More and more the contour map is replacing the earlier and less scientific methods of representing topography on the large scale sectional maps, and hence this type only need here be considered.
Combined surface and sectional views of a plunging syncline (after Willis).
Combined surface and sectional views of a plunging anticline (after Willis).
THE local historical work of the Northwest has been done in part under the auspices of various State and sectional historical societies.
The heartiness of the welcome accorded him seemed to mark the disappearance of the last vestige of sectional feeling that had survived the Civil War, in which McKinley had participated as a young man.
For specimens of large sectional area it is necessary to apply corrections in respect of the energy dissipated by eddy currents and in heating the secondary circuit.
This is equal to H^2 8[pi] per unit of sectional area.
New England also changed her attitude; and when the protective tariff bill of 1828 came up, its opponents and supporters were sharply divided by sectional lines.
East of the Alleghanies it may here and there have been taken as in some sort a triumph of the South over the North; but its sectional significance, as far as it had any, really came from its being a victory of the West over the East.
If since that time political parties and sectional localities have exchanged attitudes on this question, it cannot alter the question of right.
This was shown by the vote on the confirmation of the ministers, when the senators divided on party and not on sectional lines.
He did not like Buchanan, considering him weak and unsuitable, but the Republican party he believed to be entirely too sectional in character for him to give it his support.
The election did not have the slightest sectional significance, slavery not entering into it, and both Northern and Southern States voting without the least reference to the geographical belongings of the candidates.
A sectional view through the columella above and below a view of the superficial network.
Sectional view through the columella and capillitium of a portion of Comatricha longa, Peck.
Sectional view of the capillitium and stipe of Clastoderma De Baryanum, Blytt.
Sectional view through the capillitium and columella of a portion of Comatricha crypta, Schw.
Refer to the Eusebian tables, and note that the foremost of his sectionalparallels is as follows:-- St. Matt.
Peshitto version has a sectional number to itself[284] is far too weighty to be set aside on nothing better than suspicion.
The sectional system of Eusebius, I suspect, is not so much the cause as the consequence of the ancient and inveterate misapprehensions which prevailed in respect of the history of the Resurrection.
So are they also recognized by the Syriac sectional system (260/8), which is diverse from that of Eusebius and independent of it.
I name this fact simply to show you that I was not a sectional man in '28; that I did not go for a man because he was born and lived south of Mason and Dixon's line, nor against him because he resided north of Mason and Dixon's line.
Gentlemen, I am no Abolitionist; I applaud no sectional doctrines; I am a Southern man; and all my relatives and interests are thoroughly identified with the South and Southern institutions.
But old sectional jealousies, and especially the fear of the Southern planters that the Northerners would interfere with their "great domestic institution," negro slavery, were really at the bottom of the quarrel.
Perhaps Mr. Daniels has more light onsectional questions than had Patrick Henry or John Hay.
The guests at the Springs were about equally divided in their sectional sympathies.
But you see, sir, I am a candidate for United States Senator, andsectional feeling is likely to enter into the contest, and if it were known that my name was on your list of subscribers, it might endanger my election.
The exaggerated flattery of newspaper puffs, and the Little-Peddlingtonism of sectional cliques disgusted him.
They passed resolutions decidedly in favor of the Union, and against all anti-national and anti-sectional agitation.
Most of the designs in which sectional conductors are used can be placed much nearer to the surface of the street than the types illustrated in Figs.
Designs of this last type come under the head of electrically operated sectional conductor systems.
It can be readily seen that the shorter the conductor the easier it is to protect it, and this fact has given rise to the development of a great number of designs classified as sectional conductors.
Both of these may again be divided into exposed and inclosed conductors, and also into continuous and sectional conductors.
As soon as the car passes beyond a section of the sectional conductor, the connection between it and the continuous wire is broken automatically.
In some of the old canals the slopes have been cut away and vertical walls built to retain the towing-paths, with the result of adding materially to the sectional area of the waterway.
Under the pressure of the times there was a sectional conscience, and people did things which they did not wish to do, because they thought it was right.
Meanwhile, her grateful affection for the Union soldiers, officers and men, who served and shielded her, should lift this story to a place beyond the pale of sectional prejudice.
They were compared with specimens of solid iron, of the same quality and thickness as the riveted specimens, and also the same width minus the rivet holes, so as to have equal efficient sectional areas.
I assume the horse-power to be 1-1/4 sectional area, it makes the consumption =0.
The links were 24 feet long and 7 inches in depth, the thickness varying so as to give the requisitesectional area.
We hear much said of the folly and wickedness of stirring up and reviving the sectional animosity between the North and the South; and all patriotic men rejoice in burying past issues and inaugurating the era of a united nationalism.
What are the special advantages of sectionalfiling cabinets?
The city is first divided into sections, the commonly known sectional divisions being used--as North side, South side, etc.
For a grocery with a trade confined to its immediate neighborhood, the sectional divisions are not needed, but the goods should be sorted by routes.
Bins should be provided for the different sections of the city and if the business warrants, these sectional bins should be subdivided, the subdivisions representing routes.
Mr. Horner, in his narrative, mentions a narrow escape of Mr. Gwyn, while engaged in measuring the top of the dome for a sectional drawing he was making of the cathedral.
A large print of the Monument represents the statue of Charles placed, for comparative effect, beside a sectional view of the apex, as constructed.
There is nothing of a sectional character in this disposition of the South.
They were undisciplined and full of sectional jealousies, electing, for the most part, their own officers, who were too dependent upon their favor to enforce discipline.
All the great national issues pertaining to domestic legislation were in embryo, and no settled policy was possible amid so many sectional jealousies.
That spirit was not found along the Atlantic coast, whose inhabitants were embittered and blinded by party and sectional prejudices.
Yet in spite of all this, it does seem as if some Whig might have worked out the logic of the national idea with as much power and consistency as Calhoun worked out the logic of his sectional idea.
The Republican party was not entirely national, because it had originated partly in embitteredsectional feeling, but it proclaimed a national idea and a national policy.
It would prevent or curb all but the most serioussectional disputes, while at the same time it would provide a much stronger guarantee for internal political order and social stability.