CO)2O, a molecule of water being split off between two carboxyl groups.
If, however, a second molecule of a zinc alkyl be allowed to react, a compound is formed which gives a tertiary alcohol when decomposed with water.
Their experiments, although not conclusive, appear to indicate that the molecule of a metal when in dilute solution often consists of one atom.
In the cases of aluminium dissolved in tin and of mercury or bismuth in lead, it is at least probable that the molecules in solution are Al2, Hg2 and Bi2 respectively, while tin in lead appears to form a molecule of the type Sn4.
If the nitrogen atom in the quaternary ammonium salts be in combination with four different groups, then the molecule is asymmetrical, and the salt can be resolved into optically active enantiamorphous isomerides.
They are solid crystalline compounds (formamide excepted) which are at first soluble in water, the solubility, however, decreasing as the carbon content of the molecule increases.
Only so much lime is used that an acid manganite is formed corresponding to one molecule of calcium oxide to two of manganous oxide.
Some oils, indeed, do consist of olein, almond oil being a type, others contain a glyceride of an acid which is distinguished from oleic acid by containing onemolecule less hydrogen, called linoleic acid.
Two molecules of the monohydrochloride and one molecule of the dihydrochloride form a mixture which melts at about 20°.
We cannot be good to an atom of hydrogen, or unjust to a molecule of water.
Neither the eye nor the brain sees, they are mere collections of molecules of matter, and how can a molecule see anything?
We can remember now what happened to us ten years ago, though our bodies now do not contain a single atom or molecule which they did then.
Lardner, who would not go into the solar system at all--the first molecule settled the question.
When I said that to change one molecule in the past you'd have to change every molecule in the past, and you said, 'Maybe so.
A molecule is the smallest particle of a substance that can exist alone.
The computed diameter of the molecule is only one and a half millionths of a millimeter.
The molecule is the unit of the physicist, the atom that of the chemist.
If the H molecule is composed of 2 atoms, what is the weight of its atom in fractions of a crith?
Now a liter of each gas has the same number of molecules, therefore the O molecule weighs 16 times the H molecule.
The volume of the H atom and that of the half-molecule of H2O, or of any gas are identical, each being represented by one square.
The molecule of an element usually contains two atoms; that of a compound may have two, or it may have hundreds.
The physicist finds the properties of masses of matter and resolves them into molecules, the chemist breaks up the molecule and from its atoms builds up other compounds.
The half-molecules of two gases have, of course, the same relation to each other, and in elements the half-molecule is usually the atom.
Therefore two atoms of H combine with one of S to form a molecule whose symbol is H2S.
Its molecule is 03, while that of ordinary oxygen is 02.
PbO contains onemolecule of oxygen, SiO{2} contains two.
In the case of a conductor, the electric particles so displaced would pass from molecule to molecule against a frictional resistance, and thus dissipate the energy of the disturbance, so that true (i.
It was, therefore, not improbable that profound hydrolytic changes should occur in the cellulose molecule when kept for prolonged periods as alkali-cellulose.
It is by no means improbable that in the original ester reaction there is a constitutional change in the cellulose molecule causing it to break down in part under the hydrolysing treatment with formation of acid products.
That the typical cotton cellulose breaks down finally under the action of sulphuric acid to dextrose cannot be held to prove the aldehydic position of the carbonyls in the unit groups of the actual cellulose molecule or aggregate.
A loss of 1H{2}O per molecule by internal condensation is therefore indicated.
The latter requires eight molecules of hydrogen sulphide per onemolecule tetranitrocellulose, but with precautions four molecules suffice.
Therefore, we cannot determine the relationship of a given product of decomposition to the parent molecule save by means of a quantitative mass-proportion.
Every organ in his body, every cell, every molecule seemed to cry out that sleep was needed.
They were implicit in the formation of the first molecule of protoplasm that came into existence on this planet.
The pattern which you may, or may not follow, was laid down in the first molecule of protoplasm which appeared on this planet, as the Law of Growth.
Let it be required, for example, to determine the volume of gas evolved by 1 gram-molecule of nitro-glycerine.
A hypothesis doubtfully attributed to Maxwell is that each additional atom in the molecule is equivalent to two extra degrees of freedom.
For a rigid moleculeon this theory the smallest value possible would be 4/3.
In this manner, the B part of the last molecule of the chain was seized by the A of the last molecule but one, and the A part of the last moleculeliberated at the surface of the cathode.
Clausius extended to electrolysis the chemical ideas which looked on the opposite parts of the molecule as always changing partners independently of any electric force, and regarded the function of the current as merely directive.
Thus, if the molecule of a substance in solution is represented by AB, Grotthus considered a chain of AB molecules to exist from one electrode to the other.
In other cases, such as that of litmus, both the ion and the undissociated molecule are coloured, but in different ways.
Corresponding with this result we find that the freezing point of dilute solutions indicates that two pressure-producing particles per molecule are present.
As we have seen, Grotthus imagined that it was the electric forces which sheared the ions past each other and loosened the chemical bonds holding the opposite parts of each dissolved molecule together.
Clerk Maxwell had already used in 1873 the phrase, "a molecule of electricity.
The foreign protein is changed by splitting its molecule into its simplest parts and then recombining them in the desired form.
When luciferin is oxidized it must be converted into some substance or substances and I believe this change involves no fundamental destruction of the luciferin molecule as it is a reversible process.
When Cypridina luciferin is oxidized, no fundamental splitting of the molecule occurs, because the product, oxyluciferin, can be readily reduced to luciferin again.
As the oxidation product, oxyluciferin, can be readily reconverted into luciferin again, we can not consider luciferin unstable in the sense that its molecule is actually destroyed as is the case when luciferase is boiled.
In the latter reaction it is assumed that the isodiazohydroxide first formed is immediately attacked by a second molecule of the amine.
There are no vegetables, all things are animal; each electron is an animal, each molecule is a collection of animals, and each has an appointed duty to perform and a soul to be saved.
I should be gradually wasting away, atom by atom, molecule by molecule, as the years went on, and at last I should be all distributed, and nothing left of what had once been Me.
Recollection was also considered an attribute of each molecule of the brain; and Bonnet endeavoured to count how many hundred ideas each molecule was capable of holding during a long life.
In the former case, in which single union exists, the two parts of the molecule represented by the two tetrahedrons can be supposed to be capable of revolving around an axis either in the same direction or in opposite directions.
The tendency will be for those parts of the molecule which have the greatest specific affinity for one another to take those positions in which they are nearest to one another.
The limemolecule is composed of one atom of calcium and one of oxygen.
The symbol is NaCl, which means that a molecule of salt is composed of one atom of sodium and one of chlorine.
Life and death are both in the air we breathe, and perpetually succeed each other by the exchange of gaseous molecules; the molecule of oxygen which this old oak exhales will fly away to the lungs of a child in its cradle.
Some molecule now incorporated in our organism escapes from it by expiration, perspiration, etc.
Does not the soul which animates us endure by the same right as eachmolecule of oxygen or nitrogen or iron?
A single lobe, a single cell, a single molecule which does not change, does not and could not exist in the whole mass of encephalic matter.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "molecule" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.