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Example sentences for "whit"

Lexicographically close words:
whistle; whistled; whistles; whistling; whistlings; whitch; white; whitebait; whitecaps; whited
  1. So he turned away, went on chewing a straw, and seemed not a whit more moved with admiration than he had been at the sight of my thistle.

  2. During the middle ages the Friday market and fair in Whit week, granted by the first charter, were centres for the sale of yarn and cloth called "Dunsters," made in the town.

  3. She doth but lack shells: The devil have they whit else.

  4. I neither will judge thee best nor worst; For be ye blest or be ye curst, Ye know it is no whit my sleight To be a judge in matters of weight.

  5. It were no whit your honesty To have us twain jet after ye.

  6. If ye honour this relic devoutly, Although ye thirst no whit the less, Yet shall ye drink the more, doubtless: After which drinking ye shall be as meet To stand on your head as on your feet.

  7. Every whit as costly, and almost as pretty, both of them.

  8. Neither was I a whit wrong in my judgment of the things which it grieved me that he did and allowed.

  9. The latter, of course, and from causes and under circumstances not one whit surprising when the key is once supplied.

  10. I am armed, not a whit afraid, and I will see it out, if human enterprise can effect it.

  11. Whit wey did ye no' tell me ye were here?

  12. Eh, Marget, but jist see whit a man oor Jack is!

  13. Come quick an' see whit I hae to show ye!

  14. And what a relief that it was pantomime; so leaving her no whit behind anyone in comprehension; but the equal of all the world, as far as this story was concerned.

  15. They saw men with dark faces, no whit better than they--better!

  16. An echo of the dead man's last cry came from many a living one, as muskets were gripped tighter in the resolve to be no whit behind.

  17. That thousand on the road was hungering to be no whit behind the others, and with a wild cheer the stormers made for the gate.

  18. Let no one imagine that our military draft has been one whit too great.

  19. Even if I shrieked for help, who would hear me save desperadoes, in all probability every whit as ready as my companion to kill me.

  20. Presently a voice, every whit as lovely as the face, said: "So you are Jack's chum?

  21. As for Maurice Levy, he was no whit less unhappy.

  22. And only have opening and windows towards the garden; and be level upon the floor, no whit sunken under ground, to avoid all dampishness.

  23. Let the state be answered some small matter for the license, and the rest left to the lender; for if the abatement be but small, it will no whit discourage the lender.

  24. Fairs, Whit Tuesday, and last Thursday in October, for cattle.

  25. Fairs, Whit Monday, June 29, and October 2, for horses and pedlary.

  26. Your leading abolitionists are as much affected by satanophany as your leading confederates, nor are they one whit more philosophical or less sophistical.

  27. Nor are property-owners a whit more likely to vote for the public good than are those who own no property but their own labor.

  28. On Whit Sunday, Helen rose early, bathed the little fellow, who was twelve weeks old that day, and dressed him.

  29. On Tuesday before Whit Sunday the party set out, escorted by Count Ulric, and several other knights and nobles.

  30. This simple potentate "was no whit better apparelled than any of the rest, only excepted, that he had a certain thing made of the skins of hedgehogs, like a red wreath, and that was instead of his crown.

  31. But yet his horse was not a whit Inclined to tarry there; For why?

  32. She realized to the full all the depth of love Gordon possessed for his father, an affection which was not one whit the less for the fact that to all intents and purposes his object was the highway robbery of that parent.

  33. Worst of all, as the outcome of Hazel's campaign there were no signs that matters were one whit advanced towards the successful completion of their project, and the days had already grown into weeks.

  34. On the 21st, being Whit Sunday, the weather proved fine, with a breeze from the northward, we again weighed anchor and proceeded on our voyage.

  35. Not a whit more impossible than to make me old!

  36. She was a little stouter, perhaps, than she had been five years before, but not a whit less hale or good-looking.

  37. Your name and no more," des Ageaux answered, smiling and not a whit disturbed.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    white background; white below; white beneath; white buffalo; white cedar; white cloth; white cravat; white crystalline; white face; white flour; white goat; white granite; white hand; white horses; white light; white muslin; white palfrey; white people; white pine; white sand; white slave; white smoke; white steed; white stock; white sugar; white swan