We do not know as yet whether it is a moral microbe or a physical phylloxera.
The first part of the work was spent in a prolonged search for the specificmicrobe of rabies.
Zymoticine, if one may believe various medical publications, "will prevent microbe proliferation in the blood streams, and acts as an efficient eliminator of those germs and their toxins which are already present.
Twenty years ago the microbe was making a great stir in the land.
Radam's Microbe Killer filled the public prints with blazonry of its lethal virtues.
Where twenty years ago the microbe reveled in publicity, to-day we talk of germs and bacteria; consequently Liquozone exploits itself as a germicide and bactericide.
Again, we must remember that a great deal depends upon the condition of the microbe itself.
Thus the microbe producing lock-jaw or tetanus may be grown in broth, and the latter may be subsequently passed through a porcelain or a Berkefeld filter, so that the resulting liquid is entirely deprived of all germ life.
This alone would sufficiently explain the results obtained, whilst each variety of microbe may be, and doubtless is, differently affected during insolation.
The scientific results of this microbe fever have happily, however, been of a more solid and substantial character than can be said to have followed the more tangible but sordid ventures in South African mines.
Another microbe was discovered in bitter cream whose office apparently consisted in rendering milk strongly acid and extremely bitter.
But bacteria of the brewery and of the dairy are not the only useful germs which are to be found on the shelves of microbe museums.
Unfortunately the disease is far from cured, for the microbe has found its natural habitat in the inter-cellular structure of the genital mucus, from which it cannot readily be dislodged, and from which it may invade other tissues.
He used a monkey for his subject, infecting it with the microbe of sleeping sickness discovered by Colonel Bruce.
He also discovered that by passing the microbe of a disease through an animal not subject to that disease, he attenuated it so far as its effects on another were concerned.
He examined the saliva and the blood of the rabbits, and found in both a new microbe (a minute disk having two points).
What chance has this solitary microbe of spiritual and intellectual light against the swarming bacteria of animalism?
That the solitary microbe merely begins its struggle here.
The microbe that might have become glorious ounces of brain has been content to become merely a little wart of pulp which finds expression in skill and quickness and more of coveted leisure.
Every white corpuscle that swims in our veins is now declared to be the armed Knight of Life for ever on the look-out for the microbe Fiend of Death.
The evidence for the microbe may be conclusive, the evidence as to apparitions may be worthless; but in both cases it is a case of testimony, not of personal experience.
Why do we respect the opinions of any man or any microbe that ever lived?
The human conception of pity and morality must be entirely unknown to that Infinite God, as much unknown as the conceptions of a microbe to man, or at least as little regarded.
But for the despised microbe and the persecuted bacillus, who needed a home and nourishment, he would not have been created.
Besides, supposing the microbe to be found, if that were possible, the question would be changed, not solved.
For the problem of the collapse of the structure through the fact of a prick there would be substituted another no less obscure: how does the said microbe bring about that collapse?
After the microbehas been found and named his dangerousness remains unattenuated.
If you had ever seen that boy, you'd know that the word 'bore' would perish in his presence like a microbe in hot water.
Hurrah, the motor microbe is in his blood, and never, never will he get it out again.
The priests, to avoid the possibility of destroying insect life, use a brass strainer finely perforated, to cleanse their drinking water, in blissful ignorance of the microbe theory.
Then it was that the unleavened turpitude of that hostile microbe displayed the full measure of its malignity.
That meant that a failure had occurred; the wrong microbe had obtained possession of the mug.
I suspect that the interstices of this ancient silk string were the lurking-places of that delightful yeast microbe that gave the flavor to the bread.
It also applies to the structure of the microbe that crawls out of jail every four years just long enough to whip his wife, vote and go back again.
It was also evident that the characteristic microbe of a disease might be a symptom instead of a cause.
The same boundless credulity which the public exhibit as to a doctor's power of diagnosis was shown by the doctors themselves as to the analytic microbe hunters.
The independence movement that swept over the western world a century ago affected Panama profoundly, and the microbe of political freedom soon produced a well-developed case of revolution--and the revolution was a success.
Introduce a new plant or animal or microbe and all sorts of readjustments begin at once, and before a new balance is established almost anything may happen.
It is the center of spiritual infection and the microbe of moral weakness.
Somewhere in the depths of the countryside of the People's Republic of China, a naturally mutated submicroscopic microbe has the nerve to be aerodynamically transferred to the smoggy air of Taiwan.
The microbe thus propagates its species until the entire East Coast of the US has billions and trillions of identical microbes costing our fragile economy untold millions of dollars in sick pay.
So, the microbe copies itself and when Kimmy Chen shakes hands with his custom- ers, some of them are lucky enough to receive an exact duplicate, clone if you will, of his microbe.
Upon landing in Taipei, the microbe attaches itself to an impoverished octogenarian who lives in an overpopulated 1 room apartment over a fish store.
All varieties, varietal types, run out of their natural energy, so that it is simply a question of length of time before this family microbe or family group of this microbe will lose its energy.
Each microbe runs out of its energy just as a breed of horses or of strawberries runs out of its energy.
Klebs states that it is highly probable that both measles and scarlet fever are produced by {490} micrococci, and he has sketched the design and described the development of a microbe which he designates the Monas scarlatinosum.
It is evident that the discovery of this microbe under such circumstances does not prove that it is the cause of the disease.
The detection of the bacillus is not conclusive, as in tuberculosis and some forms of septicæmia there are similar organisms, agreeing with the microbe of glanders even in the matter of size.
The microbe of this malady, the Bacillus anthracis, occurs in the form of straight filaments with little movement or only with oscillation, and producing bright-shining spores.
He recalled a saying of Lacassagne's at the previous Congress, that the criminal is a microbe which only flourishes in a suitable soil.
Without doubt it is the environment which makes the criminal; but, like the cultivation medium, without the microbe it is powerless to germinate crime.
Yes," said Sabran, "that is why he has to invent a Slav microbe to explain her indifference.
But the Princess had lived too long in Russia not to catch the Slav microbe of indifference, and she was a woman who only lived by half-hours.
What a powerful thing the Slav microbe is; more powerful even than the Irish microbe.