In eastern woods the butternut is known by its long, pointed nuts, with deeply and raggedly sculptured shells, in fuzzy, clammy, sticky husks that stain the hands of him who attempts to get at the oily meat before the husks are dry.
This dark stain was an important dye in the time when homespun cotton cloth was worn by men and boys.
Men might die, horses might die, but they must enter upon holy soil next week, with no Sabbath-breaking stain upon them.
These edifices were all built of the whitest Pentelic marble, but have a pinkish stain upon them now.
Those good old times are gone when a murderer could wipe the stain from his name and soothe his troubles to sleep simply by getting out his bricks and mortar and building an addition to a church.
How can he stain this immaculate garment with the filth of selfish desires, or exchange this everlasting honor for infamy?
Sir Percival's honor was declared vindicated, as his having made a target of himself for Moore's shooting was considered to totally erase all stain put upon his personal character by the vigorous slap he had received from the poet.
The next sun's ray Soon melted away Every trace on the path where the false Lord came; But there's a light above Which alone can remove That stain upon the snow of fair Eveleen's fame.
A thin, crimsonstain stealing gently along the floor; a horrible crimson stain!
Mattie, you may be sure that Doris does not want to stain her fingers with the fruit.
The crimson stain crept onward until it touched his feet.
Strangle this temptation that threatens to stain your soul.
I ask you now, Phil, what would have become of you if I had left that stain upon his name and upon yours?
What followed will for ever be a stain on the annals of New France and a warning to all who employ the help of such ruffians as the Indians had already proved themselves to be.
Behind them they left many a dark stainon what had been a beautifully white carpet, stains which the falling flakes did their utmost to cover, as if they were ashamed of this handiwork.
It was for her sake he had made the struggle, and now it seemed unthinkable that she should renounce him because he came to her with the dust and stain of it upon him.
Wyllard's credit is a precious thing to you; sooner than anything should cast a stain on it you would beg a favour from--me.
His face showed grey in the feeble light, save where a broad red stain had spread across it.
I knew his portrait must have been removed because he was considered to be living in dishonor--a stain to the house, who was perhaps the most chivalrous of the whole race; but this I could not tell Sigmund.
At the foot of the staircase was a stain larger than the rest, and upon the lowest step a splash hideous to behold.
Our second garden, happily, being prepared with more regard to the demands of the climate, was a success, and wiped out the stain of our first failure.
There was no speck or stain on the broad yellow sash and his undimmed courage was contagious.
Shepard was taken completely by surprise and he sank back under the water, leaving a blood stain on its surface.
Cecchino, as if possessed with a devil, impatient of delay, his passions becoming more cruel in the thought of bloodshed, could hardly wait, so anxious was he to stain his hands with her blood.
The body being entirely free, could not transmit the stain to His soul.
Now a stain is not removed save by grace which is the spiritual beauty of the soul.
Although the stain of guilt be taken away by contrition and confession nevertheless the bodily defilement is not taken away, nor the mental distraction which follows therefrom.
The stain of sin is, indeed, blotted out by grace, by which the sinner's heart is turned to God: whereas the debt of punishment is entirely removed by the satisfaction that man offers to God.
Consequently it is in no way possible for the stain of past sins and the debt of punishment incurred thereby, to return, as caused by those acts.
These words of Augustine should be understood thus: "So great is thestain of that sin, that man is unable to humble himself in prayer," i.
But the washing of Baptism has indeed a certain likeness with the cleansing from the stain of sin, but none, seemingly, with the remission of the debt of punishment.
If the soul of the Blessed Virgin had never incurred the stain of original sin, this would be derogatory to the dignity of Christ, by reason of His being the universal Saviour of all.
But the minister required for a sacrament is one who is without the stain of sin, according to Lev.
It was full-moon; therefore the stain was not only visible, but as red as the blood which flowed from his wounds.
Like my brother's and mine, that stain was there, of a blood-red hue.
The specimen is partially saturated with fat, and bears an ocher stain attesting use in the preparation of face-paint.
Thank God, there is no one here, either to part us, or to see the Duke of Gueldres stain his blade with the blood of a low citizen!
Were I one of the citizens of Ghent, they should never stain the market-place in such a way while I had a voice to raise against it.
Let us not risk our rights and privileges, and stain a just and noble cause, by any act of violence.
We bought a can of dark-oak stain and gave the floor a coat and this improved matters so much that we stained the wood visible on the door frame and about the window.
The powdered leaves furnish a red coloring matter used in the East to stain the nails and fingers, the manes of horses, etc.
A speck or stain made by the excrement of a fly; hence, any insignificant dot.
Gypsies are said to staintheir skin with its juice.
Moses is described as an almost perfect character; Jesus as wholly free from the least spot or stain of sin.
Only this- Let each man do his best; and here draw I A sword whose temper I intend to stain With the best blood that I can meet withal In the adventure of this perilous day.
So satisfactory did this style of window prove that it persisted longer than almost any other type of glazing, and we must remember it is the discovery of yellow stain that we have to thank for making this result possible.
Note the brassy tone of the early golden stain used in the architecture.
He remarks that the yellow stain there used to tint the hair of one of the personages is the earliest instance he ever found of the use of that new colour.
As yellow stain was not known at the time of glazing the first east window, it is absent from the early glass, although it is plentifully used in the heads, &c.
The discovery of yellow stain did away with the laborious need for leading in the yellow bits to simulate stonework, so the limit as to size of the canopy was removed, and at once they began to increase in dimensions.
Without the use of yellow stain all this would have been difficult, if not impossible, for without the little touches of gold livening the grey stonework these canopies would have been dull and unconvincing.
Baumgarten denounced this intolerance, and declared that unless repudiated by the union it would be a most serious stain upon its reputation.