But the nonjuring clergymen who were able to obtain even a pittance by officiating at such places were very few.
One half only of thispittance was ever given him in money; and that half was often in arrear.
On specified days in the week they gather to the agency, where Mr. Cook's servant doles out to each his small pittance of meat and flour furnished by the government.
Farm hands worked for from six to seven shillings per week; and with this small pittance had to furnish their families with all the necessities and comforts of life, if they had them.
Or, he dies; and the poor creatures are thrown upon the charity of strangers, or on the miserable pittance wrung from the poor-rates.
When my wife asked for a reference she evaded the inquiry by paying a week's rent in advance; and this pittance was taken from a purse containing a very slender stock of money.
No hope cheers their monotonous career; a life of constant labour brings them no other prospect than that when their strength is exhausted they must crave as suppliant mendicants a pittance from parish relief.
As it was, I lived ungazed at and unmolested, hardly thanked for the pittance of food and clothes which I gave; so much does suffering blunt even the coarsest sensations of men.
She procured plain work; she plaited straw; and by various means contrived to earn a pittance scarcely sufficient to support life.
The Portuguese criminals were given a pittance by the government, to purchase food, but the foreigners had to beg from the spectators for the means to support life.
They had been granted a miserable pittance out of their own property in the way of a pension, but even that was often not forthcoming.
The wandering Arabs, who have traversed the barren desert of Sahara, subsisting on the scanty pittance of milk from the half-famished camel that carried them, have seen two hundred years roll round without a day of sickness.
They have nothing in common with those modern beggars for fame who extort a pittance from the compassion of the inexperienced by exposing the nakedness and sores of their minds.
The Pope pronounced the separation of the count from his wife, and she returned to her father's house on a pittance of £200 a year.
Why, leave me linger out my minute here, Since close on death comes judgment and comes doom, Not crib at dawn its pittance from a sheep Destined ere dewfall to be butcher's-meat!
Yes, from out your plenty Peter craves a pittance --Leave to thaw his frozen hands before the fire whereat you 're basking!
How they lounge aloof Each with his Triad, three plays to my one, Not counting the contemptuous fourth, the frank Concession to mere mortal levity, Satyric pittance tossed our beggar-world!
The rent of his house fell due with the miserable pittance allowed him by the church; but the hard thing was not that he had to pay nearly the whole of the latter to meet the former, but that he must first take it.
The pittance of the widow and the orphan and the incomes of helpless beneficiaries of all kinds would be disastrously reduced.
We might have had a perpetual revenue of sixteen millions, instead of the pittance now received at the Treasury.
On the 27th of December the certified unemployed drew their diminished pittance for the last time.
But, poor fellows, they must do something for the little pittance they get from their employers.
Yet, if common report is true, not a beggar in London can purchase his wretched pittance of coal, without paying towards the civil list of the Duke of Richmond.
The salary of the inferior officers of the revenue has stood at the petty pittance of less than fifty pounds a year for upwards of one hundred years.
In the business of Lenborough you may be active, but I can only be passive to convey a fair Estate, and to receive a miserable pittance of three thousand and some pounds.
Fitzjames[256] was living in Germany upon quinze sous par jour, & saving out of that pittance to send something to her sons in the Army.
The merestpittance I assure you, the merest pittance!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pittance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.