Not only did Saul freely adopt the name of Paul, but Silas felt noscruple in being called by the name Sylvanus, though that was the name of a heathen deity.
Upon the death of Richelieu, Mazarin did not scruple to avow that the great Armand's sceptre had been a tyrant's sceptre and of bronze.
Nor does the King scruple to admit that, to secure so good-natured a partner, it is well worth the trouble of going to fetch her from the other end of the world.
Pauli does not scruple to give him this title in his admirable monograph, “Simon von Montfort Graf von Leicester, der Schöpfer des Hauses der Gemeinen.
She did not scruple to enlist the services of Japan against her white enemies, but this act of treachery will be revenged upon herself.
There is the best of evidence (General Beyers's own statement) for the belief that he himself did not scruple to work on General de la Rey's mind through his religious feelings.
Nor do I doubt that there were such reasons, which perhaps on account of some scruple they preferred not to mention;--for it is not an impious thing in itself to partake under both forms.
She did notscruple to display openly the hatred she had for me.
From the beginning to the end of their connection, the King's society was always irksome to her, and she did not scruple to say so to her own relations.
Madame de Maintenon did not scrupleto estrange the Dauphin from the Dauphine, and very piously to sell him first Rambure and afterwards La Force.
He, thinking it was intended for her, made no scruple of delivering it to her.
He had faith in all manner of predictions, but he did not scruple to burn, poison, lie and cheat.
Hutten, disillusioned and forsaken, died at an early age in 1523, and Erasmus did not scruple to publish the venomous pamphlet against his former friend after his demise.
If the power of the seed be extinguished by cold, take every morning two spoonfuls of cinnamon water, with one scruple of mithridate.
Let the patient take one scruple and a half of pilon in water before going to bed; make a fumigation for the womb of mastic, frankincense and burnt frogs, adding the hoof of a mule.
Or take two ounces of boiled honey, half a scruple of spurge, four grains of coloquint, two grains of hellebore and drachm of salt; make a suppository.
Take spicierum hier, a scruple each of rhubarb, agaric lozenges, and make into pills with iris juice.
Take one drachm of senna, a scruple of aniseed, myrobalan, half an ounce, with a sufficient quantity of barley water.
Take one scrupleof castor, half a drachm of wild carrot seed with syrup of mugwort, and make four pills, take them in the morning fasting, for three days following, before the usual time of purging.
Galen, from his own experience, recommends powdered agaric, of which he frequently gave one scruple in white wine.
Take two drachms of rhubarb, one of aniseed, and one scruple and a half of cinnamon; infuse them into six ounces of syrup of prunes, and add one ounce of strained manna, and take it in the morning as required.
Take two drachms of trochisks of agaric, infuse this in two ounces of oxymel in which dissolve one scruple and a half of electuary dissarum, and half an ounce of benedic laxit.
Nevertheless, the finder did not scruple to read it.
There would be no lack of money to hinder him; there would be no scruple as to the means.
As is well remarked by a writer in the Encyclopædia Britannica, they thought it wiser to cut off their beards than to run the risk of incensing a man who would make no scruple in cutting off their heads.
The courtesan, with the red cross upon her shoulders, plied her shameless trade with sensual pilgrims without scruple on either side; the lover of good cheer gave loose rein to his appetite, and drunkenness and debauchery flourished.
Fian also made no scruple in aiding and abetting murder, and would rid any person of an enemy by means of poison, who could pay him his fee for it.
Sentiment, in our young man, was not a scruple nor a source of weakness; but he thought it really touching, the little these good people knew of what they could do with their money.
These revelations cost him something, for the ornament of the merciless school, as it might have been called, found his predicament amusing and made no scruple of showing it.
She had no scruple about seeing just as much of her cousin's humour as his looks and manner could tell her, and she perceived that at the moment it was anything but a good or heroic one.
Nevertheless, the discussion grew warm, for Mr. Bellairs having vainly protested against a winter voyage for the Costellos, had his arguments all ready and in order, and had no scruple in bringing them to bear upon Maurice.
She made no scruple to ask my counsel in every pecuniary affair, to listen to my arguments, and decide conformably to what, after sufficient canvassings and discussions, should appear to be right.
I did not scruple to rouse them, and was received with affectionate and joyous greetings.
Epimenides did not scruple to preserve the mysterious reputation he obtained from this tale by fables equally audacious.
I scruple to give up for his honour and fame the petty advantages which marriage would give me?
He had no regard for manuscript, after a thorough investigation had convinced him that it was not good to eat, and made no scruple of breaking in on our most absorbed moments with an insistent demand for play.
The sins that neither would commit alone they reveled in withoutscruple when they were together.
He has apparently no misgivings as to the famous musical critic, and he has no scruple in assembling for us at his "literary soiree" a dozen distinguished-looking men and "twice as many women.
The lopping of a limb is a painful process, but above a gangrened wound experienced surgeons amputate without scruple or remorse.
He scarcely dwelt a moment on the bitter scorn with which his own great-uncle, whose natural heir he was, would calmly and deliberately curse this piece of childish folly, while he disinherited its perpetrator without scruple or remorse.
Ecclesiastics, bishops even, did not scruple to mingle in these transactions.
Women of the highest rank did not scruple to pay the most assiduous court to Law to obtain shares.
It was felt that this power itself with all its component parts must be destroyed without scruple or mercy, if an order of things in the State corresponding to the views of the hierarchical party was ever again to obtain a footing.
As she replied with a proclamation which sounded very offensive to themselves, they had no scruple in taking up arms.
Now the Emperor had no longer any scruplein letting him go.
His courts included all branches of the ecclesiastical and mixed jurisdiction, and the King had no scruple in arming him with all the powers of the crown which were necessary for the government of the Church.
On this the Parliament had no scruple in abrogating piece by piece the hierarchic-Romish order of things; it was nothing but a revocable right which they had hitherto borne with.
She felt no scruple in using the spiritual rights, which the constitution gave her, in favour of Catholicism.
We have plotters here who do not scruple to contrive against the life of his Lordship and his Lordship's brother the Chancellor.
I would arrest the ring-leaders upon a smaller scruple of proof than I would set a vagrant in the stocks.
It was imprudence in Clem to have run this risk, but the joke was so rich that she could not deny herself its enjoyment; she knew, moreover, that Jane was one of those imbecile persons who scruple about breaking a pledge.
As the flush of his humanitarian enthusiasm passed away, and he thought of his personal relations to Jane, a misgiving, a scruple began to make itself heard within him.
Scipio proceeding, asked him next, whom he looked upon as the third: on which Hannibal made no scruple to assign that rank to himself.
The experience of all ages shows, that states seldom scruple to commit injustice, when they think it will conduce to their advantage.
I make no scruple in appropriating to my use the riches of my brethren; and, in what I have already said upon the Olympic games, have made very free with the late Abbé Massieu’s remarks upon the Odes of Pindar.
To prevent this misfortune, they sent home such of their soldiers as were come to the army since the forementioned oath had been taken, and made noscruple of prostituting their wives to their embraces.
Now I scruple not to affirm that a well-informed, and faithful student of the Scriptures would covet no better portion for himself than liberty to accept, in the most public manner possible, such a challenge as the foregoing.