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Example sentences for "shingle"

Lexicographically close words:
shines; shinest; shineth; shiney; shing; shingled; shingles; shingling; shingly; shinin
  1. With a telescope I could descry many similar smaller glaciers, with huge accumulations of shingle at their terminations; but this great one was beautifully seen by the naked eye, and formed a very curious feature in the landscape.

  2. In 1749 Silas Pierson came from Long Island and took possession of what long was known as the old shingle house on the Pierson farm, a mile northeast of Hamptonburgh church.

  3. In 1765 Daniel Burt built the shingle house, now owned by Mrs. Sallie A.

  4. Then, I found myself seated on the shingle close to a man still young, of gentle and refined appearance, who was reading some verses.

  5. Almost any scrap of shingle or piece of wood upon which a little mast can be raised will sail, as the small boy well knows.

  6. Fasten each shingle with two shingle nails (one near each edge, within perhaps 1"), far enough up from the butt to be covered by the next row of shingles.

  7. For there were burning coals on its back, and the biggest boy stood by with a smoking shingle in his hand.

  8. This description of shingle weaving was given by Walter V.

  9. About this same time the Commercial Club made a pretense of investigating the shingle weavers' strike.

  10. Mike Luney, shingle weaver, told of a fear-crazed deputy running from the dock with a bullethole in his ear and crying out that one of the deputies had shot him.

  11. Brown, international president of the Shingle Weavers' Union, was refused permission to testify.

  12. Capitalism stood forth in all its hideous nakedness on that day of red madness, and public opinion was such that the striking shingle weavers had but to persistently press their point in order to win.

  13. Brown, president of the Shingle Weavers' Union, grudgingly gave a modicum of assistance under pressure from radicals in their respective organizations.

  14. In the spring of 1915 notice of a wage reduction was posted in the Everett shingle mills.

  15. No mention was made of local conditions as Rowan had just come from another part of the country and was unaware that a shingle weavers strike was in progress.

  16. Faith in agreements had gotten in its deadly work; the shingle weavers believed that the employers meant to keep their word.

  17. Logging, no less than shingle weaving, is a dangerous occupation.

  18. He detailed the story of the arrests, deportations and other similar actions against the striking shingle weavers and the I.

  19. All at once he heard a rattling of stones, and perceived a number of small pieces of shingle bounding in front of him down the grassy slope.

  20. It went along on the shingle at the foot of the cliff, and having dumped its contents on the beach the three Indian servants began to build a funeral pile, a little longer than it was wide.

  21. The shavings on top of the pyre were lighted and then the wood caught fire and a brilliant light illumined the cliff, the shingle and the foam of the waves as they broke on the beach.

  22. A crowd of people spent the day on the site of the funeral pile, looking for fragments of bone in the shingle that was still warm.

  23. A person following the rough trail from La Gloria to Mercedes might have seen on a tree at the left, shortly before reaching the latter place, a shingle bearing the inscription, "Change Cars for Mountain View.

  24. Faster and faster he ran, until he was almost out of sight; then turned with a whirl of shingle dust and came racing back.

  25. The narrow tires sunk slightly in the yielding shingle fragments.

  26. The distance widened between his two hands holding respectively the shingle and string.

  27. He it was who devised the plan of anchoring a shingle or other light piece of wood by a short string to the longest branch of the apple-tree that grew near her door.

  28. His fingers trifled with the shingle and string.

  29. It's for tying a wooden shingle to a long branch of the apple-tree near old Ma'am Baldwin's house, so that it would keep tapping on her door through the night.

  30. Those seeking fingers touched something else, a worm-eaten shingle blown from the old roof.

  31. With a low snarl at himself, he thrust the coil of string deep into his pocket, and flung the shingle as far as he could into the night.

  32. Take a piece of cardboard or an old shingle on which to draw a pattern for the end of the stem and make the outline with a lead-pencil by placing the shingle over the apex c of diagram E (Fig.

  33. It was on the third night after the sinking of the Nighean Donn that Mary walked alone, beyond the shingle beaches, and where the ledges of trap run darkly into deep water.

  34. From where he stood he could hear the murmur of the surge whispering all round the isle; the surge that, even on days of profound stillness, makes a murmurous rumour among the rocks and shingle of the island shores.

  35. It was a frame, weather-boarded shanty with a dilapidated shingle roof.

  36. There was the door with its rain-water barrel, there was the shingle roof.

  37. The murmur of the summer waves on the shingle of the beach and the voices of the summer idlers on the Parade floated through the open window, and filled the empty stillness of the room.

  38. Slowly and in silence the two walked on until they reached the southern limit of the houses, and entered on a little wilderness of shingle and withered grass--the desolate end of Aldborough, the lonely beginning of Slaughden.

  39. The crash of footsteps on the shingle caught his ear once more.

  40. He listened, and counted her footsteps by the crashing of them on the shingle in the deep stillness.

  41. We struggled up the bank of shingle over wet seaweed, and went round and shook hands with the elders.

  42. We met the returning boats, and Mr. Keytel came and sat down on the shingle and told us how the day had gone and what a kind captain they had met with.

  43. The origin of such conglomerates is explained by observing the shingle beaches composed of trap- pebbles in modern volcanoes, as at the base of Etna.

  44. These shingle banks are probably of marine origin, but they indicate the proximity of land, and the existence of a shore where the flints of the chalk were rolled into sand and pebbles, and spread over a wide space.

  45. Dan'l obeyed, and the light fell full not only on his face, but on the figure of a man that cowered down before it on the patch of shingle where the cave ended.

  46. Presently we heard the noise of rushing water, and gained the bank of a stream flowing with swiftness over a shingle bed.

  47. Outside there is a belt of shingle on which the surf breaks, but not violently, unless in bad weather.

  48. Captain Johnston now got a freight for the ship, and we hauled into the stream, abreast of the dock-gates, and took in shingle ballast.

  49. At night we would discharge our shingle ballast into the water, contrary to law; and, in the day, we took in cargo.

  50. The latter buried it in the shingle ballast.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shingle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.