From this result the ethical consequence may be drawn, that there is no good ground for taking the lower, the less developed, method of selection as our guide in preference to the higher and more developed.
Although cannel-coal sells at nearly double the price of Newcastle coal, I use it in preference to the latter, because it affords a larger portion of gas, and gives a much more brilliant light.
My preference to the latter tends to exterminate the species of the former.
It is most kind of an eager politician," the Professor answered, with a grateful smile, "to show such preference for the bygone world.
Instead of expressing his preference for sixteen of the subjects proposed for his study, he has stated very briefly, that his father declines to pay for what he calls extras.
He might certainly well be puzzled, in respect to his father-in-law and Mrs. Verver, by her glance at their possible preferencefor a concentrated evening.
Much more does this hold, when the distinction between intellectual culture and intellectual life is made, and the preference due to the latter apprehended.
So much the preference of contrivance to labor overmaster the mastering desire to become rich.
In the winter season curlews show a great preferencefor this inland water.
England has, from the beginning, blundered most wretchedly, for want of consulting the human heart, inpreference to musty parchments; and the equally useless books on the law of nations.
It seems that the government of the United States give a preference to those who had enlisted in the public service over such as were in privateers.
On mature consideration, I must give the preference to the Huron tract, as affording a greater facility for settlement, and this for three reasons.
I would certainly recommend frame in preference to log-buildings.
He spoke of another bottle of wine, but recommended in preference a glass of brandy which was really excellent.
You are a foolish lad, by the by, for purchasing the brute outright; you should stick to eighteenpence a side, if you will trust any creature's legs in preference to your own.
Yet, howsoever uninteresting this piebald jargon might seem, it was obviously Miss Wardour's purpose to give it her attention, in preference to yielding Captain M'Intyre an opportunity of renewing their private conversation.
It was certainly true before the war that Texas and Arkansas had some such understanding as to Indian Territory, for only southerners held office there and, from among the southerners, Texans and Arkansans received the preference always.
It was at this juncture that the Cherokees as a nation expressed their preference for the South and for the southern cause, moved thereto, however, by the peculiarities and the difficulties of their situation.
It is not for me to take any part in the controversy between the two portions of the Cherokee People, nor have I any interest that could lead me to side with one in preference to the other.
If you will take the trouble to visit the Agency, I will give you an exact description of the articles necessary to be purchased and will give you the preference as a contractor for furnishing the same.
But fish, which possess only the older path, can be trained to seize bait of one colour and not of another colour, even against what appeared to be an original colour-preference in them.
If a man has a preference for a certain variety, and is interested in it, let him plant that variety largely.
Those varieties which are not attacked should be given preference in propagating work.
Preference must be given to the earlier portion of the planting season, as the wounds on the roots will have had time to callous over, and the ground will be firmly packed about the roots by the winter rains.
Of these the sulphates are usually given the preference in fruit growing.
Hats made in Louisville always find the preference with western and southern purchasers over those made elsewhere.
In preference to York he chose the island Lindisfarne for his headquarters, but he spent much of his time with Oswald, helping him to set the practice and teaching of religion on a firmer footing.
He was conscious of a decidedpreference for the girl, and so he informed the noble knight Vargila, who had conducted Elisabeth from Presburg and who all along remained the staunch advocate of her interests.
In literature the version of the legend as told by Elisabeth was accepted in preference to earlier versions, and became popular not only in Germany, but also in England and France, especially in Normandy.
For unlike Hildegard, who was an ardent supporter of Pope Alexander, Elisabeth was favourably inclined towards his opponent Pope Victor--a preference which laid her open to calumny.
They suggest that it was probably for the interest of the royal family that its princesses should remain in the convent in preference to contracting matrimonial alliances which might involve their relatives in political difficulties.
For the past ten days a tennis tournament has been in progress, and many of the football-players have been trying for the prizes there in preference to practicing with the eleven on the school grounds.
What has weakened the Newton team more than the lack of old material, however, is the preference the candidates for positions on the eleven have been showing for tennis.
They are united with the most decided preference for certain opinions and the most earnest averseness to others.
So we were destined for each other almost from our cradles; and I was content it should be so, for Jules's handsome face and decided preference for me were agreeable to me, although I felt no great affection for him.
But I do not deny the possibility that such a marriage had been contemplated and advised by Warwick, though he neither sought to negotiate it, nor was wronged by Edward's preference of his fair subject.
The political preferenceof every man in every precinct of every ward is known.
The boatswain then chose to be with the people, and gave us the preference of the fore-room, where we desir'd to be by ourselves.
At the same time there seldom failed to be some one particular figure in favour, to which, whilst this preference lasted, all their adoration was addressed.
The discovery of the Indian's preference in the rendition of his songs upon the piano led to many experiments, in which Professor Fillmore took part, and that brought to light many interesting facts.
At vii 1 it shares with C the reading horas (=oras), which I have printed in preference to the usual undas.
In the note itself Heinsius indicates his preference for the conjecture Calesque, communicated to him by his friend Isaac Vossius.
There are similar variants involving the object of latere at Fast V 361: the accusative given by most manuscripts is generally read in preference to the dative.
I have printed nimbiferi in preference to nubiferi because Jupiter is linked with nimbi at two other passages.
So that all may benefit there are free scholarships, and I found that preference is given to competitors who come from districts, suitable for a special industry, where schools have not yet been established.
The preferenceis given to Australian wool not for any patriotic reasons, but simply because it is better.
For centuries, although he could have had any number of cattle and nobody would have objected, the Indian maintained a preferencefor horseflesh.
Zoe had gone heart-whole and with no especial preference for any young man, until the particular person came, the Man from Outside.
Indeed, when a man wanted to forget himself quickly he drank one of these cordials, in preference to the white whisky so commonly imbibed in the parishes.
Whether there was any sentiment in his preference or not, the preference was undoubtedly there.
A boy will do what he dislikes doing if he recognises that the doing is expected of him; a man studies in preference his inclination.
It is little short of criminal to study the picturesque inpreference to the well-being of the rising generation.