has left traces of its former existence through its effect upon the ground colors.
The decoration consists of life forms and their conventional representatives in relief and of carelessly executed geometric designs, the pigment used being a bright, sienna-like red.
One group of vases, of which we have but four pieces, is characterized by the use of a whitishpigment in decoration.
His body was stained crimson, his face painted blue and besmeared with some glistering pigment which to the greedy eyes of the English seemed to be silver ore.
But on the James, as on the Hudson, the glisteringpigment with which the Indians besmeared their faces on occasions of display was believed to contain gold, and the places of its procurement were sought with ludicrous secrecy.
Oriental shrub of the loosestrife family, with fragrant white flowers: a pigment made from the shrub for dyeing the nails and hair.
MELAN[=U]'RIA, the presence of a darkpigment in the urine.
To express this in paint requires an appropriate treatment in the manipulation of the pigment itself.
Let me know at your leisure whether it means permanent under certain conditions, and, if so, what; or merely in a general way that the pigment stands, but only pretty well.
The mixture I use up to the end (except when I now and then use the pigment alone), and letting the turps.
The first scale row, adjacent corners of the ventrals, and lower half of the second scale row are suffused with dark pigment and appear dusky, but this area is often marked with black, setting off the paler area of the lateral stripe.
At Hirado the ceramists affected a lighter and more delicate tone than that of the Chinese, and, in order to obtain it, subjected the choice pigment of the Middle Kingdom to refining processes of great severity.
The ceramist finds no difficulty in applying a uniform coat of pigment to porcelain biscuit, and covering the whole with a diaphanous glaze.
It is this, that whereas the latter produce their chromatic effects by mixing the colouring matter with the glaze, Seifu paints the biscuit with a pigment over which he runs a translucid colourless glaze.
The cells of the epidermis are provided with large oval nuclei, and there is a deposit of pigment in the outer ends of the cells.
Deposit of pigment in outer ends of epidermis cells.
Partial albinism is rare; perfect albinism, characterized by absence of black pigment in the eye, rarer still.
After ignition it becomes almost insoluble in acids, and on fusion with silicates it colours them green; consequently it is used as a pigment for colouring glass and china.
By the fusion of potassium bichromate with boric acid, and extraction of the melt with water, a residue is left which possesses a fine green colour, and is used as a pigment under the name of Guignet's green.
The secondary growths are deeply pigmented, being usually of a coal-black colour, and melanin pigment may be present in the urine.
Melanin pigment is formed in relation to the cells and stroma of certain epithelial tumours, giving rise to melanotic cancer, one of the most malignant of all new growths.
Minute bodies that are not capable of being absorbed, such as particles of carbon, or of pigment used in tattooing, are taken up by the phagocytes, and in course of time removed.
In some cases there is sickness, and there may be bloodpigment in the urine.
The amount ofpigment varies: when small in amount the growth is brown, when abundant it is a deep black.
The colour varies from brown to black, according to the amount of melanin pigment present.
The glands act as filters, arresting not only inert substances, such as blood pigment circulating in the lymph, but also living elements, such as cancer cells or bacteria.
The colored pigment will at once commence to ooze out of the edges, and after a little time the paper originally holding the carbon film may be removed with the hand.
The reason why this positive must be reversed will become clear when the nature of the manipulations in the pigment printing process, which involves the turning of the film, are considered.
A dry aquatint ground is laid on a metal plate, and over this is mounted a gelatine negative film, made by the pigment printing process.
Slabs of white glass are coated literally by the yard with dense brown pigment through which the light rarely shines.
Solid pigment as local colour is a thing to indulge in only with extreme moderation.
A much easier plan is to add to the pigment a quantity of borax, or other substance which will make it flow easily in the kiln.
The pigment is not used as colour, but for drawing and shading only.
Only one pigmentis used, and that not by way of colour, but to paint out the light and define form.
He uses often a warmer brown pigment for flesh painting, and by-and-by resorts to a quite reddish tint by way of local colour; he uses large pieces of glass when he can, and glazes his backgrounds and other large surfaces in rectangular panes.
The ordinary brown pigment spoken of all along is itself enamel, although it has been thought better not to speak of it by that name for fear of confusion.
We are accustomed to think of a painter as using pigment always in some liquid form, and applying it to wood or plaster, canvas or paper, with a brush.
It has found very extensive use as a pigment for wall paper, artificial flowers, etc.
A black pigment used in copperplate printing, prepared by burning vine twigs, the lees of wine, etc.
A brown, nitrogenouspigment contained in the retinal epithelium; a variety of melanin.
Is that tub of white pigment essential to the proper equipment of the metal house?
The supply of the official pigment is quite exhausted, and it has been found necessary to fall back upon the white paint that was found in the dwelling recently fallen from the top of the crater.
Mounted on a pile of packing cases, he was engaged in painting a large steel cube, taking his pigment from an open cask with a whitewash brush.
The telescope and the tub of white pigment have both been replaced, and you will, I think, find all your goods and chattels intact.
I further found that certain granules only occurred in particular cells, for which they were characteristic, as pigment is for pigment cells, and glycogen for cartilage cells (Neumann) and so forth.