There can be little doubt that every nation evolves a type of beer most suited to its climate and the temperament of the people, and in this respect the modern American beer is no exception.
Would not Goethe be as good a type of the air temperament as Shakespeare?
The water temperament conduces to industry and perseverance.
More or less lovers of knowledge they must be; but remember that temperament does not affect the quality of the soul itself, it is only more or less of a hindrance.
Lorraine's sensitive temperament read it quickly, and she decided, for his sake, to hasten her departure.
But the fancy of a youth of my temperament is not fettered; and I confess that as I held the little delicate glove in my hand, and inhaled its faint perfume, my heart began to beat very unreasonably.
His temperament was made up of surprises, and this quality of unexpectedness inspired in his mother a devotion that was almost tragic in its intensity.
I'd never eat if I could help it," rejoined Miss Danton, with the abhorrence of the aesthetic temperament for material details.
I am well aware that ascribing sensibility of heart with coldness of temperament to the same person, I shall generally, and with great appearance of reason, be accused of a contradiction.
Let not women read this with an ill-natured smile; with the temperament she possessed, this necessity was not equivocal, it was only that of the heart.
He suggested one on very good terms with himself--a being of passionate temperament and material mind.
The lady seems to have given cause for a certain amount of scandal, for her Latin temperament and lively ways did not commend themselves to the rather austere and religious circle in which her husband and his relations moved.
Polly's grace and her ardent, unconventional temperament made it easy to understand why the attention should be focused upon her during this single scene.
With a much quieter and more amiable temperament than her twin, yet nearly eighteen years of intimate living with her had given her a pretty clear comprehension of her sister's character.
His sanguine temperament was not long to be depressed; if checked in one direction it broke forth in another.
But his poetical temperament is discernible throughout all his writings and in all his actions.
The answer was to be found in the peculiartemperament of the races, in their religious faith, and in the habit of patience that centuries had fortified.
Or rather, we did not know how the religious temperament of the negroes had checked the demoralization.
The change to a more genial climate and clearer skies has not been altogether without effect upon the temperament of the colonists.
As I stated before, the absence of burning political questions, and the peculiar temperament of the colonists, has led to a reputation for respectability being the chief recommendation for a seat in the House.
Also he guessed that Olga's fierce temperament was the outcome of her African blood.
This would account for the fierce temperament of the latter.
Do not you think that the light-hearted temperament of our southern neighbors, and the fineness of the climate, which permits them to enjoy themselves more in the open air, has something to do with it?
My first visits have generally been failures, and I have more than once been told that my own temperament is most unfavourable to the success of a seance.
Never of very equable temperament and holding all women in lofty scorn, he chafed against all parleyings with his wife, now that the goal of his ambition was so close at hand.
An exile from France, a prince who hides his identity and his person in a remote Kentish village, and a girl with a highly imaginative temperament like Lady Sue!
And both these all-pervading facts combined to force him against his will into this anomalous position of gentlemanly gambler, which suited neither his temperament nor his principles.
Sue's character; perhaps, too, it was that same romantic temperament which gave such peculiar charm to her personality.
And she, womanlike, with that strange, impulsive temperament of hers, was not at all sorry that she had hurt him.
Her own girlish dreams had vanished, but her temperament was far too romantic and too poetic not to recreate illusions, even when the old ones had been so ruthlessly shattered.
Like other great writers he made original contributions from his individualtemperament and from his particular environment and experience.
Similarly, most of the lyrics addressed to Clarinda in Edinburgh are marked by the sentimentalism and affectation of an affair that engaged only one side, and that among the least pleasing, of the many-sided temperament of the poet.
He recognized in Robert traces of extraordinary gifts, but he did not hide from him the fact that his son's temperament gave him anxiety for his future.
The following group of love songs illustrate the various phases of histemperament which we have been discussing.
The note of animal spirits which we observed in his early letters is sounded much less frequently as time goes on; although the extraordinary robustness and exuberance of his temperamentplays richly into his books.
The extent to which these instructions were carried out depended, of course, very largely on the temperament of the local mandarins.
It was a peculiarity of her temperament that when she read some pathetic story it was not at the tragic passages that her tears came.
Each was a man of affairs, an active, practical man, with a temperament of almost phenomenal vigor and a prodigious quantity of life to expend.
For Minola was of that temperament to which resolve of any kind soon brings the excitement of high spirits, and she sang now out of sheer courage and purpose.
The temperamentof this presented spectator, himself or herself a person of the scene, is always reflected in the entertainment when the letter-writer is a sensitive artist.
Besides, his temperament was mercurial, and never remained long under the bondage of a severe thought, or an impressive tone of mind.
It was to Mr. Ensign's face however that Paula's eyes turned as the two came up, and he with the ready vivacity of his natural temperament observed it, and took courage.
He was the first man of a poetic temperament she had ever met.
The sooner we communicate with him the better, then," said Adeline, whose temperament was quick and impulsive.
To a boy of active temperament it was most irksome.
Perhaps it is a question, as you say, of temperament and race.
They were clever hands, and showed her temperament and showed also singular breeding for one born in the state of life from which she had come.
Her placidity was not so much the result of temperament as of choice.
He is interesting because he has become what he is now by means of the very temperament which often makes the noblest virtue.
They led him on as far as it was safe for them to go, and when the sweep of his more excitable temperament took him past the point of safety and decency, they stood by, and coolly wondered and lamented.
Graham had not been mistaken when he predicted to Millicent that she would grow more in sympathy with the race from which she drew her inheritance of character and temperament than at first seemed possible.
It was argued, in reply to this, that in a man of Horton's vigoroustemperament such wounds might easily be healed in as short time as had elapsed between the murder and the trial.
Her unquenchable vigor of temperament came to her help, and gave her a keen pleasure in her studies and in the work and thought of the people about her.